사도행전 Acts
17:02. As his custom was,|Paul went into the synagogue,|and on three Sabbath days|he reasoned with them|from the Scriptures,
【어 휘】* as his custom was : 늘 하던 대로 그의 습관대로 그의 관례대로
* custom : (확립되어 있는 사회적) 관습; (사람의) 습관, 습관적 행위 (집합적) (사회의) 풍습, 관례
* rea·son [ríːzən] 설득하다《with》; 이야기하다, 논하다《with》reason with : 논리적으로 설명하다 설득하다
• ~ with a person on ... …의 문제로 아무와 논의하다. reason with somebody [아래 18:19]
논리적으로 설명하여[이치를 따져] ~를 설득하다 reason with a person on... ...의 문제로 토론하다
* from ⦗관점·근거⦘• ~ the political point of view 정치적(인) 견지에서 (보아) • speak ~ experience 〔memory〕 경험에 의해서〔기억을 더듬어〕 이야기하다 • From 〔Judging ~〕 the evidence, he must be guilty. 그 증거로 보아 그는 유죄임에 틀림없다 • From what I heard, he is to blame. 들어 보니 그가 나쁘다. ⦗출처·기원·유래⦘ • light ~ the sun 태양광선 • passages (quoted) ~ Shakespeare 셰익스피어로부터의 인용구 • draw a conclusion ~ the facts 사실로부터 결론을 끌어내다
* scrip·ture [skríptʃǝr] (the S-(s)) 성서(Holy Scripture). 성서의 한 절, 성구(聖句) 경전(經典), 성전
【문법 사항】① As his custom was 구문 연구 : 그의 습관대로[이 그런 것처럼, 늘 하던 대로]
As it was his custom의 연구-다음 두 가지로 생각해 볼 수 있다. [아래 4, 12절 참조]
삼라만상-변불변의진리 | 관계대명사 as 용법 - Daum 카페
삼라만상-변불변의진리 | as was his custom, as was his frequent wont, As he was wont, as usual - Daum 카페
② 사이트에서는 전치사 on 대신 대부분 for를 많이 사용하였다. on three Sabbath days 세 번의 안식일 날에 for three Sabbaths 안식일날 동안에
③ 사이트에서 다양한 표현 살펴봅시다.
④⑤ https://biblehub.com/acts/17-2.htm
As his custom was,|Paul went into the synagogue,|and on three Sabbath days|he reasoned with them|from the Scriptures,
[신버젼] : As was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
【해석 1】그의 습관대로[이 그런 것처럼, 늘 하던 대로], 바울로는 유대인들 회당[모임]안으로 들어갔다. / 그리고 세[번의] 안식일 날에 [걸쳐][3주 동안 안식일마다] / 그는 그들과 같이[함께] 이야기[토론]하였다. / 성경[의 말씀, 어구]을 가지고[대해]
【해석 2】늘 하던 대로, 바울로는 유대인들 회당[모임]안으로 들어가서, 세 번의 안식일 날에, 그들과 같이 성경의 말씀을 가지고[대해] 이야기[토론]하였다.
행17:02 바울로는 늘 하던 대로 유다인들의 모임에 가서 세 주간 걸쳐 안식일마다 성서를 놓고 토론하였다.
2. パウロは いつものように, ユダヤ 人の 集まっているところへ 入って 行き, 三回の 安息日にわたって 聖書を 引用して 論じ 合い,
2. And Paul went in, as was his custom, and for three weeks he argued with them from the scriptures,
••✍•☞ 深化 심화학습 -- As his custom was 구문 연구
① As his custom was 구문 연구 : 그의 습관대로[이 그런 것처럼, 늘 하던 대로]
As it was his custom의 연구-다음 두 가지로 생각해 볼 수 있다.
㉮ 생략구문 : As his custom was (to go into the synagogue), Paul went into the synagogue,
㉯ 관계 대명사 as의 계속적 용법 :
(계속용법) (앞의 문장(의 일부) 또는 뒤에 오는 주절을 선행사로 하여서)그것은…이지만, 그 사실은…이긴 하지만
• He was a foreigner, ɑs I knew from his accent. 그는 외국인이었다, (그것은) 그의 말투로써 안 일이지만
as = which =He was a foreigner (앞문장을 받음)
• As may be expected, it is very expensive. 대개 짐작이 가듯이, 그것은 퍽 비싼 물건이다
as =which 뒷 문장을 받음 그러나 which는 문장 앞에 올 수 없음 Which may-- (X)
• She was late, ɑs is often the case with her. 그녀는 늦었다, 흔히 그러하기는 하지만.
As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, [
As it was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue * it = Paul went into the synagogue
it은 뒤에 나온 Paul —synagogue과 같으므로 문장을 간결하게 하기 위해 생략한다. 그리고 as도 접속사겸 주어로 사용된다. 그런데 발음이 혼동스러우므로 발음상 as his custom was로 쓰기도 한다.
as : …도 똑같이(and so)
• She was delighted, ɑs were we all〔=ɑs we all were〕. 그녀는 기뻐하였고 우리들 모두도 그러했다
(※ as가 주어로 쓰이는 것은, as 뒤에 be 동사나 seem 등의 동사가 오는 경우에 한함. 다만 She gained weight after quitting smoking, as (it) often happens. 「자주 있는 일이지만, 그녀는 담배를 끊고 난 후 체중이 늘었다」처럼, it가 생략된 구문의 경우는 다름)..
② 사이트에서 다양한 표현 살펴봅시다.
