And I love you so, the people ask me how
그리고 난 당신을 너무 사랑해요..사람들은 내가 어떻게..
How I live till now, I tell them I don't know
어떻게 지금까지 살았냐고 묻죠..전 모른다고 대답해요..
I guess they understand, how lonely life has been
그들이 이해한다 믿어요, 삶이란 얼마나 외로운가..
But life began again, the day you took my hand
하지만 내 삶은 다시 시작 되었죠, 당신이 내 손을 잡은 그날..
And yes, I know how lonely life can be
그리고 그래요, 난 삶이 얼마나 외로워질 수 있는지 알아요..
The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free
그림자가 날 따라오고 밤은 날 자유롭게 놓아주지 않죠..
But I don't let the evening get me down
하지만 난 오후가 날 우울하게 만들도록 두지 않을거에요..
Now that you're around me
지금 당신이 내 곁에 있으니까요..
And you love me too, your thoughts are just for me
그리고 당신도 나를 사랑해요..당신의 생각들은 나만을 위한거죠..
You set my spirit free, I'm happy that you do
당신은 내 영혼을 자유롭게 해요..당신이 그렇게 해주어 난 행복합니다..
The book of life is brief and once a page is read
삶의 책은 간결하고, 그 첫장이 읽혀졌을 뿐입니다.
All but love is dead that is my belief
사랑 말고 모든것은 죽었다고 난 믿어요..
And yes, I know how lovely life can be
그리고 그래요, 난 삶이란 얼마나 사랑스러울 수 있는지 압니다..
The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free
그림자가 날 따라오고 밤은 날 자유롭게 놓아주지 않죠..
But I don't let the evening bring me down
하지만 난 오후가 날 우울하게 만들도록 두지 않을거에요..
Now that you're around me
지금 당신이 내 곁에 있으니까요..
And I love you so, the people ask me how
그리고 당신을 너무사랑해요..사람들이 나에게 어떻게..
How I live till now, I tell them I don't know
어떻게 지금껏 살았는지 물어요..난 모른다고 대답하죠..
제가 대충 임의로 해석했지만 대충 뜻은 통해요..
직역하면 너무 뻣뻣해 지거든요..
# Try to remember #
Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh so mellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow
기억을 떠올려보세요, 9월의 그 날들을
삶은 여유롭고 너무나 달콤했었죠.
기억을 떠올려보세요, 9월의 그 날들을
초원은 푸르고 곡식은 여물어갔죠
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a young and callow fellow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow, follow
기억을 떠올려보세요, 9월의 그 날들을
그대는 젊고 풋풋했었죠.
기억을 떠올려보세요,떠오르거든
그대 기억을 따라가봐요.
Try to remember when life was so tender
When no one wept except the willow
Try to remember when life was so tender
When dreams were kept beside your pillow
Try to remember when life was so tender
When love was an ember about to billow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow, follow
기억을 떠올려보세요, 삶이 평탄했던 그 때를
버드나무 말고는 누구도 눈물짓지 않던 그 때를.
기억을 떠올려보세요, 삶이 평탄했던 그 때를
당신의 베개맡에 꿈을 간직했던 그 때를.
기억을 떠올려보세요, 삶이 평탄했던 그 때를
사랑은 금방이라도 타오를 불씨같았죠
기억을 떠올려보세요,떠오르거든
그대 기억을 따라가봐요.
Deep in December It's nice to remember
Although you know the snow will follow
Deep in December it's nice to remember
Without a hurt the heart is hollow
Deep in December it's nice to remember
The fire so September that made us mellow
Deep in December
Our hearts should remember
And follow follow
깊어가는 12월은 추억하기에 좋은 때죠
비록 눈의 계절이 다가온다 할지라도
깊어가는 12월은 추억하기에 좋은 때죠
상처 없이도 가슴은 휑해지겠지만.
깊어가는 12월은 추억하기에 좋은 때죠
우리를 감미롭게 해주었던 9월의 열정을.
깊어가는 12월...
가슴속깊이 간직해 두어야해요
그리고 그 추억을 따라가봐요,따라가봐요
<단어 및 어구해설>
*life was slow: 삶이 여유가 있다
*mellow: (과일이)익은,달콤한,원숙한1
*tender: 부드러운,연한,미숙한,다정다감한
*callow: (새가)깃털이 나지 않은,애송이인,순진한.경험이 없는
*fellow: 사람,사나이,놈
*willow: 버드나무,수양버들(슬픔의 상징)
*ember: 불씨,깜부기불
*About to: 곧--할
*billow: 소용돌이 치다
첫댓글 I have been very impressed to this above songs ,
especially on " And I Love You So " and " Try to remember " ~
, which would be very Sweet and Soft ~.
