Biology | | | | |
invasive species | n | 외래종 | plants or animals that come into an area and threaten to kill or drive out the local species | Rats were an invasive species that almost wiped out all the small native animals on the island. |
threaten | v | 위협하다 | to endanger | The principal threatened the students with a harsh punishment if they didn't behave. |
drive out~ | v phrase | ~을 추방하다 | to expell or force out | Violence in the city will drive out many good people. |
local species | n | 토종, 고유의 종 | a species that is native to a specific area | The local species of birds makes the island a bird-lovers paradise. |
in other words | adv phrase | 바꿔 말하면 | to say or describe something in another way | He said the movie was interesting. In other words, he didn't like it. |
not…but~ | | …가 아니라 ~인 | not one thing, but another | The flowers were not from a florist but from my garden. |
ecosystem | n | 생태계 | all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment | Urban areas are now trying to help save the ecosystems that were once so plentiful in cities. |
in many cases | adv phrase | 많은 경우에 | in several examples of a specific matter | Thieves cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year. In many cases, the victims make it easy for the thieves. |
landscape | v | (조경술로) 미화하다, 녹화(綠化)하다 | the appearance of an area of land, especially in the country | The snowy landscape looked like it belonged on a postcard. |
continent | n | 대륙 | one of seven main areas of land on the Earth, such as Asia, Africa, or Europe | There are seven continents on the Earth |
well-suited | adj | 적절한, 편리한 | a perfect fit for something, well matched | Camels are well-suited for living in the desert. |
overwhelm | v | 압도하다 | to have an affect on someone or something that is too much to handle | We were overwhelmed by our enemy. |
upset | v | 교란시키다 | to be disappointed about something or someone | Jane was upset when she heard her cat was ill. |
habitat | n | 서식지 | the natural environment of an animal or plant | The natural habitat for a bird is in a tree. |
Asian clams | n | 아시아 대합조개 | a species of freshwater clam that has been introduced to North America | Asian clams made their way to the US in about the 1920s. |
natural predator | n | 천적 | an animal that commonly feeds on another animal and thus controls its population size | Bats are a natural predator of mosquitos. |
reproduce | v | 번식하다 | to produce babies, young animals, or plants | Some animals reproduce a great number of offspring. |
as a result | adv phrase | 결과적으로 | as a consequence of something | He hurt his ankle. As a result, he can't play baseball. |
overtake | v | 압도하다 | to surpass or become more plentiful than another | The beach was eventually overtaken by the sea. |
take over | v phrase | 이어받다, 차지하다, 떠맡다 | to assume control of something from another person or thing | A new person will take over his role as manager. |
nutrient | n | 영양분 | any substance that an animal needs to eat and plants need from the soil in order to grow | Fruits and vegetables are filled with nutrients. |
consume | v | 먹다, 소비하다 | to eat | I've consumed too many calories today. |
plankton | n | 플랑크톤 | very small plants and animals in the sea that are eaten by fish | Many small fish feed on the plankton in the water. |
lacking | adj | 부족한 | not having enough | Kyle was found lacking in stamina. |
Archeology | | | | |
colonize | v | 식민지로서 개척하다 | to send people to live in and govern another country | England colonized the Eastern US. |
It is widely believed that~ | v phrase | ~으로 널리 인식되다 | to have an opinion that is held by many other people | For a long time, it was widely believed that the Earth was flat. |
support | v | 입증하다, 뒷받침하다 | to agree with an idea, group, or person | I support his idea with the new information I found. |
anthropological | adj | 인류학적인 | anything related to the scientific study of human development and society or different societies | Anthropological findings suggest that early man may have settled here. |
remain | v | 남아있다 | to continue to exist when everything or everyone else has gone | Pieces of bone will remain for a very long time. |
structure | n | 구조 | the way that parts of something are arranged or put together | The interior structure of the cathedral was a series of arches. |
cranial remains | n | 두개골 유해 | the existing parts of a skull | The archeologists examined the cranial remains from the burial site. |
fall into~ | v phrase | ~에 속하다, ~으로 분류되다 | to be labeled or put into a certain category | Her kind of music falls into the category of jazz. |
sinodonty | n | 사이노돈티(중국치아) | a particular pattern of teeth common among Native Americans and some peoples in Asia | The scientists were examining the sinodonty of the skulls found at the burial site. |
