1. 세계화된 미래를 준비하다: preparing ~ by learning to innovate and compete in high-tech
2. 제한된 동작 범위를 갖고 있다: have a ~
3. 최선을 다해 경쟁하는 것 같다: seem about ~ you can get
4. 그림으로 표현하다: drawing (them) ~
5. 그것들을 CAD라고 하는 프로그램으로 옮기다: ~ here called CAD
6. 과학 분야에서 전세계 다른 나라들에 뒤처지다: ~ the rest of the world in ~
7. 차터 스쿨 중에서 가장 경쟁력있는 학교 중의 하나: one of the ~ charter schools
8. 입학은 철저히 제비뽑기 방식이다: Admission is ~
9. 누구나 다닐 수 있다: anyone can ~
10. 이 학교의 기초는 경쟁이다: This school is ~
11. 전국 로봇 대회에 내보낼 이 半 사이보그: this semi-cyborg ~
12. 너프 농구공을 쏴서 바닥에서 9피트 떨어진 골대로 집어넣다: shoot Nerf basketballs ~ ~
13. 무엇이든 발명할 수 있으며 무엇이든 하면 된다는 정신을 어디에나 있다: The can-make, ~ extends ~
14. 탄자니아로 여행을 준비하다: ~ to Tanzania
15. 보도에 따르면 사자와 침팬지 고기가 밀매되고 있다: ~ lion and chimp meat is reportedly ~
16. HIV가 실제로 동물에게서 인간에게로 전이되었을지도 모른다: HIV may have actually ~
17. 과학 분야에서의 세계적인 격차를 좁히는데 기여하다: helping ~ in science
18. 고등학교 과학 부문 평가에서 비교적 잘사는 거의 모든 나라에 뒤처지다: The U.S. now ~ almost every country of ~ in high school science tests
19. 성적을 역전시키다: to ~
20. 충분히 제대로 훈련된 사람을 구하다: finding enough ~
21. 최고의 인재를 해외에서 수입하다: ~ from abroad
22. 우리의 저하되는 경쟁력 문제를 해결하다: ~ of our ~
23. 저하 현상이 계속되다: the ~ persisted
24. 수학과 과학을 공부해 능력을 갖추다: ~ with math and science
25. 계속해서 대학원 과정까지 가서 과학과 공학을 전공하다: ~ in science and engineering
1. 한국이 IMD가 발표하는 2008년 국가 경쟁력 순위에서 55개국 중31위를 기록해 태국에 밀렸다. 전년도에 비해 2계단 하락했다.
2. 정부는 사립특수학교의 신용 등급을 상향 조정해 이들 학교들이 민간 부문 자본을 이용해 교육 시설을 확보, 건설 개보수하거나 장기 임대할 수 있도록 지원할 계획이다.
The government plans to enhance credit for charter schools to asssit them in using private sector capital to acquire, construct, renovate, or lease academic facilities
3. 네덜란드에서 치의학 대학 과정에 입학할 때 추첨 방식을 사용하는 것은 꽤 유명하다. 추첨을 통해 결정하는 기본적인 이유는 정직성 때문이다.
The Dutch lottery for admission to the university studies of medicine and dentistry is rather famous. The basic reason for using lotteries to make decisions is honesty
4. 우리 모임에는 다른 참석자를 존중할 수 있고 사전에 검열을 통과하기만 하면 누구나 참석해도 좋다.
Anyone is welcome to attend our meeting providing they are respectful to others and cleared beforehand.
5. 항생제에 내성을 갖는 박테리아가 동물에게서 인간에게 전이될 수 있는 경로는 음식, 주변 환경 및 직장으로 압축될 수 있다.
Different routes by which antibiotic-resistant bacteria can move from animals to humans can be summarized as food, environment and the workplace
6. 중국에서는 호랑이나 다른 들짐승 고기들의 매매를 법적으로 금지하고 있지만 사실상 공공연히 팔리고 있다.
