2023년 12월 31일슈라인 강당이 가득 찼을 때, 사이언톨로지스트들은 전례 없는 한 해를 마무리하며 2024년 무한한 지평의 미래를 향해 출발했습니다!끊임없는 글로벌 확장의 또 다른 해를 축하하는 밤…무한한 내일을 바라보는 밤…지붕을 올리고 새해를 시작하는 밤!6,500명이 넘는 사이언톨로지 신자들과 손님들이 모여 화려한 사이언톨로지 신년 축하 행사를 위해 로스앤젤레스에 있는 슈라인 오디토리움(Shrine Auditorium)의 웅장함은 우아하고 신나는 저녁을 위한 무대를 마련했습니다.
순식간에 성소는 축하의 빛과 음악이 쏟아져 나왔습니다.해외 아티스트들이 연속으로 출연하는 오프닝 콘서트가 진행되는 동안 관객들은 일어서며 기립을 유지했습니다.Miscavige 씨는 행사를 시작하며 전례 없는 한 해를 마무리하고 2024년 무한한 지평선의 미래를 시작합니다.이미 하늘을 찌르는 기대감을 안고 사이언톨로지교의 교회 지도자인 데이비드 미스카비지(David Miscavige) 씨가 무대에 오르자 청중은 열광했습니다.
천둥 같은 박수 소리가 그랜드 홀에 울려퍼졌고, 밤의 흥분과 심오한 의미를 물씬 풍겼습니다."전통적으로, 우리의 새해 행사는 L. Ron Hubbard의 응용 기술의 다양한 부문을 둘러보는 밤입니다."라고 Miscavige 씨가 시작했습니다.숨막힐 듯한 밤을 앞두고 앞으로 어떤 일이 일어날지 미리 미리 살펴본 후 그는 이렇게 덧붙였습니다.
“우리는 지나간 1년을 단지 축하하는 것이 아닙니다.오히려 우리는 2024년 새해를 맞이하면서 고체 로켓 연료에 불을 붙이고 이 강당의 지붕을 바로 날려버릴 것입니다!”이를 통해 Miscavige 씨는 진정한 사이언톨로지 스타일로 새해 축하 행사를 시작하여 지난해 교회의 폭발적인 성장에 대한 생생한 이야기를 선보였습니다.
멈출 수 없는 끝없는 확장사이언톨로지의 존재감이 커지고 있음을 보여주는 한 가지 척도는 1천만 시간에 달하는 무차별적인 도움을 제공하는 전 세계적인 자원봉사자들을 모으는 글로벌 인도주의적 계획에서 가장 분명하게 드러났습니다.이에 대한 응답으로 전 세계에서 다음과 같은 선언문이 나왔습니다.미국 적십자(American Red Cross)는 "연민과 흔들리지 않는 헌신의 탁월한 표현"을 인정했습니다.
호주 국회는 “위기의 시기에 자원 봉사자들의 헌신과 노력”에 감사드립니다.영국 하원은 “그 이상의 성과를 인정받아”;그리고 더 나은 세상을 만든다는 이름으로 3,000개 이상의 상과 표창을 받았습니다.그 동안 교회는 사이언톨로지 네트워크를 통해 세상을 향상시켰으며, 방송 프로그램과 사회적 책임에 대한 표창을 받았습니다. 모두 130개가 넘는 업계 상을 받았습니다.
동시에 온라인 사이언톨로지 세계는 방문객들이 2분마다 온라인 강좌에 등록하여 무려 120만 명이 강좌를 이수함으로써 종교에 대한 치솟는 호기심을 충족시켰습니다.그러나 가장 위대한 미래를 예언하는 숫자는 현재 진행 중인 500만 평방피트의 건설이며, 이는 모두 5개 대륙에 걸쳐 사이언톨로지의 글로벌 입지를 두 배로 늘리는 것입니다.
