Met my missed motorcycle here in Korea again
As I metioned before, I am not a person who is addict in the motorcycle.
and also was afraid that I would have too many things I have to do if those motorcycle was shipped to Korea.
However, I have tried to get ride of those bike before leaving from Waterloo, Ontario Canada, we're meant to each other
between her and me, so I guessed that she followed me to here in Korea. It was supposed to be got arrived at Incheon
Custom Agency Dec.12th, But I got a notice that she was got arrived at the Incheon custom Agency one day earlier, and
asked me to pick it up. An Agent of custom gave me some questions about my bike for custom tax charge like price,
date of registration, feature of bike, and it's model name. She says she has not so many times to see those kind of cases to bring motorcycle into country from oversea.She seems to be in confusion to handle this matter. But, I am the person who says to himself to be lived with no lying forever, I answered about her all question with honesty and detaily. She asked me model of my harley davidson bike, and I answered "harley davidson FLTC". She said "there is no such FLTC mdel. probably FLH. is that right ?" I would say she wants to me to agree with her. then I said "I think so. probably you are right". She estimated for a while, then said " your custom tax is W930,000". "Really? is that true ?". Acutally I was in so nervous if they charge me too much custom tax. I was so happy with her estimation about custom tax after talking with her over her phone. I had uploaded a question regarding on total cost on the custom tax and other things for moving bike to Korea at the cafe "Harley Davidson". and then somebody in the States advised me to not bring bike into Korea. He says he got ripped off. He paid lots of custom tax with his vehicle moving to Korea before. and the other guy says my custom tax would be at leat W3,000,000 or more higher. so I expected that Iwould pay maximum tax W3,500,000 for moving my bike into Korea. But, It's only W933,000 tax! is that true ? is it sure ?
The 2005 Electra glide classic which was brought by me
I took subway at Jongno-5ga subway station on 7:30 am Dec.8th and then shift to an express electric railway at
Yongsan to the Dongincheoun station. it took about 40 min. to the Dongincheon station. And I dropped off there and I took the #12 bus infront of the Mcdonald after passed an underground passage. Approximately 10 min. later, the bus dropped me off at the Chodalchung bus-stop. And I walked along with the road I passed already about 200 meters. the Incheon Custom office was found, then I asked a security guard that it is Custom Office, he says Okay and guided me to the office. I met a guy who from Hyundai Marine,my motorcycle shipping company. He assisted me to prepare the documents for customs entry. and then, All documents was took over by a representative who phoned me yesterday.
Afer for a while, she asked me about my bike again with so detaily. I think probably she had so much study about all
kind of harley davidson models to estimate custom tax after talking me over the phone yesterday..
Completion of customs entry
She is diffrent person with yesterday. Her question was sharp and detailed. And also she ask me other more documents.Ownership, documents related vehicle insurance, used car history... she asked me show someting like that and repeat and carfully read and question. She might not be understand something in my documents. and complain about something don't understand. I think she may questionable me something if I try to lower value of bike for paying lower custm tax. She asked me get out of office while they have to make to decision about my tax. 20 min. later, she says she needs to confirm VIN number on the motorcycle frame, and then she asked workers to open the container box and show her VIN number. after check VIN number, she called me again then, said "it's right. your bike is FLTC. your custom tax is little more higher than I gave you yesterday. it's W957,000.". I was little bit in nervous if they charge me too much different. But, only W20,000 more shoud be pay. "that's not a problem !" . I made a smile. Someone let me give an information that I have to prepare to cash all to pay custom tax. But, the representative gave an bank account number to deposit tax money. But, there is no any bank branch in the custom building. also I am afraid it makes me bother to go out for deposit money any other bank outside of this building. I called my wife and let her to deposit money into the account they gave me. I got some documents means that I paid all tax and it might be needed for
mandatory test at another state-run organization in Hwasung county of Kyungki-do. The last thing due to is paying W50,330 for wharfage. Wow! it's too much expensive! W50,330 for just one night ? Everything is done in 2 hours.
Here are the documents from the Custom Agency :
- Import declaration invoice.
- Rceipt of the bonded goods
- Procedure guide after custom clearance of the moving freight.
"import declaration invoice" of those those document is very very important and should be kept very carrefully for vehicle test. Anyhow, everything for customs formalities procedure was done finally. my motorcycle was got out of container,
and then I sited on the bike, turned it on. I was so glad to listen my bike's breathing with a magnificent and big sound again. People around my bike scared with big sound of bike. Even if my motorcycle is just is a stuff with no life. But she looks has life with being with me. came to join me again. is the one I have to care for.
Trouble is still trouble, however, everything was done here in Custome. I do not have Korean motorcycle license,
plate number for driving here even if registered motorcycle insurance. I still have something to do to get an approval certificate for my vehicle at the proving ground in Hwasung county, Kyunggido in today. I make phone call this office to ask how to I get there before I am living. But, they ask me to make a reservation for testing bike on Dec. 13th. then I had to accept it. All done here, Let go back to home !. Although, come to think of it, I must meet sombody in Incheon. I had not been seen yet, but we knew each other through the cafe of the Harely Davidson Electra. His name is Giho Hur.