By law, tiger or other wild animals’ meat is contraband in
7. 과학이 없는 사회 혹은 사회가 없는 과학은 있을 수 없다. 필수불가결한 관계이다. 문제는 어떻게 과학과 사회간의 격차를 좁히는가이다.
There cannot be a society without science—or vice versa. They are integral. The question is how to close the gap between society and science.
8. 우리나라가 경쟁국들보다 FTA에서 뒤처지면 국제 교역에서 역차별을 피할 수 없고 무역 질서에서 왕따 신세를 면할 수 없게 된다.
9. 이 프로그램은 읽기 성적이 뒤처지는 학생들의 성적을 획기적으로 개선할 수 있도록 지원하는 것이 취지이다.
The program is designed to help struggling students turn around their reading skills
10. 미국은 엔지니어, 컴퓨터 도사 및 기타 고도로 훈련된 과학 분야의 인재들에 대한 수요를 충족할만큼 충분히 배출을 하지 못해서 큰기업이든 작은 기업이건 해외에서 인재를 수입해야 하는 실정이다.
PAUL SOLMAN: 나오는 연구 결과마다 미국 학생들이 과학 분야에서 여타 국가들에 뒤처지고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있지만 이 곳에서는 그런 일이 일어나고 있지 않다.
샌디에고에 위치한 High Tech고등학교는 전국 차터 학교들 중에서 가장 경쟁력있는 학교 중 하나로서 전교생이 대학에 진학하지만 누구나 다닐 수 있다. 입학은 철저하게 제비뽑기 방식으로 진행된다.
이 학교의 기초는 경쟁이며 전국로봇대회에 출전할 이 半 사이보그같이 무엇인가를 만들면서 (경쟁이) 진행된다. 이 로봇은 너프 농구공을 쏘아서 바닥에서 9피트 떨어진 농구 골대에 공을 넣도록 만들었다.
학생들이 중심이 된 과학 프로젝트들을 어디에서나 볼 수 있다: 그림자로 작동하는 LED 디스플레이, 명절용 전자 장식품. 무엇이든 만들 수 있고 무엇이든 하면 된다는 정신은 이 학교 어디에서나 볼 수 있다.
복도 이 쪽에는 공학반 학생들로 구성된 야생 고기 탐사대가 있다. 이 반에서는 DNA배열 작업을 하면서 탄자니아로의 여행을 준비하고 있다. 탄자니아에서는 사자고기와 침팬지 고기가 밀매되고 있는 것으로 보도되고 있다.
그렇게해서 HIV가 실제로 동물에게서 인간에게 격변 전이되었을지도 모릅니다. 누군가가 별 생각없이 원숭이를 먹었기 때문이죠.
PAUL SOLMAN: ‘하나님의 놀라우신 작품’이라고 생각할지도 모르겠지만 한편으로는 그 과정에서 다른 나라들과의 과학 부문의 격차를 좁혀나가는데 도움이 되고 있는 것이다. 미국은 고등학교 과학 시험에서 상대적으로 잘산다고 할 수 있는 거의 모든 나라, 캐나다, 일본, 호주, 독일 등에 뒤처져 있다. High Tech고등학교가 건립된 한 가지 이유는 그 (과학 부문)성적을 역전시키기 위해서이다.
샌디에고의 사업가인 Irwin Jacob는 미국의 과학 분야의 취약함이 그가 회장으로 있고 고공 행진을 거듭하고 있는 샌디에고의 컴퓨터 칩 전문 제조사인 퀄컴사의 성장을 목조르는 형국이라고 말한다.
DR. IRWIN JACOBS, Chairman, Qualcomm:
우리의 문제는 우리가 사람을 채용하려 해도 충분히 제대로 교육을 받은 사람, 교육이 충분히 되어 새로운 종류의 기술을 할 수 있는 그런 사람, 우리가 전문으로 하는 그런 종류의 기술을 할 수 있는 사람을 찾지 못한다는 것입니다.
PAUL SOLMAN: 제이콥스 회장이 해외에서 최고의 인재들을 수입하면 될 수도 있겠지만 그렇게 해도 우리의 저하되는 경쟁력 문제를 100% 해결하지는 못하고 만약 그런 경쟁력 저하가 지속된다면 퀄컴사와 미국은 어떻게 될 것인가.
