*제목에 병명(갑상선암 등)을 꼭 포함하기 바랍니다 ..회원들의 검색 편의를 위해서입니다. 제목에 병명이 없으면 따로 취급합니다. 이 양식을 지우면 강등합니다.

◆갑상선질환 전문 사이트 갑상그릴라 ▶

병리번호 19768
macroscopical findings:
thyroid,total thyroidecttomy :
1)specimen size : right lobe 5*3*2 cm , left lobe 5*4*2.5cm, 34 gm
asymmetric , fresh ,unopened
2).tumor site :left lobe ,upper portion (#9-12)
3) resection margin: free from carcinoma
4) tumor size and focality : lt. lobe- 2.5*2cm (#9-12), solitary
5) other features : tnmor cut surface
lt. lobe : well circunscribed, white to yellow colored mass
macroscopical findings:
9-12 left thyroid gland:
1) histologic type - papillary carcinoma
2) pathologic staging (pTNM)-
pT2 (tumor more than 2cm , but not more than 4cm, limited to thyroid)
pN1b(no. examined:26, no.involved: 10)
3)largest diameter of carcinoma -23 mm (#9)
4)miltiplicity /bilaterality - absent / absent
5) tumor encapsulation - absent
6) thyroid capsular invasion - absent
7)extrathyroid extension- absent
8) surgical margins - cannot be assessed
9) lymphovascular invasion -absent
10) additional pathologic findings- none
1. left level l la LN (1/1), 3 left level lll LN (2/2)
4-5 left level IV LN (5/11) 6 right central LN (2/4):
invaded by tumor cells
2. left level II LN (0/5) 7 left central LN (0/3):
free from tumor cell invasion
8. right thyroid glang : no pathologic process
pathological diagnosis
첫댓글 *제목에 병명(갑상선암 등)을 꼭 포함하기 바랍니다 ..회원들의 검색 편의를 위해서입니다. 제목에 병명이 없으면 따로 취급합니다. 이 양식을 지우면 강등합니다.
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