The title of this book is “Max’s Fireflies.”
Ruby, Louise, and Max were going to see the fireworks.
But Max tried to see the fireflies. Max used Ruby’s blanket to catch the fireflies.
After Ruby found the blanket, Max used Ruby’s waterboddle water bottle to catch the fireflies.
Ruby couldn’t find the water bottle.
Suddenly, the fireworks started! They missed the fireworks.
Instead, Max showed them his fireflies. They liked it!
I think Max purposely missed the fireworks because he wanted to show his fireflies.
Score: B
문법 팁:
- "Louse"는 철자가 잘못되었습니다. Louise로 수정하세요.
- "waterboddle"는 water bottle로 올바르게 써야 합니다.
- "Max on purpose missed the fireworks"는 Max purposely missed the fireworks로 더 자연스럽게 표현해야 해요.
스토리 팁:
- Max가 일부러 불꽃놀이를 놓치고 반딧불이를 보여준 이유를 조금 더 구체적으로 써보세요. 예: "Max는 반딧불이가 더 특별하다고 생각했어요."
(Adding more about Max’s thoughts will enhance the story!)