Numerical Recipes Routines by Chapter and Section Chapter number links jump to the corresponding place in the book Table of Contents. (Click on the Chapter number to get back.) Routine name links jump to the listing of the program. Example links jump to an example program that shows the use of the routine.
[1.0] flmoon calculate phases of the moon by date (example )
[1.1] julday Julian Day number from calendar date (example )
[1.1] badluk Friday the 13th when the moon is full
[1.1] caldat calendar date from Julian day number (example )
[2.1] gaussj Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion and linear equation solution (example )
[2.3] ludcmp linear equation solution, LU decomposition (example )
[2.3] lubksb linear equation solution, backsubstitution (example )
[2.4] tridag solution of tridiagonal systems (example )
[2.4] banmul multiply vector by band diagonal matrix (example )
[2.4] bandec band diagonal systems, decomposition (example )
[2.4] banbks band diagonal systems, backsubstitution
[2.5] mprove linear equation solution, iterative improvement (example )
[2.6] svbksb singular value backsubstitution (example )
[2.6] svdcmp singular value decomposition of a matrix (example )
[2.6] pythag calculate (a^2+b^2)^{1/2} without overflow
[2.7] cyclic solution of cyclic tridiagonal systems (example )
[2.7] sprsin convert matrix to sparse format (example )
[2.7] sprsax product of sparse matrix and vector (example )
[2.7] sprstx product of transpose sparse matrix and vector (example )
[2.7] sprstp transpose of sparse matrix (example )
[2.7] sprspm pattern multiply two sparse matrices (example )
[2.7] sprstm threshold multiply two sparse matrices (example )
[2.7] linbcg biconjugate gradient solution of sparse systems (example )
[2.7] snrm used by linbcg for vector norm
[2.7] atimes used by linbcg for sparse multiplication
[2.7] asolve used by linbcg for preconditioner
[2.8] vander solve Vandermonde systems (example )
[2.8] toeplz solve Toeplitz systems (example )
[2.9] choldc Cholesky decomposition
[2.9] cholsl Cholesky backsubstitution (example )
[2.10] qrdcmp QR decomposition (example )
[2.10] qrsolv QR backsubstitution (example )
[2.10] rsolv right triangular backsubstitution
[2.10] qrupdt update a QR decomposition (example )
[2.10] rotate Jacobi rotation used by qrupdt
[3.1] polint polynomial interpolation (example )
[3.2] ratint rational function interpolation (example )
[3.3] spline construct a cubic spline (example )
[3.3] splint cubic spline interpolation (example )
[3.4] locate search an ordered table by bisection (example )
[3.4] hunt search a table when calls are correlated (example )
[3.5] polcoe polynomial coefficients from table of values (example )
[3.5] polcof polynomial coefficients from table of values (example )
[3.6] polin2 two-dimensional polynomial interpolation (example )
[3.6] bcucof construct two-dimensional bicubic (example )
[3.6] bcuint two-dimensional bicubic interpolation (example )
[3.6] splie2 construct two-dimensional spline (example )
[3.6] splin2 two-dimensional spline interpolation (example )
[4.2] trapzd trapezoidal rule (example )
[4.2] qtrap integrate using trapezoidal rule (example )
[4.2] qsimp integrate using Simpson's rule (example )
[4.3] qromb integrate using Romberg adaptive method (example )
[4.4] midpnt extended midpoint rule (example )
[4.4] qromo integrate using open Romberg adaptive method (example )
[4.4] midinf integrate a function on a semi-infinite interval
[4.4] midsql integrate a function with lower square-root singularity
[4.4] midsqu integrate a function with upper square-root singularity
[4.4] midexp integrate a function that decreases exponentially
[4.5] qgaus integrate a function by Gaussian quadratures (example )
[4.5] gauleg Gauss-Legendre weights and abscissas (example )
[4.5] gaulag Gauss-Laguerre weights and abscissas (example )
[4.5] gauher Gauss-Hermite weights and abscissas (example )
[4.5] gaujac Gauss-Jacobi weights and abscissas (example )
[4.5] gaucof quadrature weights from orthogonal polynomials (example )
[4.5] orthog construct nonclassical orthogonal polynomials (example )
[4.6] quad3d integrate a function over a three-dimensional space (example )
[5.1] eulsum sum a series by Euler--van Wijngaarden algorithm (example )
