Sec | No. | Word | Part | Korean | Meaning in English |
BB | 1 | scan | v | 검토하다 | to look at something carefully |
| 2 | draft | n | 초안 | a piece of writing that is not yet in its final form |
| 3 | complete | v | 완성하다 | to finish |
| 4 | rewrite | v | 다시 쓰다 | to write something again in a different way |
| 5 | battle | n | 전투 | a fight between armed forces |
| 6 | injure | v | 상처를 입히다 | to hurt or cause physical harm |
| 7 | emperor | n | 황제 | a male ruler of an empire |
| 8 | throne | n | 왕좌 | the special chair used by a ruler |
| 9 | atmosphere | n | 대기 | the air |
| 10 | aerosol | n | 연무질 | liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas |
| 11 | creature | n | 생물 | a living thing |
| 12 | breathe | v | 호흡하다 | to draw air into the lungs and let it out |
| 13 | deadly | adj | 치명적인 | able to cause death |
| 14 | radiation | n | 방사, 복사 | the waves of energy sent out by sources of heat or light, or by radioactive material |
ES | 15 | semester | n | 학기 | a term at a school; half of a school year |
| 16 | recall | v | 회상하다, 기억하다 | to remember |
| 17 | attitude | n | 태도 | a way of thinking |
| 18 | mathematical ideas | n | 수학적 사고 | a study on the historical development of mathematical thinking |
| 19 | nervous | adj | 긴장한, 불안한 | worried; anxious |
| 20 | thoroughly | adv | 철저히 | completely |
| 21 | grade | n | 성적 | an academic mark; a score |
| 22 | physical geography | n | 자연 지리학 | the study of the natural features of the Earth's surface |
| 23 | climatology | n | 기상학 | the scientific study of the climate |
| 24 | astronomy | n | 천문학 | the scientific study of outer space |
| 25 | semester | n | 학기 | one of the two periods that make up a school year |
| 26 | hand out | v | 나누어 주다 | to give out; to distribute |
| 27 | participation | n | 참여 | the act of taking part in an activity or event |
EM | 28 | midterm exam | n | 중간고사 | a test taken in the middle of a semester |
| 29 | tutor | n | 개인 교사 | a private teacher |
| 30 | recommend | v | 추천하다 | to suggest |
| 31 | volunteer | n | 자원봉사자 | someone who does work without being paid for it |
| 32 | underprivileged | adj | 혜택을 받지 못하는 | deprived; disadvantaged |
| 33 | rebirth | n | 부활 | the act of being born again |
| 34 | influence | v | 영향을 미치다 | to affect, often in a good way |
| 35 | secular | adj | 세속적인 | relating to the world; not religious |
| 36 | mythology | n | 신화 | a collection of stories that are often about gods, heroes, and monsters |
| 37 | rediscover | v | 재발견하다 | to find again |
| 38 | climate | n | 기후 | the general weather condition in a certain place |
| 39 | global | adj | 전지구적인 | relating to all the world; worldwide |
| 40 | temperature | n | 온도 | the degree of heat or cold in a place |
| 41 | decade | n | 10년 | a period of ten years |
| 42 | environment | n | 환경 | the physical, chemical, and biological factors in an area |
PT | 43 | orientation | n | 오리엔테이션 | the act or process of preparing oneself or others for a new situation |
| 44 | borrow | v | 빌리다 | to obtain or receive something on loan |
| 45 | circulation desk | n | 대출대 | a library's main service point for lending and returning library materials |
| 46 | search | v | 검색하다 | to look through very carefully in order to find something |
| 47 | available | adj | 이용할 수 있는 | able to be bought or used |
| 48 | masterpiece | n | 걸작 | a work of art of the highest quality |
| 49 | background | n | 배경 | the part of a picture or scene that is towards the back |
| 50 | bomb | v | 폭격하다, 포격하다 | to attack or destroy with a bomb |
| 51 | massive | adj | 대량의 | having a very large amount of matter; big and heavy |
| 52 | shock | v | 충격을 주다, 놀라게 하다 | to surprise and upset somebody |
| 53 | predictive | adj | 전조가 되는 | indicating future events |
| 54 | symbolism | n | 상징주의 | the practice of expressing things, as in art or literature, by means of symbols |
| 55 | directly | adv | 직접적으로 | in a direct line or way |
| 56 | brutality | n | 잔인함 | violent and cruel behavior |
| 57 | outrage | n | 분노 | a feeling of anger and shock |
| 58 | monumental | adj | 기념비적인 | having enduring significance |
| 59 | international | adj | 국제적인 | connected with or involving two or more countries |
| 60 | scholar | n | 학자 | a person who studies a subject in great detail |