- 본셋, Boneset
. 학명; Eupatorium perfoliatum
. 개요; 북미동부원산의 다년생 식물
. 효능; 배변촉진제, 분비촉진제, 발한제, 구토제, 발열제, 강장제
. 사용법; 우리거나 약주로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Eupatorium perfoliatum
- 약용부위
. Herb.
. 허브
2 통명
- 영어; Agueweed, crosswort, eupatorium, feverwort, Indain sage, sweating plant, teasel, thoroughwort, vegetable antimony, wood boneset
- 한글; 본셋
3 개요
- 북미동부원산의 다년생 식물
. 늪이나 개울둑을 따라 자생
- 줄기; 거칠고 많은 털로 1미터까지 성장
. 잎; 거칠고 톱니가 있는 모양
- 꽃; 8월경에 백색으로 개화
. 열매; 약한 냄새와 강한 쓴맛
Boneset is an inigenous perennial plant found in swampy areas and along stream banks in eastern North America. The rough, hairy stem grows to a height of 1 to 5 feet from a horizontal, crooked rootstock. The leaves are rough, serrate, and taper to a long point. Terminal corymbs of numerous, white flowers appear in August and September. The fruit is a tufted achene. The plant has only a weak odor but a very bitter taste.
4 효능
- 배변촉진제, 분비촉진제, 발한제, 구토제, 발열제, 강장제
- 섭취형태에 따라 다른 효능
. 차갑게; 강장제, 완화제
. 따뜻하게; 발한제, 구토제, 감기, 발열, 독감치료
. 뜨겁게; 구토와 분비촉진
Aperient, cathartic, diaphoretic, emetic, febrifugge, tonic. The effect of boneset depends on the form it is taken in. Taken cold, the infusion has tonic and mildly laxative effects. Taken warm, it is diaphoretic and emetic and can be used to break up a common cold, for intermittent fever, and for the flu. The hot infusion is both emetic and cathartic.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 1컵의 물에 1티스푼
. 30분우려 하루 3-6번 1티스푼씩
- 약술; 10-40방울씩
Infusion; Use 1 level tsp. herb with 1 cup boiling water; steep for 30 minutes and strain. As a tonic, take cold, 1 tsp. three to six times a day.
Ticture; Take 10 to 40 drops at a time.