문명을 고양시키는 기술이러한 대대적인 준비가 사이언톨로지의 물리적 존재 확대를 입증했다면, Miscavige 씨는 다음으로 설립자 L. Ron Hubbard의 기술을 적용에 반영하는 엄청난 성과를 선보였습니다. 이는 사회 개선을 촉진하기 위해 노력하는 글로벌 프로그램의 힘을 보여주는 모범적인 이야기의 태피스트리를 펼치는 것이었습니다.
그룹 번영과 영적 발전.더 나은 삶과 교육을 위한 협회(ABLE)는 약물 남용, 문맹, 부도덕 및 범죄에 대응하기 위한 프로그램을 시행합니다.300억 달러 규모의 마약 거래의 본고장이자 유럽에서 중독률이 가장 높은 국가 중 하나인 이탈리아에서는 40년 경력의 Narconon 베테랑 임원이 LRH 약물 재활 기술을 통해 중독자들에게 새로운 삶을 선사하고 있습니다.
이는 이탈리아 부츠를 위아래로 확장하는 7개의 Narconon 센터 네트워크를 확장하여 매일 중독으로부터 다른 생명을 구하는 이야기입니다.네덜란드에서는 암스테르담에 기반을 둔 Applied Scholastics 교육자 그룹이 L. Ron Hubbard의 학습 기술을 사용하여 네덜란드어 고유의 복잡성으로 인한 교육 장벽을 극복했습니다.단 60시간의 개인교습 후에, "희망이 없는" 학생들의 거의 90%가 전국 평균보다 높은 시험을 받았습니다.
그 후 Applied Scholastics 팀은 6개 이상의 센터를 도시 전역으로 확장하여 전국의 모든 튜터링 센터 중 상위 1%에 들었습니다. 그 결과 교육자들은 Study Technology를 모든 네덜란드어 학습을 향상시키는 모델로 인식했습니다.오리건주 포틀랜드에서는 팬데믹이 최고조에 달했을 때 근본적인 열정과 편견이 100일 밤 연속 폭동을 촉발시켰고, 동시에 폭력 범죄의 물결이 모든 기록을 깨뜨렸습니다.하지만 도시의 교회에 들어가세요.
이한 영문원문~
With the Shrine Auditorium packed to capacity, Scientologists closed the book on an unprecedented year, launching into a future of limitless horizons in 2024!
A night to salute another year of unrelenting global expansion…
A night to gaze upon infinite tomorrows…
A night to raise the roof and kick off a new year!
The grandeur of the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles set the stage for an elegant and exhilarating evening as more than 6,500 Scientologists and guests gathered for the spectacular Scientology New Year’s Celebration.
In an instant, the Shrine burst into a cascade of celebratory light and music. The audience leaped to their feet and remained standing throughout an opening concert featuring a succession of international artists.
Mr. Miscavige kicks off the event, closing the book on an unprecedented year and launching into a future of limitless horizons in 2024.
With anticipation already sky-high, the audience went stratospheric as Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, took the stage. The thunderous ovation reverberated through the grand hall, infusing the night with a surge of excitement and profound significance.
“As is traditional, our New Year’s Event is the night we tour the various sectors of L. Ron Hubbard’s Technology in application,” began Mr. Miscavige. After an edge-of-the-seat preview of what lay ahead for the breathtaking night, he added, “We aren’t just toasting a year gone by. Rather, we are going to ignite solid rocket fuel and blow the roof right off this auditorium as we lift off into New Year’s 2024!”
With that, Mr. Miscavige launched into a New Year’s Celebration in true Scientology style, presenting vivid stories of the Church’s explosive growth through the last year.
One measure of the growing presence of Scientology was supremely evident in its global humanitarian initiatives, assembling a worldwide force of volunteers that delivered 10 million hours of indiscriminate help.
In reply came gratitude from all over the world, with proclamations from:
The American Red Cross for “exceptional demonstration of compassion and unwavering commitment”;
Australia’s National Parliament for “the dedication and effort of your volunteers in our time of crisis”;
United Kingdom’s House of Commons “in recognition of going above and beyond”;
And from corridors of power everywhere else—more than 3,000 awards and recognitions in the name of building a better world.
All the while, the Church uplifted the world through Scientology Network, receiving accolades for broadcast programming and social responsibility—all amounting to more than 130 industry awards.
