우리도 카드사 개인정보 유출로 한차례 폭풍을 치렀지만.. 미국도 예외는 아니네요. 소매업체 타겟의 정보유출 이후 스마트카드로의 변화를 급하게 꾀하고 있다고 합니다. 일반 소매점 카드단말기에 악성코드를 심어놓고 단 한번만 긁어도 쉽게 정보를 빼가서 복제할 수 있다고 합니다. 다들 조심하세요.. 조심한다고 될라나.. 우선 저도 마그네틱 카드 다 없애야 겠다는 생각이 급 드네요. ^^;
The next time you swipe your credit card, consider this: it's a ritual the rest of the world considers insecure and obsolete. That's because the magnetic stripe on the back of card can easily be hacked.
* ritual: (사회적 관습으로서의) 예의, 예절, 풍습, 의례적인 일
* obselete: 못쓰게 된, 사라진, 폐기된, (사물이) 시대[유행]에 뒤떨어진, 구식의
Bohdan Myroniw/AJB Software:
I think we'll all welcome the retirement of mag-stripe when it does come.
The recent massive data breach at Target put the spotlight on credit card fraud and the outdated system. Chip-based cards or smart cards have been in use across the globe for years. But full implementation in the United States isn't scheduled until October 2015. Much of the delay is because of costs.
* Full implementation 전면 시행
Bob Sullivan/Consumer Advocate:
It's very, very hard to transition to chip and PIN. Every single one of those point-of-sale terminals that you get at every single checkout counter (at) every retailer, somebody would have to buy a new one for $500 or thousand dollars that reads these chips.
* point-of-sale terminals :POS 단말기 -> (소매업의) 판매 시점 정보관리 방식의 계산 단말기
Smart cards are recognizable by the fingernail-sized gold contacts embedded on one side. A chip inside transmits encrypted information when slid into a slot.
* encrypt: ~을 암호로 바꾸다, 암호(문)화하다, (데이터를) 암호로 바꾸다
Erik Vlugt/Verifone VP Product Marketing:
(What) the end-to-end encryption will do is the second you swipe or insert the EMV card or even tap your mobile phone for whatever transaction it might be. We encrypt that data immediately inside our secure module and it doesn't get decrypted until it gets to the processor.
* end-to-end encryption: 종단(縱斷)형 암호화 -> 한쪽 끝과 다른 한쪽 끝을 잇는 암호화 체계
* EMV card ; 세계 3대 신용 카드사가 공동으로 결제하는 IC 카드의 표준 규격으로 3개 사의 머리글자를 따서 붙여짐
(벨기에의 유로페이, 미국의 마스터 카드, 비자 카드)
Banks haven't get issued the cards because stores have yet to install the terminals to accept them. Until the newer system arrives, consumers will have to keep swiping to make a purchase and hope their information doesn't get swiped in the process.
Warren Levinson, Associated Press.
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