He’s One Step Ahead
Arlene Pellicane
Today’s Truth
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights /in every detail of their lives (Psalm 37:23, NLT).
Friend to Friend
I stared /at the pile of papers, unsure for the first time /about how
to complete them. It was the middle school registration packet /for my
oldest son Ethan. I wasn’t sure how to fill out a few blanks. It all
seemed so much more complicated /than elementary school.
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights /in every detail of their lives.
I had faith () this verse even applied /to middle schoolers.
Like in the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, I decided to “phone-a-friend” for help. Not just any friend…my middle school counselor friend.
You see, just a few months /before deciding on where Ethan would go
/to middle school, we joined a small group at church. There we made a
new friend //who just happened to be a counselor at Ethan’s new school.
Coincidence? I don’t think so. My friend told me exactly what to do
and even arranged for me to meet my son’s advisor.
As I left that
middle school office /fully assured, I was reminded once again that God
is always one step ahead.
He had orchestrated meeting my counselor
friend /just before we needed her!
When we enter a new phase and stage of life, we can be confident
that God goes before us. If you’re starting a new job /next week, God
knows exactly where your desk will be and which people you will need to
If you’re saying goodbye /to a friend or having trouble with a loved
one, God knows how to get you through the rough spots and bring you
*and (how to) bring you
He directs the steps of the godly. It’s up to God to
orchestrate your life. It’s up to you to be directed. It’s our job to
simply follow and trust, but that can be hard /when we want control and
I’ve seen the bumper sticker //that reads, “God is my co-pilot.”
Although I’m sure () the writer was well intentioned,
the slogan isn’t
Scriptural. God doesn’t want to be a co-pilot. He wants to be the
pilot. As long as you are navigating your life, God cannot direct you
to His best.
The first commandment in Exodus 20:2-3 is “I am the Lord your God,
who rescued you from the land of Egypt,
the place of your slavery. You
must not have any other god but me.”
We belong to God. He is the Lord and the sole director of our
lives. In the same way () He rescued the Israelites out of slavery, He
will rescue and redeem your life. Even if it seems like you’re
walking through a wilderness right now,
God is directing your every
step. He delights /in every detail of your life and will create a
beautiful story //that is worth telling. Keep trusting and walking.
Don’t worry - He’s one step ahead of you.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, thank You for leading my life and delighting in my way. I
don’t always know what to do, but I’m so glad //that You know. I trust
You to direct my every step and ask You to give me wisdom today. May I
rest /in the confidence //that You have everything under control.
In Jesus’ Name,