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아름다운 주님의 교회[안성)
카페 게시글
[2]세계는지금 스크랩 노스다코타 주 독립선언, 미국이 분열되는가?!
칭하심 추천 0 조회 40 12.04.30 00:07 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용


노스다코타 주 독립선언, 미국이 분열되는가?!


노스다코타 주가 미합중국 연방으로부터 탈퇴하는 선언을 했다는 충격적인 소식입니다. 이는 영국이나 캐나다 등 대국들로부터 아직은 독립 국가로 인정받지 못했다는 실망성 뉴스가 뒤따르고 있습니다.


어쨋든 노스다코타 주는 적법한 주민투표 절차를 거쳐 미합중국 연방으로부터 탈퇴하고 주명을 타코다 공화국으로 변경하여서 독립국가을 선언했습니다. 그럼 이제 미국은 50개주의 연방국이었던 것이 49개 주로 줄어든 상태입니다.


그런데 노스다코타만 탈퇴 독립을 선언한 것이 아니라, 그 뒤를 이어 아리조나, 아이다호, 버몬트, 사우스 다코다 등으로 이어질 것 같아서 우려가 커지고 있습니다.


미국은 이제 들끓는 용광로처럼 내부에서 폭발하고 분열하고 있습니다.



North Dakota Votes to Secede from Union

New Nation to be Called The Dakota Republic, with Capital in Bismarck

North Dakota's state legislature has declared independence from the United States, in a measure that passed both state houses over the week-end. Governor John Hoeven is expected to sign the measure, which creates a new nation to be called The Dakota Republic.

The state capital in Bismarck will serve as national capital. The current North Dakota Legislative Assembly will be renamed The Dakota Republic Legislature. Governor Hoeven will serve as interim President until a special election is held in November. He is expected to be a candidate for President.

A website with the name dakotarepublic.net will go live after the country receives recognition from the US government, according to the Governor's office.

(see notice of registration at http://www.domain-all.com/domain/2008/6/5_39.html)

"We've all heard angry secessionist talk recently, coming from Texas, Alaska, and other places," the governor said. "But there is no enmity in our decision. We just feel strongly here in Dakota that we have not gotten our fair share of revenue, services, and recognition from Washington over the years. Heck, a recent survey found that 92% of Americans couldn't even find (the former North) Dakota on a map."

Gubernatorial spokesperson Avrile LaPlaisantrie outlined what she said the governor hopes to be a "US-Canada-style" relationship between Dakota and Washington. "We wish to have a vigorous trade relationship with the US. We also wish to support our neighbors' foreign policy when and where it intersects our own interests. " When asked about the fledgling republic's plans for a relationship with Canada, LaPlaisantrie responded, "Yes, we will have that, too."

Response from the Obama Admnistration was muted, although tension seemed to be present under the surface. "We want to remind our North Dakotan neighbors that secessionist talk is of very serious concern to us," said presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs. "In the case of North Dakota, which has nuclear weapons installed in underground silos as part of the strategic defense system of the United States, this concern rises to the level of critical."

Gibbs tersely added that "the United States government does not recognize an independent national government in Bismarck." When asked if Washington was already in communication with Hoeven's office, Gibbs responded, "Well, why don't you ask Governor Hoeven that question?"

The Canadian government responded quickly as well to the announcement from Bismarck. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, speaking from his official residence in Ottawa said "the Canadian government does not recognize this new nation at this time. We are happy to participate in any negotiations on this issue that our friends in Washington request of us."

World leaders seemed to be caught off-guard by the announcement. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said "this is certainly the first we've heard of it. We wish our American friends well in resolving this issue."  Herman von Rumpoy, President of the Council of the European Union,  said "Although we were not aware of this issue until earlier today, I can speak on behalf of all EU nations in assuring President Obama that he has our full support."

Official statements from Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, New Delhi, Mexico City and numerous other world capitals uniformly supported the Obama administration in its efforts.

At presstime, the only entities that had officially recognized the Republic of Dakota were Moldava, the Palestinian National Authority, Tuvalu, and the State of South Dakota. "We think the legislators in Bismarck have made a wise decision," said South Dakota governor Mike Rounds. "Here in South Dakota, we've never truly felt that North Dakota was a real part of the United States of America."

The Dakotas became part of the US on the same date in 1889, with the former Dakota Territory being split into two parts. The states differ geographically and have substantially different climates . "It rarely falls to 40 below here in South Dakota," noted Rounds, "but it happens all the time up there in the north."

The business climates differ as well. "We have a vibrant economy, based on call centers, Indian casinos, the Sturgis bikers' festival, and Mt. Rushmore," noted Rounds. "But in North Dakota, what is there besides the Peace Garden and acres of potatoes?"

For his part, Hoeven said "we plan to free our economy from the government red tape that Washington has plagued us with for so many years. We will develop a business-friendly climate that welcomes investors and tourists."

Expanding on those remarks, Hoeven said, "With our natural splendor and ‘can-do' spirit, The Dakota Republic is on course to become a playground of sorts for people from around the world. Within 20 years, we believe The Dakota Republic will be mentioned in the same breath as Miami, Monaco, and Cancun."
