Figure.1 MSI JSPI External Flashrom module
1. Overview of MSI JSPI External Flashrom module.
Most of MSI M/B and ASUS M/B that has 8pin SPI flashrom has a JSPI connecter.
You can add a secondary flashrom to M/B via this JSPI connecter.
When M/B has secondary flashrom, M/B will boot with secondary flashrom instead of on-board flashrom.
After booting, you can update a on-board flashrom with BIOS updated S/W of M/B manufacture.
2. Usage
Parts needed : MSI JSPI External Flashrom module + secondary flashrom(compatible with onboard Flashrom)
and Programmer.
a. Write a "correct BIOS of target M/B" to "Secondary flashrom" with your Programmer.
* Secondary flashrom must be compatible or same with Primary flashrom.
b. Plug the Secondary flashrom to DIP8 socket on MSI JSPI External Flashrom module.
* Caution : Match Pin.1 position of flashrom with socket of dongle board.
c. Connect a "MSI Type-I connecter of MSI JSPI External Flashrom module"
to JSPI pin-header on your MSI M/B.
* Caution : Match Pin.1 position of MSI Type-I connecter and JSPI pin-header on M/B.
Figure.2 Onboard JSPI pin-header
d. Turn on M/B. M/B will boot with Secondary flashrom.
(recommended to copy a BIOS update tool and BIOS file to harddisk before boot)
e. When, OS is fully booted and ready to run the BIOS update S/W(like awdflash.exe afuwin.exe),
Pull-out the MSI JSPI External Flashrom module from M/B.
f. Update a onboard flashrom with manufacturer's BIOS update S/W.
g. If success, reboot the motherboard and check there is not problem.
* Same useage with ASUS M/B.