[5.3] ddpoly evaluate a polynomial and its derivatives (example )
[5.3] poldiv divide one polynomial by another (example )
[5.3] ratval evaluate a rational function
[5.7] dfridr numerical derivative by Ridders' method (example )
[5.8] chebft fit a Chebyshev polynomial to a function (example )
[5.8] chebev Chebyshev polynomial evaluation (example )
[5.9] chder derivative of a function already Chebyshev fitted (example )
[5.9] chint integrate a function already Chebyshev fitted (example )
[5.10] chebpc polynomial coefficients from a Chebyshev fit (example )
[5.10] pcshft polynomial coefficients of a shifted polynomial (example )
[5.11] pccheb inverse of chebpc; use to economize power series (example )
[5.12] pade Pade approximant from power series coefficients (example )
[5.13] ratlsq rational fit by least-squares method (example )
[6.1] gammln logarithm of gamma function (example )
[6.1] factrl factorial function (example )
[6.1] bico binomial coefficients function (example )
[6.1] factln logarithm of factorial function (example )
[6.1] beta beta function (example )
[6.2] gammp incomplete gamma function (example )
[6.2] gammq complement of incomplete gamma function (example )
[6.2] gser series used by gammp and gammq (example )
[6.2] gcf continued fraction used by gammp and gammq (example )
[6.2] erf error function
[6.2] erfc complementary error function
[6.2] erfcc complementary error function, concise routine (example )
[6.3] expint exponential integral E_n (example )
[6.3] ei exponential integral Ei (example )
[6.4] betai incomplete beta function (example )
[6.4] betacf continued fraction used by betai
[6.5] bessj0 Bessel function J_0 (example )
[6.5] bessy0 Bessel function Y_0 (example )
[6.5] bessj1 Bessel function J_1 (example )
[6.5] bessy1 Bessel function Y_1 (example )
[6.5] bessy Bessel function Y of general integer order (example )
[6.5] bessj Bessel function J of general integer order (example )
[6.6] bessi0 modified Bessel function I_0 (example )
[6.6] bessk0 modified Bessel function K_0 (example )
[6.6] bessi1 modified Bessel function I_1 (example )
[6.6] bessk1 modified Bessel function K_1 (example )
[6.6] bessk modified Bessel function K of integer order (example )
[6.6] bessi modified Bessel function I of integer order (example )
[6.7] bessjy Bessel functions of fractional order (example )
[6.7] beschb Chebyshev expansion used by bessjy (example )
[6.7] bessik modified Bessel functions of fractional order (example )
[6.7] airy Airy functions
[6.7] sphbes spherical Bessel functions j_n and y_n (example )
[6.8] plgndr Legendre polynomials, associated (spherical harmonics) (example )
[6.9] frenel Fresnel integrals S(x) and C(x) (example )
[6.9] cisi cosine and sine integrals Ci and Si
[6.10] dawson Dawson's integral (example )
[6.11] rf Carlson's elliptic integral of the first kind (example )
[6.11] rd Carlson's elliptic integral of the second kind (example )
[6.11] rj Carlson's elliptic integral of the third kind (example )
[6.11] rc Carlson's degenerate elliptic integral (example )
[6.11] ellf Legendre elliptic integral of the first kind (example )
[6.11] elle Legendre elliptic integral of the second kind (example )
[6.11] ellpi Legendre elliptic integral of the third kind (example )
[6.11] sncndn Jacobian elliptic functions (example )
[6.12] hypgeo complex hypergeometric function (example )
[6.12] hypser complex hypergeometric function, series evaluation
[6.12] hypdrv complex hypergeometric function, derivative of
[7.1] ran0 random deviate by Park and Miller minimal standard
[7.1] ran1 random deviate, minimal standard plus shuffle
[7.1] ran2 random deviate by L'Ecuyer long period plus shuffle
[7.1] ran3 random deviate by Knuth subtractive method
[7.2] expdev exponential random deviates (example )
[7.2] gasdev normally distributed random deviates (example )
[7.3] gamdev gamma-law distribution random deviates (example )
[7.3] poidev Poisson distributed random deviates (example )
[7.3] bnldev binomial distributed random deviates (example )
[7.4] irbit1 random bit sequence (example )
[7.4] irbit2 random bit sequence (example )
[7.5] psdes ``pseudo-DES'' hashing of 64 bits (example )
[7.5] ran4 random deviates from DES-like hashing (example )