In addition | adv phrase | 또한, 게다가 | also; including something else | In addition to his raise, he gets a company car. |
archaeological | adj | 고고학적인 | something related to the study of ancient cultures by looking for and examining their buildings, tools, and other objects | The archaeological finds will stun the world! |
analyze | v | 분석하다 | to examine the details of something carefully | I spend my day analyzing date from various sources. |
marine life | n | 해양생물 | the organisms that are present in the water | The waters off New Caledonia are rich with marine life. |
readily available | a phrase | 손쉽게 이용 가능한 | something that can be acquired very easily due to its abundance | In today's world, electronic devices are readily available to anyone. |
have diets of~ | v phrase | ~음식물을 먹다,~을 식단으로 하다 | to commonly consume particular types of food | The Japanese have diets of fish and rice. |
have access to~ | v phrase | ~에게 접근할 수 있다 | to have convenient and unrestricted use of something | It is a shame that more people do not have access to quality health care. |
Botany | | | | |
companion planting | n | 동반심기 | a technique that uses the relationships between plants to allow them to grow more easily | My mother uses companion planting to help her plants grow more efficiently. |
physical interaction | n | 물리적 상호작용 | to encounter another thing by touch | Since he was often sick as a child, he had little physical interation with other people. |
apparent | adj | 명백한 | very apparent; without question | His guilt was apparent by the look on his face. |
physical trait | n | 물리적 특성 | a characteristic that can be seen | Juliet has gotten most of her physical traits from her mother. |
complement | v | 보완하다 | to enhance or make make better | This juice really complements the food. |
one another | adv phrase | 서로 | each other | Family memebers usually look out for one another |
lead to~ | v phrase | ~로 이끌다,~로 이어지다 | to prepare the way for | His hard work will lead to success in the future. |
nurse cropping | n | 보호작물심기 | when one plant is planted next to another to keep weeds out | Nurse cropping is a good way to keep unwanted weeds from destroying your crops. |
keep~ out | v phrase | ~을 못 들어오게 막다 | to prohibit; not allow | The screen on the window will keep mosquitos out of the house. |
oat | n | 귀리 | a grasslike cereal plant which is used in baking and cooking and also to feed animals | This cereal is made from oats. |
along with~ | | ~와 함께[같이] | in addition | Santa Claus is pictured usually along with reindeer. |
hay | n | 건초 | dried grass that is used as food for animals or as a covering material | We feed the horese hay. |
crowd out~ | v phrase | (만원이 되어) ~을 밀어내다 | to be so large as to not allow the entrance or sight of something or someone | The tall buildings were crowding out the rays of the sun. |
in this case | adv phrase | 이런 경우에는 | in a particular situation | John isn't coming, so in this case we can all go in one car. |
result in~ | v phrase | ~로 끝나다 | to be the outcome of | Her bad behavior resulted in her being punished by her dad. |
crop yield | n | 곡물수확량 | the amount of crops harvested | This year's crop yeild was much better than last year's. |
chemical interaction | n | 화학적 상호작용 | when the chemical traits of one plant are used to benefit other plants in the area | A method called chemical interaction is often used when companion planting. |
chemical trait | n | 화학적 특성 | a trait that helps to define what every chemical is made from and what it can do | A chemical trait of a legume is that it can take nitrogen out of the air and put it into the soil. |
legume | n | 콩과 식물 | a plant that has its seeds in a pod, such as the bean or pea | I often like to have legumes in my salad. |
nitrogen | n | 질소 | a gas with no color or taste which forms most of the Earth's atmosphere and is a part of all things which live | Some plants can take the nitrogen out of the air and use it to help them grow. |
African marigold | n | 아프리카 금잔화 | a species of plant native to the southwestern US and through South America which is used to control pests | African marigolds are not native of Africa. |
release | v | 방출하다 | to give off or emit something | A squid will release a dark ink against predators that will allow it to escape. |
keep~ away | v phrase | ~을 쫓아내다, 접근시키지 않다 | to hold someone or something at bay | A skunk lets out a terribly-smelling to keep predators away. |
pest | n | 해충 | an injurous or unwanted animal or plant | There are many pests living in the woods. |
serve to~ | v phrase | ~역할을 하다 | to do or fulfill some purpose | Reflectors serve to let cars see you at night. |