나사못은 프랑스어 Vis(뷔, 뷔스) 입니다. 이게 일본으로 넘어 갔다가 역시나 피스라고 바뀌어 돌아왔죠
그냥 나사못~이라고 하거나 원어를 살려 뷔스(vis)라고 하시면 됩니다
piece(피스)는 조각, 부분 이라는 뜻으로서 낱개 하나 하나를 가리킬 때 쓰이기도 하지만 나사못을 뜻하는 단어는 아니니 주의하시기 바랍니다.
나사는 뷔스, 뷔(Vis)입니다
piece noun [C] (PART)
a part of something:
a piece of cloth torn from her coat
He cut the cake into six pieces.
This jigsaw puzzle has two pieces missing.
The vase lay on the floor in pieces (= broken into small parts).
She tried to break/tear a small piece off the edge.
The building was taken apart and reassembled piece by piece (= one part after another).
I'm going to have another piece of cake.
A piece of shell fell into the cake mixture.
He broke off a piece of chocolate.
I dropped the vase and it broke into pieces.
She ripped up his letters and burned the pieces.
SMART Vocabulary: 관련된 단어 및 문구
piece noun [C] (THING)
a single object of a particular type:
a piece of furniture/clothing/equipment
a piece of paper (= a whole sheet)
a piece of china (= an object made of china)
a piece of information/advice
an item of clothing, especially one that is expensive, fashionable, or individually made :
Each piece is quite unique, owing to the fact that all her creations are hand-knitted.
something that has been created by an artist, musician, or writer:
an orchestral/piano/instrumental piece
a skilful piece of work/research
Did you read that piece (= article) in the newspaper?
a single thing that forms part of a set:
a chess piece
a coin with a stated value:
Could you swap me two quarters for a 50 cent piece?
piece noun [C] (GUN)
a gun:
an artillery piece
US slang He was carrying a piece when he was arrested.
piece noun [C] (BREAD)
Scottish English
a sandwich:
a ham piece
Piece words and group words
Piece words make it possible to talk about a single unit or units of something which is seen as uncountable. Piece words include words such as piece, bit, item, article. We normally use them with of. We can use them in the singular or the plural. …
Piece words
Piece words make it possible to talk about a single unit or units of something which is seen as uncountable. Piece words include words such as piece, bit, item, article. We normally use them with of. We can use them in the singular or the plural. …
come to piecesgive someone a piece of your mindfall to pieces(all) in one piecein piecespick/pull someone/something to piecesa piece of assa piece of cakea piece of the piea piece of work
with the number of pieces mentioned:
a five-piece band (= with five players)
noun [ C ]
piece noun [C] (PART)
a part of something:
a piece of cake/chicken/pizza
The vase lay on the floor in pieces (= broken into small parts).
She was so mad that she ripped the letter to pieces (= into small parts).
piece noun [C] (ITEM)
a single item that is one of other similar items:
a piece of furniture/equipment/luggage/paper
I have an important piece of information for you.
A piece can be something created by an artist, writer, or musician:
He’s written a new piece of music.
go to piecesa piece of cakea piece of the actiona piece of the pie
noun [ C ]
a single thing of a particular type, especially one of many:
a piece of sth A faulty piece of software caused the bank's online facility to shut down for three hours.
He produced an excellent piece of work.
a piece of data/evidence/information
a coin that has a value below 100 pence, cents, etc.:
a fifty-pence/fifty-cent piece
pay/buy/sell by the piece
to pay for, buy, or sell something in single units rather than in groups:
The stitchers are paid a salary rather than by the piece.
In those days stores sold candy by the piece for a penny.
mailing piece
piece of advice
piece rate
conversation piece
set piece
party piece
piece goods
오늘의 단어
have your hands full
to be so busy that you do not have time to do anything else
You're going to have your hands full with
너무/매우 바쁘다
very busy, engaged
= have got one's hands full (with~) / have one's plate full
I'd love to, but I have my hands full at the moment.
그러고 싶지만 지금 그럴 여유가 없네요.
Wish I could help you, but I have my hands full right now.
너를 도와줄 수 있었으면 좋겠는데, 지금 나도 손이 비어 있지가 않아.
We both have our hands full.
우리들은 둘 다 손을 놓을 수가 없습니다.
(Judy is talking to her sister Roberta on the telephone … )
(주디가 동생 로버타와 통화중이다 …)
Roberta: So Aunt Sally is coming to visit?
로버타: 그럼 샐리 고모가 방문하러 오는 거야?
Judy: Yes and I'm not crazy about it.
주디: 그래 난 별로 달갑지 않아.
Roberta: Why not? Oh no!
로버타: 왜? 아이고 어머나!
Judy: Oh yes. She's staying with me while she's in town.
주디: 아이고 그래. 나랑 같이 계시게 될 거야.
Roberta: You're going to have your hands full with her.
로버타: 언니가 고모 때문에 아주 바빠지겠군.
Judy: I know. She always complains about everything. She's always ne
주디: 그러게. 언제나 모든지 불평불만이시잖니. 부정적이고.
Roberta: I can't take her for very long.
로버타: 난 오랫동안 고모를 대할 수가 없어.
Judy: She's staying with me for a week.
주디: 고모가 일주일동안 나랑 계실 거야.
Roberta: After she leaves I''ll treat you to dinner. You pick the restaura
로버타: 떠나신 후에 내가 언니한테 저녁 살께. 장소는 언니가 정해.
Judy: Thanks. I may also need a vacation.
주디: 고맙다 휴가가 필요할지도 모르겠지만
▶ (one) is not crazy about it (or something): ~가 그리 달갑지 않다
"He has to work on his taxes and he's not crazy about it."
(그는 세금보고를 해야하는데 아주 달가와하지 않는 중입니다.)
▶ I can't take (one) for very long: ~를 오랫동안 견디지 못하겠어요
"He talks so much. I can't take him for very long."
(그는 너무 말이 많죠. 난 그를 오랫동안 대하지 못하겠어요.)
▶ I'll treat you to (something): 제가 ~를 당신한테 대접하겠습니다
"Thanks for helping me. I'll treat you to lunch."
(도와줘서 고맙습니다. 제가 점심 식사를 대접할게요.)