The sickness as partiacular type of illness or disease would be caused by the Stress .
Therefore , pls do it with the pleasant mood and mind , to avoid the disease ~
It was great to see you last sunday.
As your above mentioned, too much stress is not good for our health.
What do you usually do when you are under stress?
@해명처사 님, I was very happy to see you on last sunday and appreciate for your kindness ~
In case of any stress , I used to call someone [ hopelly Girl friend ]
,take a walking on Suk-Chon lake near Chamsil Station,
drink Makulli and the Stress would be fade away / gone ~
When you would be under stress , Pls call me anytime so that I may attend you .
Meeting of the opposite sex with real friendship is helpful to solve the stress.
(my experiment on a living creature~ㅎ)
To solve the stress, i often sing a song, drink 막걸리 with the close friends.
And i am lost in meditation for mind control .
Also i walk the way with no any definite plan for a couple of hours.
Ok! Let us call each other when are under stress.
My phone no.will send to you at 카페쪽지
@해명처사 님, I have already sent my Mobile Phone number to you via Memo [ 쪽지 ] ~
I am well prepared to spend the wonderful time, Altogether with the warm -hearted -Ladies ,
if any stress ~
님의뒷배경은 대한민국같은데요~~~
어찌이리영어를 잘쓰시나요 어떻게 영어 회화를 시작해야 합니까~
한강변입니다 ~
### 참고로, 우리의 영어교육정책과 방향은 처음부터 잘못되었습니다 .
그래서, 가계에 엄청난 교육비부담을 가져왔습니다 .
이제 영어학습은 듣기로 시작이 되어야 합니다 .
듣기을 자주하면 영어가 완성되고, 듣기가 완성되면
드라마, 영화, 뉴스등등이 귀에 들어오고, 자동적으로 영어을 정복합니다 .
그러면, 엄청난 영어교육비 부담을 줄일 수가 있습니다 .
듣기 연습 및 말하기 연습이 영어정복에 필수입니다 ~
우리들 손녀/ 손자들에게 이렇게 영어을 시작합시다 ~~
Our English educational Policy and Direction have to be unfortunately concentrated on Grammar ,
reading and writing , rather than listening and speaking.
It would be wasting the money and also time ,
Therefore, the heavy spending money burden on enjoying our life !
In this regards, this policy and direction have to be fully and definetely changed .
중학교 1 학년이나 2 학년 영어책을 매일같이 [ 아침에 일어나서 한번, 아침식사 전에 한번,
식사후에 한 번, 점심시간전에 한번, 후에 한번,
저녁시간전에 한번, 저녁식사후에 한번, 잠자기 전에 한번 읽으면,
그래서 1 과을 약 일주일간에 하고,
제 2 과도 이렇게 하여 약 20 과만 하면
훌륭한 영어가 됩니다 ~
또 TV 에 아리랑TV [한국에 관한 뉴스및 대한민국의 모든일을 영어로 방송 ]
가 듣기 연습에 도움이 됩니다 ~
@창조도전 감사합니다 그렇게 하고있는데 잘안되요~~
머리가 나빠서 그러가요???ㅋ
@순수선화 Take a time ! 시간이 걸려요 ㅡ언어배우는데는 ㅡ
Thank you..
Calm music and words before lunch..
Thank you for your comments ~
Have a nice day !
The music sounds sweet in this time...
So I think it'll be a happy byproduct that we'll all benefit.
Always thank you...^^*
Thank you for your comments !
I well see your photograph. you are very handsome. hhh And the music good.
paino sound is very soft sound. I like these feel. thank you !
I am shame of my picture , and I am not used for it .
But I would like myself to be varified to all of this members
who are sharing our opinions on this English Learning Room .
This is my intention ! and also pls join on my intention !
That means your beautiful picture would be soon right here posted !
Fantastic...! The piano music is very soft and sweet.
Thank so much your effort. Appreciate of greatful sound.
This music make me happy. thanks a lot again...
Have a great time...!
With my pleasure , I would like to express my thanks for your comment !
Have a nice evening .
Now I.m on the bus on my way to back home .^^ I .ve met friend this evening . We ate 순대국 with 소주 ^^ Its real time ㅋ
Today very strong wind as swaying the trees, it looks like a freezing cold ~
But you would not feel cold , since of enjoying hard liquor as call to SoJu with your friend ~
Have a nice night , with beautiful dream !
Today I have met very very special American family . I gona tell tomorrow ^^
Ok , expecting good story of the special American family , tomorrow ~
@창조도전 do not expect ㅋ