New King James Version : Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
New American Standard Bible : And according to Paul’s custom, he visited them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
Christian Standard Bible : As usual, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
Aramaic Bible in Plain English : And Paulus entered as he was accustomed with them, and on the third Sabbath he spoke with them from the Scripture,
Good News Translation : According to his usual habit Paul went to the synagogue. There during three Sabbaths he held discussions with the people, quoting
New American Bible : Following his usual custom, Paul joined them, and for three sabbaths he entered into discussions with them from the scriptures,
NET Bible : Paul went to the Jews in the synagogue, as he customarily did, and on three Sabbath days he addressed them from the scriptures,
Weymouth New Testament : Paul--following his usual custom--betook himself to it, and for three successive Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
관계대명사 as 용법 : ━rel. pron.
[한컴] ㉮⦗제한 용법⦘ 《선행사에 붙은 as, such, the same과 상관하여》 …와 같은, …하는 바의
• As many children ɑs came were given some cake. 온 어린이들은 모두 (늘) 과자를 받았다
• Such men ɑs heard him praised him. 그의 이야기를 들은 사람들은 그를 칭찬했다
• He is just such a teacher ɑs we all admire. 그는 바로 우리 모두가 존경하는 그런 선생님이다
• I have the sɑme trouble ɑs you had. 내게도 너와 같은 문제가 있다
• This is the sɑme watch ɑs I lost. 이것은 내가 잃은 시계와 같은 (종류의) 시계다《비교: This is the sɑme watch thɑt I lost. 이것은 내가 잃어버린 (바로 그) 시계이다》.
㉯ ⦗계속 용법⦘⦗앞의 문장(의 일부) 또는 뒤에 오는 주절을 선행사로 하여서⦘ 그것은 …이지만, 그 사실은 …이긴 하지만
• He was a foreigner, ɑs I knew from his accent. 그는 외국인이었다, (그것은) 그의 말투로써 안 일이지만
• As may be expected, it is very expensive. 대개 짐작이 가듯이, 그것은 퍽 비싼 물건이다
• She was late, ɑs is often the case with her. 그녀는 늦었다, 흔히 그러하기는 하지만.
[동아] 1. [such, the same 또는 as를 선행사로 하여, 제한적으로] …(와) 같은
such friends as will benefit you 너에게 유익한 그런 친구들
2. [앞 또는 뒤에 있는 주절 전체를 선행사로 하여, 비제한적으로] 그것은 …이지만
He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 그는 외국인이었다, (그것은) 그의 말투로 안 일이지만.
[시사] 대명사 1. [관계대명사, such, the same, as, so 따위와 상관적으로 쓰여]
…하는 (사람)(who), …와 같은 (것) (that, which).
Such as had money were able to buy butter. 돈이 있는 사람들은 버터를 살 수 있었다.
2. [절 또는 그 일부를 선행사로 하여] …이지만, …인데 그것은.
Her feet were bare, as was the custom in those days. 그녀는 맨발이었는데 그것은 당시의 관습이었다.
[다음] (관계대명사) (보통 such, the same, as, so와 호응하여) …과 같은
Choose such friends as will benefit you.[=Choose those friends who will benefit you.] 듣기
너에게 이로운 친구를 골라라
2. (선행 또는 후속하는 주절을 선행사로 하여) 그것은 …이지만
참고 (※which보다 격식적인 표현) as is often the case (with ‥) (…에(게)는) 흔히 있는 일이지만
He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent. 그는 외국인이다, 그것은 그의 억양으로 명백하다
(※as가 주어로 쓰이는 것은, as 뒤에 be 동사나 seem 등의 동사가 오는 경우에 한함. 다만 She gained weight after quitting smoking, as (it) often happens. 「자주 있는 일이지만, 그녀는 담배를 끊고 난 후 체중이 늘었다」처럼, it가 생략된 구문의 경우는 다름).
[영영] a. in the way that The letter “k“ is sometimes silent, as it is in “knee.“
In the word “macho“ the “ch“ should be pronounced as (it is) in “China,“ not as (it is) in “Chicago.“
Knowing him as I do [=because I know him well], I'm not surprised by his decision.
Do (it) as I do.
I'll do it as I planned (to).
Sometimes a noun comes from a verb (as “publisher“ comes from “publish“) and sometimes a verb comes from a noun (as “edit“ comes from “editor“).
As it happens, I know his brother. [=I happen to know his brother]
We planned a picnic but, as it happened, it rained that day. [=it happened to rain that day]
We arrived late and, as it turned out, all the tickets were already sold. [=we learned that all the tickets were already sold when we arrived late]
He seemed to be having a midlife crisis, as many men do. = As is the case with many men, he seemed to be having a midlife crisis.
b. used to introduce a statement which indicates that something being mentioned was known, expected, etc.
He won the election, as you know. = As you know, he won the election.
As was only to be expected, the election was very close.
He is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent.
It rained that day, as often happens.
Just as I suspected/thought! You've been drinking!
c. used in phrases with same
He works in the same building as my brother. [=he and my brother work in the same building]
I've got shoes the same as his. = I've got the same type of shoes as he has. [=my shoes and his shoes are the same]
He was fooled the same as I was. [=he and I were both fooled]
접속사 as : ⦗바로 앞 명사를 한정하여⦘ (…하는) 바와 같은, (…했을) 때의《절 이외에 과거분사·형용사·전치사도 수반함》
• This is freedom ɑs we generally understand it. 이것이 우리가 일반적으로 이해하고 있는 의미에서의 자유이다
• the English language ɑs (it is) spoken in America 미국에서 쓰이고 있는 영어
• the church ɑs separate from the state 국가로부터 분리된 것으로서의 교회.