At the same time, the online Scientology universe satisfied soaring curiosity about the religion, with visitors enrolling in an online course every two minutes—for a staggering 1.2 million course completions.
But the number foretelling the greatest future yet is 5 million square feet of construction now in progress—and all to double Scientology’s global footprint across five continents.
If such massive preparation demonstrated the expanding physical presence of Scientology, Mr. Miscavige next presented a whirlwind of achievements reflecting Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Technology in application—unfolding a tapestry of exemplary stories, each illustrating the power of global programs committed to fostering social betterment, group prosperity and spiritual advancement.
Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE), bringing to bear programs to counteract drug abuse, illiteracy, immorality and criminality.
In Italy, the motherland of a $30 billion drug trade and a nation with one of the worst addiction rates in Europe, but where a 40-year Narconon veteran executive is giving addicts a new life with LRH Drug Rehabilitation Technology. Such is the story of an expanding network of seven Narconon centers stretching up and down the Italian boot—salvaging another life from addiction every single day.
In the Netherlands, an Amsterdam-based group of Applied Scholastics educators employed L. Ron Hubbard’s Study Technology to overcome the educational barriers stemming from the inherent complexities of the Dutch language. After just 60 hours of tutoring, almost 90 percent of otherwise “hopeless” pupils tested above the national average. Subsequently, the Applied Scholastics team expanded across the city with no less than six centers, placing them in the top one percent of all tutoring centers nationwide—whereupon educators recognized Study Technology as the model to uplift all Dutch learning.
In Portland, Oregon, where, at the height of the pandemic, underlying passion and prejudice triggered more than 100 consecutive nights of rioting—all while a violent crime wave broke all records. But enter the city’s Church of Scientology with a mailing of nearly 44,000 copies of The Way to Happiness into riot hot spots, calling for Portlanders to live together in peace. At which point, call it magic or call it coincidence, the rioting stopped cold. Church teams and community groups further collaborated for hand-to-hand, one-on-one booklet distribution throughout the city, including every downtown resident—whereafter, crime plunged below pre-pandemic levels.
World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE), disseminating L. Ron Hubbard’s Administrative Technology (Admin Tech) for group survival and prosperity.
From Australia came the account of larger-than-life twin brothers who are third-generation owners of their family home construction business. Since becoming members of WISE in 2019, the brothers have expanded the business from four cities in the company’s first 50 years to no less than 13 towns and cities today. The brothers virtually tripled expansion right through the pandemic, constructing nearly 1,000 homes, and so revitalizing the Great Australian Dream for first-time homeowners.
In Hungary, with foreign multinationals driving beloved domestic household brands out of the market, an entrepreneur and WISE member determined to boost the Hungarian economy through Hungarian-made products. Acquiring a nearly bankrupt household and personal care product manufacturer, he revived the company with Administrative Technology, expanding it 350 times over. But it was during the pandemic the company gained even greater prominence. For with global supply lines shut down, and imports suddenly unavailable, he reconfigured factory manufacturing lines to exclusively produce the country’s most needed and wanted product—sanitizer. Whereupon, he was officially named an “essential services provider,” ultimately supplying more than 5.5 million liters of sanitizer to the entire nation—from every supermarket to every school and hospital. At which point, his company earned award after award—until he was finally standing in the Hungarian Parliament to receive the nation’s prestigious Value and Quality Grand Prize.
And lastly, from South America, where a Hubbard College of Administration (HCA) Ecuador has graduated more than 11,000 Professionals on LRH Admin Tech courses. The HCA further consults businesses of every type, from a top producer of spices and teas, to a premier snack food company and even the world’s largest orchid exporter. In total, HCA Ecuador has brought Administrative Technology to more than 5,000 small and medium-sized businesses, representing a full six percent of the nation’s economic base—and all of which earned the HCA a recognition from the Office of the President for bolstering Ecuadorian industry to new heights of productivity.
International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors (I HELP) and Scientology Missions International (SMI), the worldwide movement of Scientology Field Groups and Missions.