DR. IRWIN JACOBS: 수 년 동안에 걸쳐서 우리가 우려해 온 것은 아주 소수의 학생들만이 중학교와 고등학교에서 수학과 과학 과목에 대해 스스로 준비를 하고 그 다음에는 계속 대학원 과정으로 가서 과학과 공학을 한다는 것이다.
3. High-tech School Prepares Students for Shifting Economy
Paul Solman reports on a high school in
PAUL SOLMAN, NewsHour Economics Correspondent: A high school class where kids are preparing for the global future by learning to innovate and compete in high-tech.
WES VETTER, Student: We're hoping to create this sort of like training device for people who want to participate in the events, so maybe something like tennis, where they have a limited range of motion.
PAUL SOLMAN: Wes Vetter and partner Andrew Fergin (ph) seem about as competitive as you can get, inventing new technology -- a device to teach special needs kids to swing a tennis racket -- for this year's Special Olympics.
WES VETTER: We're taking these three-point perspective drawings and we're drawing them out just to get an idea of that. And then we're going to transfer them onto this program here called CAD. So we're just practicing that right now.
PAUL SOLMAN: And that's computer-assisted design.
WES VETTER: Yes, computer-assisted design.
PAUL SOLMAN: For all the studies showing that American students are falling behind the rest of the world in science, it's not happening here.
At High Tech High in
This school is built on competition, making things, like this semi-cyborg for a national robot contest. It's supposed to shoot Nerf basketballs into a goal nine feet off the ground.
Student science projects are everywhere: a shadow-activated L.E.D. display, an electronic ornament for the holidays.
The can-make, can-do ethos extends near and far.
There's an African bushmeat expedition down the hall from engineering class that's sequencing DNA to prepare for a trip to
ZACHARY SHEFFER, Student: That's also how HIV may have actually transferred over from animals to humans is because someone just ate a monkey.
PAUL SOLMAN: God's work, you might say, while in the process helping close the global gap in science.
DR. IRWIN JACOBS, Chairman, Qualcomm: Our problem was that when we'd go to hire, we were just not finding enough properly trained individuals, trained so they could do new kinds of technology, and that's the kind that we specialize in.
PAUL SOLMAN: Jacobs could import top talent from abroad, but that didn't exactly address the problem of our decreasing competitiveness and what might happen to Qualcomm and
DR. IRWIN JACOBS: Well, over the years, we were very concerned about the fact that such a small percentage of students were really preparing themselves with math, science in the middle schools, in the high schools, and then going on for graduate work in the sciences and in engineering.
Providing practical experience
PAUL SOLMAN: So business leaders in
LARRY ROSENSTOCK, CEO, High Tech High: They said, "Why don't we grow our own? Why don't we grow our own from internally, from in our community, from in our metropolitan area? Why don't we grow our own future leaders who will be playing these types of roles as scientists and engineers?"
PAUL SOLMAN: Of course, we used to grow our own.
And, eventually, after the explosion of wealth, population, and public education, the advent of higher technology, from the automobile and airplane to the atom bomb and computer.
DR. IRWIN JACOBS: That's what we all want. It's not a question, can we have a larger gross national product than
How, in fact, do we interact in the world with these other countries so that we provide to them enough goods that we can buy back their goods? Those are critical. We have been falling behind. And part of the reason we're falling behind is because our educational system has been falling behind.
PAUL SOLMAN: One way to reverse the trend, then: get kids psyched about science by teaching the fun parts, the discovery.
LARRY ROSENSTOCK: So the beauty of getting kids to become interested in math and science and engineering is to have them behave like scientists, behave like mathematicians, behave like engineers, not prepare for bubble answer tests, which is not what those professionals do.
And the way that you create that type of environment, like a place like MIT or Rensselaer Polytech (ph) or Caltech or Olin now is kids make things and do things, challenging things, and then they're exemplary, which we look at, and they present them publicly.
