조금 늦게 온린 것 같아서 죄송해요~
그리고 영어가 짧다보니..^^;
이해해주시기 바랍니당~
There are many things that cannot be explained...like coincidence, or mysterious forces. In the past people explained these with ghost stories. Some cultures used folktales or fairytales, others used legends, myths, or other stories to explain the unknown. Everybody believes in their own explaination for what cannot be explained. The following questions ask you to examine what you believe and what you don't believe in.
Superstitions, Psychics, Fortunetellers and Knowing the Future
1. Do you think that there is truth behind superstitions?
2. What are some superstitions that you know in a foreign country?
3. What are some things that are considered unlucky?
4. What are some things that are considered lucky?
5. What numbers are considered to be lucky and unlucky in a foreign country?
6. Do you have a lucky number? why?
7. Have you ever gone to a psychic? If so, what were you told? Did you believe it?
8. Why do some people consult psychics before doing important things?
9. Do you know anyone that believe a psychic very strongly?
10. Why do some people need fortunetellers?
11. How do people predict the future?
12. Do you believe in horoscopes?
13. Do you read your horoscope? If so, do you believe it?
14. Do you think that dreams come true?
15. Do you think that dreams can help us solve our problems?
16. Do you think that some people can predict the future?
17. Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?
18. Do you believe that there are many things in our universe that cannot be explained? Give examples.
첫댓글 와~~ 좋은 토픽 감사합니다... 일요일 뵈어요~~
이번주 참석하실분들... 꼬리말 달아주세요~~
광팔이 참석~~
네.. 반갑습니다.. 일욜 뵈어요..
이야... 오랜 만에 보겠네.
불참석...... 근무라네^^ 언제 유령딱지 뗄건지...쩜....
요즘 마니 바쁘시네요..
와~~ 누나~~
간만에 참석~
찐짜... 오랜 만이네... @.@
네~~ 일욜에 뵈어요...
전 불참...하지만..참고로...나라별로 보면 행운숫자로 중국/일본은 8, 태국은 9, 이집트는 13..기독교국가는 7 .. 불행의숫자는 중국은 4와7, 일본은 4와9, 기독교국가는 666, 서구에서는 주로 13.. ㅎㅎㅎ 다양하네요. 참고로 중국 베이징올림픽 개막식은 2008년 8월 8일 8시 ㅋㅋ
광팔이 생일은 2월 15일...
아쉽게도 이번주는 불참석 임돠~~일요날 재고조사해야해서리...OTL
허극~~ 글쿠나~~ 휘리릭~~
역쉬 공장은 콩알새기가 중요하져 ^^
저... 지난번 가입했는데 이제야 참석이 가능할 듯 한데... 참석 하겠습니다. 그럼... 일요일... 어디였드라???
에운담이요~~ 약도는 "카페공지"게시판에 있슴다~~ 내일 뵈요~~
이따 뵈요~~
네~~ 반갑습니다... 이따 뵈요~