Taichung, Taiwan: In exemplary demonstration of pioneering Scientologists opening ever more new gateways to the Bridge came a father and daughter duo establishing the Superior Knowledge Group, and with a presence that amounts to an Ideal Group. In a land where ancient wisdom has given way to material success, the Group is dedicated to providing practical knowledge so necessary to true happiness and prosperity. Located in one of Taichung’s foremost high-tech industrial parks, Superior Knowledge is extending the Technology of Dianetics and Scientology across the city’s professional landscape—already prompting leading officials to proclaim, “You are creating a better future for Taiwanese society.”
The Czech Republic: It’s a nation where a burgeoning community of pioneering Scientologists are working toward the goal of establishing a full-fledged Ideal Organization. To precisely that end, an I HELP member determined to recruit an entire team to train abroad as Golden Age Auditors and Supervisors. Whereupon came the establishment of a brand-new Scientology Mission of Zbrojnicka in the city of Plzeň. Thereafter, the Mission embarked upon delivery of introductory services in cities the length and breadth of the Czech Republic and, concurrently, established even more new gateways to the Bridge—no less than 22 new Czech I HELP Groups and 4 new Scientology Missions. All of which, in turn, prompted a mayoral proclamation: “Scientology is bringing the Czech Republic to a better state.”
Modena, Italy: When the pandemic triggered national shutdowns, a dedicated Scientologist determined to seize the moment to create a new Ideal Mission—planning and renovating quarters for all Mission services. No sooner did restrictions end than a ribbon was falling at her Grand Opening. As an Ideal Mission, they not only provide all Scientology services to the State of Clear, but they also reach out with communitywide implementation of every Church-sponsored humanitarian initiative: Truth About Drugs, Youth for Human Rights, The Way to Happiness and Volunteer Minister disaster response. To date, they have already reached 1 million individuals with campaign materials, a full 23 percent of the region’s population. In gratitude, a regional legislative councilor proclaimed, “Thank you for implementing solutions changing our community for the better.”
“That brings us to our New Year’s Awards Celebration and what historically marks our salute to a worldwide league of Power Field Staff Members,” announced Mr. Miscavige. Thereafter, a record number of more than 200 Field Staff Members stepped onstage, each receiving a Power FSM Pin, in recognition for having helped at least 100 individuals onto and up the Bridge to Total Freedom in a single year. Capping the awards was the acknowledgment of an unprecedented six Elite FSMs, each of whom helped at least 1,000 individuals onto and up the Bridge in just the last year.
“We come to the culminating chapter of this New Year’s review and the crucial nexus between yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s destiny.”
With that, Mr. Miscavige announced the completion of construction for all-new Ideal Organizations, scheduled for Grand Opening in the first two months of 2024:
In Austin, Texas, with an Ideal Org directly adjacent to the University of Texas and right on the city’s main social corridor, famously known as The Drag.
In Del Valle, Mexico, with a new Ideal Org rising 12 stories above one of Mexico City’s most culturally vibrant neighborhoods.
In Chicago, Illinois, with a new Ideal Org located within the famed Chicago Loop, in a restored landmark building along the city’s historic Printer’s Row.
“Let’s now put the final exclamation point on this year and our launch-off into 2024, as in our traditional welcome to the world,” said Mr. Miscavige. With that, he previewed the Scientology message premiering at Super Bowl LVIII—an emphatic invitation for people to satisfy their curiosity and discover for themselves the answer to that question of questions: What is Scientology?
In his final message for the night, Mr. Miscavige declared, “Now that we have crisscrossed the globe, traversing every sector of LRH technical application, revealing our global message for tomorrow and unveiling new Ideal Orgs for eternity, I invite you to sit back and consider how far we’ve come. And to likewise consider what you’re now a part of. Because, yes, this is a timeless moment in history and a tale that will be told and retold forever.
“While, until forever, let every wristwatch in this house start ticking again. Because, we’re all now on the clock for that countdown to liftoff and a year for all the ages to come!”
All at once, the Shrine erupted in a spectacle of light, confetti and jubilant song—a living metaphor for the start of a triumphant and boundless 2024!