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카페 프로필 이미지
아름다운 5060
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카페 게시글
영어 회화방 악기의 어머니인 -Piano의 마술사 Giovanni Marradi 의 " And I Love You So " 와 " Try to remember " 매료되는 달콤하고, 아름다운 곡 ~
창조도전 추천 0 조회 382 15.03.11 09:50 댓글 24
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 15.03.11 10:27

    첫댓글 I have been very impressed to this above songs ,
    especially on " And I Love You So " and " Try to remember " ~
    , which would be very Sweet and Soft ~.

    The sickness as partiacular type of illness or disease would be caused by the Stress .
    Therefore , pls do it with the pleasant mood and mind , to avoid the disease ~

  • 15.03.11 10:36

    It was great to see you last sunday.
    As your above mentioned, too much stress is not good for our health.
    What do you usually do when you are under stress?

  • 작성자 15.03.11 10:48

    @해명처사 님, I was very happy to see you on last sunday and appreciate for your kindness ~
    In case of any stress , I used to call someone [ hopelly Girl friend ]
    ,take a walking on Suk-Chon lake near Chamsil Station,
    drink Makulli and the Stress would be fade away / gone ~
    When you would be under stress , Pls call me anytime so that I may attend you .

  • 15.03.11 11:53

    Meeting of the opposite sex with real friendship is helpful to solve the stress.
    (my experiment on a living creature~ㅎ)
    To solve the stress, i often sing a song, drink 막걸리 with the close friends.
    And i am lost in meditation for mind control .
    Also i walk the way with no any definite plan for a couple of hours.
    Ok! Let us call each other when are under stress.
    My phone no.will send to you at 카페쪽지

  • 작성자 15.03.12 06:03

    @해명처사 님, I have already sent my Mobile Phone number to you via Memo [ 쪽지 ] ~
    I am well prepared to spend the wonderful time, Altogether with the warm -hearted -Ladies ,
    if any stress ~

  • 15.03.11 10:47

    님의뒷배경은 대한민국같은데요~~~
    어찌이리영어를 잘쓰시나요 어떻게 영어 회화를 시작해야 합니까~

  • 작성자 15.03.11 10:53

    한강변입니다 ~
    ### 참고로, 우리의 영어교육정책과 방향은 처음부터 잘못되었습니다 .
    그래서, 가계에 엄청난 교육비부담을 가져왔습니다 .
    이제 영어학습은 듣기로 시작이 되어야 합니다 .
    듣기을 자주하면 영어가 완성되고, 듣기가 완성되면
    드라마, 영화, 뉴스등등이 귀에 들어오고, 자동적으로 영어을 정복합니다 .
    그러면, 엄청난 영어교육비 부담을 줄일 수가 있습니다 .
    듣기 연습 및 말하기 연습이 영어정복에 필수입니다 ~
    우리들 손녀/ 손자들에게 이렇게 영어을 시작합시다 ~~

  • 작성자 15.03.11 10:55

    Our English educational Policy and Direction have to be unfortunately concentrated on Grammar ,
    reading and writing , rather than listening and speaking.
    It would be wasting the money and also time ,
    Therefore, the heavy spending money burden on enjoying our life !
    In this regards, this policy and direction have to be fully and definetely changed .

  • 작성자 15.03.12 06:07

    중학교 1 학년이나 2 학년 영어책을 매일같이 [ 아침에 일어나서 한번, 아침식사 전에 한번,
    식사후에 한 번, 점심시간전에 한번, 후에 한번,
    저녁시간전에 한번, 저녁식사후에 한번, 잠자기 전에 한번 읽으면,
    그래서 1 과을 약 일주일간에 하고,
    제 2 과도 이렇게 하여 약 20 과만 하면

    훌륭한 영어가 됩니다 ~

    또 TV 에 아리랑TV [한국에 관한 뉴스및 대한민국의 모든일을 영어로 방송 ]
    가 듣기 연습에 도움이 됩니다 ~

  • 15.03.11 12:31

    @창조도전 감사합니다 그렇게 하고있는데 잘안되요~~
    머리가 나빠서 그러가요???ㅋ

  • 작성자 15.03.11 12:34

    @순수선화 Take a time ! 시간이 걸려요 ㅡ언어배우는데는 ㅡ

  • 15.03.11 11:40

    Thank you..
    Calm music and words before lunch..

  • 작성자 15.03.11 11:44

    Thank you for your comments ~
    Have a nice day !

  • 15.03.11 13:21

    The music sounds sweet in this time...
    So I think it'll be a happy byproduct that we'll all benefit.
    Always thank you...^^*

  • 작성자 15.03.11 16:51

    Thank you for your comments !

  • 15.03.11 15:34

    I well see your photograph. you are very handsome. hhh And the music good.
    paino sound is very soft sound. I like these feel. thank you !

  • 작성자 15.03.11 20:59

    I am shame of my picture , and I am not used for it .
    But I would like myself to be varified to all of this members
    who are sharing our opinions on this English Learning Room .
    This is my intention ! and also pls join on my intention !
    That means your beautiful picture would be soon right here posted !

  • 15.03.11 17:43

    Fantastic...! The piano music is very soft and sweet.
    Thank so much your effort. Appreciate of greatful sound.
    This music make me happy. thanks a lot again...
    Have a great time...!

  • 작성자 15.03.11 20:59

    With my pleasure , I would like to express my thanks for your comment !
    Have a nice evening .

  • 15.03.11 21:26

    Now I.m on the bus on my way to back home .^^ I .ve met friend this evening . We ate 순대국 with 소주 ^^ Its real time ㅋ

  • 작성자 15.03.11 21:57

    Today very strong wind as swaying the trees, it looks like a freezing cold ~
    But you would not feel cold , since of enjoying hard liquor as call to SoJu with your friend ~
    Have a nice night , with beautiful dream !

  • 15.03.11 21:28

    Today I have met very very special American family . I gona tell tomorrow ^^

  • 작성자 15.03.11 21:59

    Ok , expecting good story of the special American family , tomorrow ~

  • 15.03.11 22:00

    @창조도전 do not expect ㅋ
