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역사학도의 시사토론 글방
카페 게시글
BBC 동영상 뉴스 스크랩 11-12 BBC/ 반기문 총장이 미국에 관타나모 수용소 폐쇄 촉구
역사학도 추천 0 조회 13 07.01.12 19:15 댓글 1
게시글 본문내용



Condoleezza Rice at Senate committee hearing
The US secretary of state says the Iraqi PM is living "on borrowed time", but she trusts him to deliver security.



반기문 총장이 미국에 관타나모 수용소 폐쇄 촉구한 것에 대한 뉴스 대본

To be closed he was speaking on the anniversarya day of protests around the world.

>> January 11th. 2002. A plane arrives at the U.S. Naval base at guantanamo bay in cuba. On board, detainees from the U.S. Led war in afghanistan which followed the 9/11 since then hundreds of foreign nationals suspected by the united states of terrorism have been held in the camp. And this is the come the iconic image of guantanamo. Inmates in orange jump suits sometimes blindfolded and gagged detainees are mortal othstates. Too dangerous to be leased. Bu critics of the prison there and speak of incidents torture and from afghanistan where it all began a simple message guantanamo isn't helping. This is something that easily plays to the hands of taliban and al-qaeda against the war against terror

>> The united nations has led international calls to close the detention centre nearly 400 people are still in captivity. Some of them high profile prisoners limpinged to al-qaeda. They've been held in secret cia prison elsewhere until they were sent to guantanamo last year in a few months time military tribunals are due to begin to put some prisoners on trial. But this place remains perhaps the most controversial symbol of america's war on terror.



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  • 작성자 07.01.12 19:24

    첫댓글 1941년 12월 일본이 진주만 폭격을 하자 그 다음 해에 일본인들을 수용소에 거주하게 한 적이 있었는데, 만약 그때 반기문이 유엔 사무총장이었더라면 일본인 수용소를 폐쇄하라고 미국에 요구하였을까요? 9.11 테러범 및 혐의자들을 격리 수용할 대안은 제시하지 않고 무조건 폐쇄하라고 미국에 요구한 것이 반기문의 반미 행동 개시인지 아니면, 뭘 좀 생각하고 한 행동인지 궁금해집니다.