[7.7] sobseq Sobol's quasi-random sequence (example )
[7.8] vegas adaptive multidimensional Monte Carlo integration (example )
[7.8] rebin sample rebinning used by vegas
[7.8] miser recursive multidimensional Monte Carlo integration (example )
[7.8] ranpt get random point, used by miser
[8.1] piksrt sort an array by straight insertion (example )
[8.1] piksr2 sort two arrays by straight insertion (example )
[8.1] shell sort an array by Shell's method (example )
[8.2] sort sort an array by quicksort method (example )
[8.2] sort2 sort two arrays by quicksort method (example )
[8.3] hpsort sort an array by heapsort method (example )
[8.4] indexx construct an index for an array (example )
[8.4] sort3 sort, use an index to sort 3 or more arrays (example )
[8.4] rank construct a rank table for an array (example )
[8.5] select find the Nth largest in an array (example )
[8.5] selip find the Nth largest, without altering an array (example )
[8.5] hpsel find M largest values, without altering an array (example )
[8.6] eclass determine equivalence classes from list (example )
[8.6] eclazz determine equivalence classes from procedure (example )
[9.0] scrsho graph a function to search for roots (example )
[9.1] zbrac outward search for brackets on roots (example )
[9.1] zbrak inward search for brackets on roots (example )
[9.1] rtbis find root of a function by bisection (example )
[9.2] rtflsp find root of a function by false-position (example )
[9.2] rtsec find root of a function by secant method (example )
[9.2] zriddr find root of a function by Ridders' method (example )
[9.3] zbrent find root of a function by Brent's method (example )
[9.4] rtnewt find root of a function by Newton-Raphson (example )
[9.4] rtsafe find root of a function by Newton-Raphson and bisection (example )
[9.5] laguer find a root of a polynomial by Laguerre's method (example )
[9.5] zroots roots of a polynomial by Laguerre's method with deflation (example )
[9.5] zrhqr roots of a polynomial by eigenvalue methods (example )
[9.5] qroot complex or double root of a polynomial, Bairstow (example )
[9.6] mnewt Newton's method for systems of equations (example )
[9.7] lnsrch search along a line, used by newt
[9.7] newt globally convergent multi-dimensional Newton's method (example )
[9.7] fdjac finite-difference Jacobian, used by newt
[9.7] fmin norm of a vector function, used by newt
[9.7] broydn secant method for systems of equations (example )
[10.1] mnbrak bracket the minimum of a function (example )
[10.1] golden find minimum of a function by golden section search (example )
[10.2] brent find minimum of a function by Brent's method (example )
[10.3] dbrent find minimum of a function using derivative information (example )
[10.4] amoeba minimize in N-dimensions by downhill simplex method (example )
[10.4] amotry evaluate a trial point, used by amoeba
[10.5] powell minimize in N-dimensions by Powell's method (example )
[10.5] linmin minimum of a function along a ray in N-dimensions (example )
[10.5] f1dim function used by LINMIN (example )
[10.6] frprmn minimize in N-dimensions by conjugate gradient (example )
[10.6] df1dim alternative function used by LINMIN (example )
[10.7] dfpmin minimize in N-dimensions by variable metric method (example )
[10.8] simplx linear programming maximization of a linear function (example )
[10.8] simp1 linear programming, used by SIMPLX
[10.8] simp2 linear programming, used by SIMPLX
[10.8] simp3 linear programming, used by SIMPLX
[10.9] anneal traveling salesman problem by simulated annealing (example )
[10.9] revcst cost of a reversal, used by anneal
[10.9] revers do a reversal, used by anneal
[10.9] trncst cost of a transposition, used by anneal
[10.9] trnspt do a transposition, used by anneal
[10.9] metrop Metropolis algorithm, used by anneal
[10.9] amebsa simulated annealing in continuous spaces (example )
[10.9] amotsa evaluate a trial point, used by amebsa
[11.1] jacobi eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (example )
[11.1] eigsrt eigenvectors, sorts into order by eigenvalue (example )
[11.2] tred2 Householder reduction of a real, symmetric matrix (example )
[11.3] tqli eigensolution of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix (example )
[11.5] balanc balance a nonsymmetric matrix (example )
