#시와그림 #너무나아름다운사랑 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 #Happy_birthday How hard was it for you? Thanks for telling me. Thank you wholeheartedly for your hard work. How can a person’s heart be so beautiful? A helping hand saves lives. #채우다 #열매 #열매맺기 #참이쁘다 #돕는손길 #아름다운사랑 #생명샘
#시와그림 #너무나아름다운사랑 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 #Happy_birthday How hard was it for you? Thanks for telling me. Thank you wholeheartedly for your hard work. How can a person’s heart be so beautiful? A helping hand saves lives. #채우다 #열매 #열매맺기 #참이쁘다 #돕는손길 #아름다운사랑 #생명샘
#시와그림 #너무나아름다운사랑 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 #Happy_birthday How hard was it for you? Thanks for telling me. Thank you wholeheartedly for your hard work. How can a person’s heart be so beautiful? A helping hand saves lives. #채우다 #열매 #열매맺기 #참이쁘다 #돕는손길 #아름다운사랑 #생명샘
첫댓글 당연한게 아닌 힘쓰고 애써서이루어진 열매마다 모양은 다르지만 참 이쁘다사람의 마음이 이렇게 이쁠 수가 있구나돕는 손길이 생명을 살리는구나