Pink Floyd - "Echoes" Best Of TV Spot Pt 1
This is pretty much a commercial for Pink Floyd's "Echoes" Best of Compilation.
None the less it's nice document on the band's career.
Pink Floyd - "Echoes" Best Of TV Spot Pt 2
This is pretty much a commercial for Pink Floyd's "Echoes" Best of Compilation.
None the less it's nice document on the band's career. - Part 2
Pink Floyd are an English rock band that earned recognition for its psychedelic
rock music, and, as they evolved, for their avant-garde progressive rock music.
Pink Floyd were known for philosophical lyrics, classic rock songwriting, sonic
experimentation, innovative cover art, and elaborate live shows. One of rock mu
sic's most successful and influential acts, the group has sold over 250million a
lbums worldwide,and an estimated 73.5 million albums in the U.S alone.
Pink Floyd had modest success in the late 1960s as a psychedelic band led by
the late Syd Barrett, however, Barrett's erratic behaviour forced his colleagues
to eventually replace him with guitarist and singer David Gilmour.
After Barrett's departure, singer and bass player Roger Waters gradually becam
e the band's leader and main songwriter. Under Waters, the band recorded sev
eral concept albums, achieving worldwide success with The Dark Side of the
Moon (1973), Wish You Were Here (1975), Animals (1977), and The Wall (1979).
In 1985, Waters declared Pink Floyd defunct, but the remaining members (led by
Gilmour) continued recording and touring under the name, enjoying great comme
rcial success and eventually reaching a settlement with Waters.
Waters performed with the band for the first time in 24 years, on July 2, 2005 at th
e London Live 8 concert, playing to Pink Floyd's biggest audience ever. In early
February 2006, Gilmour gave an interview to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica,
indicating that the band would no longer tour or produce any new material,althou
gh various members still plan on producing solo or collaborative material. The
possibility of an appearance similar to Live 8 has not been ruled out by either Ma
son or Gilmour.
Pink Floyd in 1968, left to right: Nick Mason, Syd Barrett, David Gilmour,
Roger Waters, and Richard Wright
pink floyd - lucifer sam /scarecrow
Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond /Syd Barrett Tribute
Pink Floyd - 1972 Abbey Road Interview Part 1
Pink Floyd being interviewed at Abbey Road studio's in 1972 discussing
amongst other things Syd leaving and David joining ...
Pink Floyd - 1972 Abbey Road Interview Part 2
Pink Floyd being interviewed at Abbey Road studio's in 1972 discussing
amongst other things Syd leaving and David joining ...
David Gilmour - Us & Them
David Gilmour of Pink Floyd shows us how he plays the epic, "Us & Them"
Pink Floyd: "Us and Them" with Rick Wright
Rick Wright plays "Us & Them," explains how he wrote it with Roger Waters.
This is a bonus feature from the Dark Side of the Moon documentary...
The Making Of The Dark Side Of The Moon
The Making Of The Dark Side Of The Moon Part 4
The Making Of The Dark Side Of The Moon Part 5
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저도 얼마전에 이 다큐를 보았습니다. 정말 감동적 이더군요. 특히 그당시의 모습들과 현재의 회고담들이 굉장히 마음을 흔들어 놓았습니다. 음악 하는 사람이 아니더라도 이들의 팬이라면 모두 똑같이 느끼셨을 겁니다. 좋은 자료 정말 감사 드립니다^^
귀중한 자료 잘 보았습니다. 저는 그렇게 초창기 음악은 모르는데 시드 바렛이 있을 당시의 음악도 상당히 쉽지만은 않은 음악이네요.
The Making Of The Dark Side Of The Moon 의 녹음 과정이 정말 신기 하네요. 정말 귀중한 자료 감사히 잘 보았습니다
한 사람의 팬으로서 재결성 된 시점에서 멋진 앨범이 올해에 꼭 나오길 기대 합니다~!!
무언가 모르게 음악이 가라 앉는게.. 한 밴드의 30 여년의 역사가.. 저도 올해엔 이 아저씨들의 앨범이 꼭 나왔으면 합니다~
정말 감사히 잘 봤습니다. 데이빗 길모어를 비롯해서 모두 어린 시절의 모습이 그립네요 ^^
항상 신기 하게 생각 하는게 초반, 중반 그리고 말기 (앨범으로). 어떻게 해서 그렇게 음악적 변화가 자연스레 이루어 졌나..이다.
오늘에서야 보게 되는군요. 이 다큐멘터리 있다는 소문만 들었는데..정말 귀중한 자료 감사드립니다(_ _)
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