[11.5] elmhes reduce a general matrix to Hessenberg form (example )
[11.6] hqr eigenvalues of a Hessenberg matrix (example )
[12.2] four1 fast Fourier transform (FFT) in one dimension (example )
[12.3] twofft fast Fourier transform of two real functions (example )
[12.3] realft fast Fourier transform of a single real function (example )
[12.3] sinft fast sine transform (example )
[12.3] cosft1 fast cosine transform with endpoints (example )
[12.3] cosft2 ``staggered'' fast cosine transform (example )
[12.4] fourn fast Fourier transform in multidimensions (example )
[12.5] rlft3 FFT of real data in two or three dimensions (example )
[12.6] fourfs FFT for huge data sets on external media (example )
[12.6] fourew rewind and permute files, used by fourfs
[13.1] convlv convolution or deconvolution of data using FFT (example )
[13.2] correl correlation or autocorrelation of data using FFT (example )
[13.4] spctrm power spectrum estimation using FFT (example )
[13.6] memcof evaluate maximum entropy (MEM) coefficients (example )
[13.6] fixrts reflect roots of a polynomial into unit circle (example )
[13.6] predic linear prediction using MEM coefficients (example )
[13.7] evlmem power spectral estimation from MEM coefficients (example )
[13.8] period power spectrum of unevenly sampled data (example )
[13.8] fasper power spectrum of unevenly sampled larger data sets (example )
[13.8] spread extirpolate value into array, used by fasper
[13.9] dftcor compute endpoint corrections for Fourier integrals
[13.9] dftint high-accuracy Fourier integrals (example )
[13.10] wt1 one-dimensional discrete wavelet transform
[13.10] daub4 Daubechies 4-coefficient wavelet filter
[13.10] pwtset initialize coefficients for pwt
[13.10] pwt partial wavelet transform
[13.10] wtn multidimensional discrete wavelet transform
[14.1] moment calculate moments of a data set (example )
[14.2] ttest Student's t-test for difference of means (example )
[14.2] avevar calculate mean and variance of a data set (example )
[14.2] tutest Student's t-test for means, case of unequal variances (example )
[14.2] tptest Student's t-test for means, case of paired data (example )
[14.2] ftest F-test for difference of variances (example )
[14.3] chsone chi-square test for difference between data and model (example )
[14.3] chstwo chi-square test for difference between two data sets (example )
[14.3] ksone Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of data against model (example )
[14.3] kstwo Kolmogorov-Smirnov test between two data sets (example )
[14.3] probks Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability function (example )
[14.4] cntab1 contingency table analysis using chi-square (example )
[14.4] cntab2 contingency table analysis using entropy measure (example )
[14.5] pearsn Pearson's correlation between two data sets (example )
[14.6] spear Spearman's rank correlation between two data sets (example )
[14.6] crank replaces array elements by their rank (example )
[14.6] kendl1 correlation between two data sets, Kendall's tau (example )
[14.6] kendl2 contingency table analysis using Kendall's tau (example )
[14.7] ks2d1s K--S test in two dimensions, data vs. model (example )
[14.7] quadct count points by quadrants, used by ks2d1s
[14.7] quadvl quadrant probabilities, used by ks2d1s
[14.7] ks2d2s K--S test in two dimensions, data vs. data (example )
[14.8] savgol Savitzky-Golay smoothing coefficients (example )
[15.2] fit least-squares fit data to a straight line (example )
[15.3] fitexy fit data to a straight line, errors in both x and y (example )
[15.3] chixy used by fitexy to calculate a chi^2
[15.4] lfit general linear least-squares fit by normal equations (example )
[15.4] covsrt rearrange covariance matrix, used by LFIT (example )
[15.4] svdfit linear least-squares fit by singular value decomposition (example )
[15.4] svdvar variances from singular value decomposition (example )
[15.4] fpoly fit a polynomial using LFIT or SVDFIT (example )
[15.4] fleg fit a Legendre polynomial using LFIT or SVDFIT (example )
[15.5] mrqmin nonlinear least-squares fit, Marquardt's method (example )
[15.5] mrqcof used by MRQMIN to evaluate coefficients (example )
[15.5] fgauss fit a sum of Gaussians using MRQMIN (example )
