Part 1
1. C) He is pouring some liquid into a cup.
2. D) They are examining some documents.
3. A) Some people are taking a ride on a boat.
4. B) There is a guitar beside a fireplace.
5. C) There are some mountains in the distance.
6. D) Some flowers are arranged in a vase.
Part 2
7. A) Yes, at 1 o’clock.
8. B) From a supplier in California
9. B) Saturday is better.
10. A) No, you shouldn't have to wait long.
11. C) Yes, they're on lower floor.
12. A) Macsine does.
13. C) Yes, of course
14. C) At a store in the city center
15. A) Actually, it's in the morning.
16. C) Certainly, I have some right here.
17. B) We already have one.
18. A) Oh, I'm not a sales associate.
19. C) I read an online newspaper every morning.
20. C) Do we have enough handouts?
21. A) I have to look at the receipt.
22. A) Because I have talent for it
23. C) Registration is closed yesterday.
24. C) I'm still waiting.
25. C) I'll buy mine at the door.
26. B) A lot of good resumes have come in.
27. C) What did you think of it?
28. A) I've been really busy with William's account.
29. C) We'll need to clear some space.
30. B) Is there another one nearby?
31. B) We do have a significant budget surplus.
Part 3
32. A) Ferry terminal
33. B) Bad weather
34. B) Get a meal
35. B) Librarian
36. A) E-mail notification을 받았다
37. D) search item
38. C) Painting 회사
39. B) 가격이 예상보다 higher than expected
40. C) move furniture
41. B) Fitness center
42. D) join membership
43. B) go on a tour
44. B) property manager
45. C) 승진되었다 be promoted
46. A) 전화를 한다
47. C) increase online order
48. D) Create 고객 설문 조사
49. A) Discount
50. C) Hotel
51. A) Wedding
52. D) Call a supervisor
53. C) roofting 회사
54. A) minor ~~~ damage 피해가 적다
55. B) 매장을 close하다
56. A) 회의에 참석하지 않았다
57. B) To correct mistaken assumption (← 빠른 환승 버스 서비스가 있다,)
58. D) Forward website link
59. B) Clothing designer
60. A) Reject 제안 (← 그들은 보통 젊은 고객층에게 marketing하다.)
61. B) business list
62. B) 스벳라나 포포바
63. A) 장비가 not working
64. C) 연극(Play)이 open
65. D) 날짜가 변경되어서
66. A) 편안한 rooms
67. A) 케탄 바로
68. C) Documentary 촬영
69. B) 주방
70. B) 날씨가 계속 나쁘다(poor)
Part 4
71. D) utility 회사
72. A) 문제가 will be solved.
73. B) work order form
74. C) security를 개선하기 위해
75. A) shut down computer
76. D) Information Technology
77. B) 도로 공사
78. D) Transportation
79. D) To read the project updates
80. A) 고객 방문
81. D) To recommend a alternative option (← There is one on Jefferson Avenue.)
82. B) Shuttle bus
83. C) 고객들을 만족시키기 위해
84. D) 실시간 package tracking
85. D) business collaboration
86. C) Media
87. D) 시설물 투어
88. B) volunteer 하고 싶은 사람들
89. B) Kitchen appliances
90. C) celebratory dinner
91. B) 주차가 제한될(limited) 것이다. (← There is a sports event that night.)
92. B) business owner
93. C) another tour를 하도록 motivate (← Art isn’t only inside the walls of a museum.)
94. D) Informational brochures
95. C) New train station
96. D) Plan D
97. D) Park idea
98. D) City official
99. C) eco-friendly features가 있다.
100. C) 2nd floor
Part 5
101. A) for
102. C) serving
103. A) I
104. B) as
105. D) continue
106. D) on
107. B) completed
108. D) distance
109. C) organizing
110. B) decision
111. A) within
112. A) features
113. B) directly
114. D) Despite
115. D) has been employed
116. C) noticeably
117. A) that
118. D) but
119. B) most ambitious
120. C) following
121. C) them
122. C) advanced
123. A) calculator
124. A) ensure
125. D) actively
126. B) potential
127. A) submitted
128. D) gladly
129. C) displaying
130. A) prior
Part 6
131. C) trends
132. D) has evolved
133. B) continued
134. A) The employees are available 24 hours a day to assist you.
135. B) Does it take all day long to recharge batteries?
136. D) repair
137. C) done
138. C) if
139. A) location
140. A) finally
141. C) We have had eyes on the city for a long time.
142. B) work
143. A) range
144. B) has developed
145. D) Once
146. A) The resulting durable fabric is a proper substitute for cottton clothing.
Part 7
147. B) snacks
148. C) customer rewards program~
149. C) Business owners
150. D) 자체의 marketing department가 있다.
151. D) Appliances
152. C) 배송 시간을 알기 원한다. (←
153. A) online으로 된 구매
154. C) faster 배송
155. B) relocation에 따른 changes 변동 사항 설명
156. C) Mr. ~~~ previously lived 이전에 살았던 곳
157. D) monthly meetings 월간 회의 개최
158. A) discuss ~~~ create ~~~ garden ~~~ 정원을 어떻게 만드는지 논의
159. B) remove pollution ~~~ air
160. D) support (= handle)
161. B) over 30 years ago 30년도 전에 설립
162. C) publicize (= promote)
163. D) 직원은 음악에 대한 학위(degrees)를 소지하고 있다.
164. C) surprise party에 직원들 초대
165. B) At 6:15 P.M.
166. D) Ms. Muller's desk로
167. C) [3] (manager가 회사를 대표해서 a commemorative palque를 증정할 것이다.)
168. B) Accounting
169. D) reworded가 되어야 한다.
170. D) ~ should not be any longer 더 이상 추가하지 않아도 충분히 길다
171. A) faster ~ collection 데이터 콜렉션 처리 시간이 짧다
172. B) To request referrals~
173. C) ~ International organization
174. C) 적어도 1번 이상 회의 meeting에 참가
175. B) [2] (large meeting room도 있을 것이다.)
176. B) 그는 최근에 a new car 새 차를 샀다.
177. D) protection (= coverage)
178. A) 필요 시, Call an agent
179. C) electronic transfer ~
180. B) A document to download
181. D) 참가자들과 taking photos 사진 찍기
182. A) Toronto
183. C) ~ part of a series
184. B) 책 속의 a character
185. A) mysteries 이야기 읽기를 좋아하는 사람들
186. B) Several types of fruits are cultivated.
187. A) 함께 business 사업을 working together 하는 장점(benefits)에 대해 설명
188. D) 야생 동물(wildlife)을 관찰(observe)하기 위해
189. A) 슈라이버씨의 제안(proposal)을 받아들였다.
190. C) grapefruit 생산량을 150,000 박스로 늘린 것
191. D) Professional networking website
192. B) Charleston
193. C) Ms. F의 초대를 accepted
194. D) Nigeria에서 research 연구했다.
195. A) To request his professional service
196. C) individualized 가르침을 통해
197. B) 학생들의 수
198. A) Ottawa에 위치하고 있다.
199. B) 코스메톨로지 2의 학생들
200. D) 학생들의 interview하고 싶어 한다