Met a nice guy, Mr. Hur
I couldn,t get through with him evevn though many time yesterday. But today, I am in here in Incheon, and then I wish
I could make phone call home and join for a coffee with talking for being life... Therefore I tried it again. Finally,
He got my phone.I said to him "if you are have time. Would you come here to Custom office ?
I am at Custom office". "Oh, yeah. I will be there in 40 min. please wait for me"
"Sure, we will see in 40 min" I was excited to wait for him as I have a blind date with a girl.
Suddenly, a staff of Custom stepped out and he shout to me "You sould not get out here with no plate number
on your bike. You gotta bring truck carrier to ship your bike"
" I know that very well, My friend is comming here with big truck. Do not worry about it"
I am I said "this guy should be come early.... why did not he show up?"
I kept looking around for him. then I finally found him came to me. I realized him was Mr. Hur even if we didn't see
before with each other.
"How do you commng here without your bike ? what happened ?"
" I did not know you are here. that's why I parked it other place, and I walking around here for you. Would you please
wait for me for a while ? I am back quickly"
We were getting so closed as much as we were old old friend even if it was first time to see each other. He suggested
me to follow him to go to some place for joining coffee. and then he was at the head. I just followed and seen him.
I think he is nice guy. I don't even have any information about geographical position for Incheon, so I do my best to follow him deadly. he changed lane so many time with no signal. I was so busy to follow him. There was still something that I am afraid I might be captured by cops. Becuse my bike has still Ontario plate number "Ontario 2171B'. People saw us
with the bikes passing the street with big and loud sound. We kept on driving much time. He says we are headed for Gaebong-dong now while we stop and awaiting for green signal. Tthen, after more driving for a while, he stoped at a
bike shop. It's was KIm, Bonggi's bike shop in Gaebong-dong. I did not meet neither two guys before. But, We became intimate with each other. At 3 o'clock pm, I headed for my home, Jongro 6ga through Gochuk-dong-youngdeunpo_station-yoido-mapo-gwanghwa_moon- jongro main street. It was a long day schedule. But I got good time with Mr. Kim and Mr. Hur. and Thanks Both of guys for giving me a time today. and also hope to have meeting with them later. I will have to drop by Mr. Kim's shop to change a muffler for passing the bike test comming Tuesday. I am supposed to visit the Vehicle performance test lab for
an efficiency test.
- To be continued -
첫댓글 김동규님~~!! ㅎㅎ 이렇게 욕으로 써 놓으시면 전 어케 읽어 봅니까요? ㅎㅎ 언제나 용안을 뵐수가 있나욤...
난 김동규님께서 점잖으신분인줄 알었는데 그게 아니여!!
욕을 겁나게 하시네...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
갈매기님 욕이 젤루 많이 있어요...![ㅋ](https://t1.daumcdn.net/cafe_image/pie2/texticon/ttc/texticon25.gif)
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
난 갈매기 욕인줄알구 김동규님께 쫌전에 전화 해서 무지 따졌는데..
내가 제대루 읽은거지여??ㅋㅋㅋ
여기서도 갈매기님 욕이 써 있어여...왜 그렇게 욕 먹고 있는지 모르겠넹..![ㅋ](https://t1.daumcdn.net/cafe_image/pie2/texticon/ttc/texticon25.gif)
Sir, I do business in States and also here in Korea hope enjoy your Korean life and hope meet you soon . I strongly recommend join a "the Harley" M/C and looking for 종로신사 ;) Contact me if u need any help Mr.huh knows my number ;)
Kek!!! Hudada~~~
헐 ㅋㅋㅋ독해해주세요.ㅋㅋㅋ
시방 욕한거요 ㅛㅛ
글이란 남에게 쓸때, 보라고 쓰는것이지 남이 모르는 글을 쓴다면, ,,,,, 좀 자랑 하는것 같고 좀 우습네요, 전 영어에 무레한 이라서 위사람들 모양 욕으로 아는 사람이면 다행이고, ㅋㅋㅋ
무레한이 아니고 문외한 이겠지요..
어릴때 한글도 모르시던 우리할머니께 편지를 드린적이 잇는데...얼마나 답답하셨을까하는 생각이 이제야드는건...영어 공부좀 열심히 할걸그랬다 하는생각에그만...^^~
참내...우리글을 모르시는분이라면 이해하겠습니다.....이도께서 벌떡일어나시겠습니다...ㅎ
그냥 역관출신일꺼라고 생각하실겁니다...ㅎ
글이란 이런겁니다
한글로 써놔도 독해가 안되어서 헛소리하는 사람이 나오는데 하물며 영문으로다가...
이글의 아쉬움은 원문 옆에 괄호하고 번역본을 문장별로 만들어 달아 주셨으면 참 좋았을 뻔 했다는거지요...
그리 해주시던가 ...아니면 학교다니며 영어공부 덜한 분들에게 원망을 계속들으시던가.... 글 옮긴이 맘대로죠