The title of this book is “Max’s Bug Salad.” Ruby and her grandma was pick a cherry grandma were picking cherries because they had to ready for grandma’s friend tea party prepare for Grandma’s tea party with her friends.
Max was playing with a ladybug. Ruby said she would make the gelatin salad. Grandma and Ruby also make made some scones. While they were making desserts, Max picked some flowers. He also found a special ingredient for the lemonade and strawberries. When Max was drinking the lemonade, he put some bugs in the salad. Fortunately, Grandma’s friends liked it.
I think Grandma and her friends are wise.
Score: B+
- 문법: "was pick a cherry" 대신 "were picking cherries"라고 해야 하고, "make" 대신 "made"라고 해야 자연스럽습니다.
- 내용 추가: "왜 할머니의 친구들이 벌레가 들어간 샐러드를 좋아했는지에 대한 이유를 추가해 보세요!"