And then the whole school as an organism sees and says, "That was a really good one." "That one wasn't so good." "Next cycle, mine is going to look like that one."
IDALIA MAYTORENA: Here we have the opportunity to be a part of what we do and not just -- as they were mentioning -- not just read off a textbook, actually get to be a part and do the hands-on part of the project, and not just read about it, like in other common high schools.
Engaging students in technology
PAUL SOLMAN: This is a liberal arts where you get stuff done through fun and games, which it turns out inspires kids to try anything, including science, as in the annual competition of FIRST, "For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology," started by entrepreneur Dean Kamen, who invented the Segway scooter.
Last year, says engineering teacher Dave Berggren...
DAVID BERGGREN, Teacher: This robot, its whole goal was to pick up tubes, actually, kind of like pool inner tubes, and place them on a big octagonal rack, and you basically got points by how many of your team got in a row, either horizontally or vertically.
Students design and build everything from transmissions to drive the robot to lifts and everything. So just on Tuesday we shipped our robot for this year's competition. We just finished our six-week build time, and so we've been frantically working for the last six weeks.
PAUL SOLMAN: They frantically work on projects where the rubber meets the road or sometimes even the marketplace.
Now at
EVAN MORIKAWA, Student: I made a new way to input text, if you will, into PDAs and cell phones.
PAUL SOLMAN: His product: an electronic glove to improve on the all-thumbs approach.
Can you tap out for me, as if you had the glove on, "Hello, Paul, this is Evan"?
EVAN MORIKAWA: To type an "h," you just push your middle finger, and "e" is your pointer, and "l" is your thumb.
PAUL SOLMAN: Oh, I see, so combinations of the fingers give you different letters.
EVAN MORIKAWA: That's right. And with five fingers, you can get 31 different letters. And I put a shift on the palm...
PAUL SOLMAN: You talk to a kid who's done something like this and you can't help thinking "genius." But, look, his teacher says, he started...
DARRELL MCCLENDON, Teacher: ... never having even programmed anything before, could not read an electrical schematic at all, had never done any of that before, but ended up learning it.
And a lot of what he learned -- and he actually learned from some of the other kids in the class that knew some of the bits and pieces of it, that knew how to start and knew how to read a schematic, understood what was happening with all the different components and stuff like that.
And Evan did what I believe every student should do: Evan just basically became a sponge.
Fostering entrepreneurship
PAUL SOLMAN: He also became an entrepreneur, perhaps the key role Americans have played in staying atop the global economy for the past century, and certainly the key to Irwin Jacobs' and Qualcomm's success, even now.
DR. IRWIN JACOBS: I often tell employees that they should continue to think about Qualcomm as a start-up, but a start-up with a very good cash flow.
And most people, in fact, are entrepreneurial when they have the right level of background and the right environment in which to work.
And so, again, it gets back to the appropriate education, the appropriate motivation when they went through school, some excitement in their academic days, and of course now when they get into industrial situations.
It's essential that we be able to find people with the appropriate training; that is, indeed, getting harder and harder to do.
PAUL SOLMAN: That's why Qualcomm had to rely more on more on talent from abroad, as Americans sagged in science, if not entrepreneurship. But they haven't sagged at High Tech High.
Only 38 percent of high school grads in
Thus, by stressing actual accomplishment, fostering cooperation and competition, teaching teamwork, Larry Rosenstock's experiment may be one way to prepare the next generation scientifically for the global economy.
But, he insists, it's not the only way.
LARRY ROSENSTOCK: When I was principal of a 350-year-old high school back east, a public high school of a community that has 100,000 people, I learned a very strong lesson.
There is not one solution for a community of 100,000 people. Ergo, there is not one solution for a state; ergo, there is not one solution for a country.
No, we need a quiver. That is what massive customization is about. That is what the future is about, and that's what globalization is about. We need a quiver of differentiated options for people. That's what we need. And this is one of them, and there are others.
PAUL SOLMAN: High Tech High itself, meanwhile, is expanding to more kids, other venues, earlier grades, and even other high schools, including one that now features a global focus: High Tech High International.