[15.7] medfit fit data to a straight line robustly, least absolute deviation (example )
[15.7] rofunc fit data robustly, used by MEDFIT (example )
[16.1] rk4 integrate one step of ODEs, fourth-order Runge-Kutta (example )
[16.1] rkdumb integrate ODEs by fourth-order Runge-Kutta (example )
[16.2] rkqs integrate one step of ODEs with accuracy monitoring (example )
[16.2] rkck Cash-Karp-Runge-Kutta step used by rkqs
[16.2] odeint integrate ODEs with accuracy monitoring (example )
[16.3] mmid integrate ODEs by modified midpoint method (example )
[16.4] bsstep integrate ODEs, Bulirsch-Stoer step (example )
[16.4] pzextr polynomial extrapolation, used by BSSTEP (example )
[16.4] rzextr rational function extrapolation, used by BSSTEP (example )
[16.5] stoerm integrate conservative second-order ODEs (example )
[16.6] stiff integrate stiff ODEs by fourth-order Rosenbrock (example )
[16.6] jacobn sample Jacobian routine for stiff
[16.6] derivs sample derivatives routine for stiff
[16.6] simpr integrate stiff ODEs by semi-implicit midpoint rule (example )
[16.6] stifbs integrate stiff ODEs, Bulirsch-Stoer step (example )
[17.1] shoot solve two point boundary value problem by shooting
[17.2] shootf ditto, by shooting to a fitting point
[17.3] solvde two point boundary value problem, solve by relaxation
[17.3] bksub backsubstitution, used by SOLVDE
[17.3] pinvs diagonalize a sub-block, used by SOLVDE
[17.3] red reduce columns of a matrix, used by SOLVDE
[17.4] sfroid spheroidal functions by method of SOLVDE
[17.4] difeq spheroidal matrix coefficients, used by SFROID
[17.4] sphoot spheroidal functions by method of shoot
[17.4] sphfpt spheroidal functions by method of shootf (example )
[18.1] fred2 solve linear Fredholm equations of the second kind (example )
[18.1] fredin interpolate solutions obtained with fred2 (example )
[18.2] voltra linear Volterra equations of the second kind (example )
[18.3] wwghts quadrature weights for an arbitrarily singular kernel
[18.3] kermom sample routine for moments of a singular kernel
[18.3] quadmx sample routine for a quadrature matrix
[18.3] fredex example of solving a singular Fredholm equation
[19.5] sor elliptic PDE solved by successive overrelaxation method (example )
[19.6] mglin linear elliptic PDE solved by multigrid method (example )
[19.6] rstrct half-weighting restriction, used by mglin, mgfas
[19.6] interp bilinear prolongation, used by mglin, mgfas
[19.6] addint interpolate and add, used by mglin
[19.6] slvsml solve on coarsest grid, used by mglin
[19.6] relax Gauss-Seidel relaxation, used by mglin
[19.6] resid calculate residual, used by mglin
[19.6] copy utility used by mglin, mgfas
[19.6] fill0 utility used by mglin
[19.6] maloc memory allocation utility used by mglin, mgfas
[19.6] mgfas nonlinear elliptic PDE solved by multigrid method (example )
[19.6] relax2 Gauss-Seidel relaxation, used by mgfas
[19.6] slvsm2 solve on coarsest grid, used by mgfas
[19.6] lop applies nonlinear operator, used by mgfas
[19.6] matadd utility used by mgfas
[19.6] matsub utility used by mgfas
[19.6] anorm2 utility used by mgfas
[20.1] machar diagnose computer's floating arithmetic (example )
[20.2] igray Gray code and its inverse (example )
[20.3] icrc1 cyclic redundancy checksum, used by icrc
[20.3] icrc cyclic redundancy checksum (example )
[20.3] decchk decimal check digit calculation or verification (example )
[20.4] hufmak construct a Huffman code
[20.4] hufapp append bits to a Huffman code, used by hufmak
[20.4] hufenc use Huffman code to encode and compress a character
[20.4] hufdec use Huffman code to decode and decompress a character (example )
[20.5] arcmak construct an arithmetic code
[20.5] arcode encode or decode a character using arithmetic coding (example )
[20.5] arcsum add integer to byte string, used by arcode
[20.6] mpops multiple precision arithmetic, simpler operations
[20.6] mpmul multiple precision multiply, using FFT methods
[20.6] mpinv multiple precision reciprocal
[20.6] mpdiv multiple precision divide and remainder
[20.6] mpsqrt multiple precision square root
[20.6] mp2dfr multiple precision conversion to decimal base
[20.6] mppi multiple precision example, compute many digits of pi (example )
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