< 23. Nov. 2019 Saturday Meeting Review >
Hello ! Englisholic members ! It is me Scarlett :)
How are you today all ? I had a lazy Sunday today. And with a sleepy eyes, I am writing this after note.
Even though today is warmer than last week, cold winter is obviously just around corner. You know what? Due to the aggravating climate change, we would experience more short autumn season in the future in Korea. I think it is the worst scenario ever. Anyhow stay warm if you want not to catch a cold. Doing regular exercise is the best way to enhance our immune system as we discussed yesterday :).
Attendees were Scarlett(me), Daniel, Paris, Bader, Joey, Brenda, Sunny, Susie and Ju.
All three gentlemen attendees wear stripped dress shirts and all agreed that they look so dandy and smart :). And some of beautiful ladies join us today !~ OK, I will make a quick summary for the new faces and members who is coming back from long absence.
*** Currently joined member Bader is a young but married gentlemen who is from Morocco and shows his deep perspectives on the environmental issues. And I was impressed by his understanding on the international issues and I think he is a good debater. He has a lot of interests on education and I think he know the power of education well. Paris shows her favoritism on his voice and she compliments a lot. I agree with her but I want to compliment his knowledge more.
*** Ju is coming back again. Welcome back ! Since, Hien left for his country America, we could not see you for a while. But you know, we are here for you always. Come and visit Englisholic anytime. :) As an elementary school teacher, she gave us good examples of elementary schooler's response on the climate change education.
*** Susie is coming back as well. Where is David? She was in working holiday in Australia. It has been just 4 month since she is got back from her backpacking trip in Australia. Wow !~ Welcome back. I am awaiting for your stories from trip. See you again.
Yesterday, we had a intriguing discussion till we had a blue in the face. Even though, there were not many changes on the prepared topic materials, we could enjoy the discussion due to some members who have interests on these issues. Topics are as follows. [23. Nov. 2019] Saturday meeting topic (http://cafe.daum.net/englisholic/RxJ/990)
Secondly, I want to deliver the dilemmas of Glocalization worldwide using the Korean movie Moss. The movie 'Moss', which is 2010 South Korean mystery thriller film directed by Kang Woo-suk, was based on the popular webtoon of the same title by Yoon Tae-ho. Basically this movie talks about one guy's odd experience in his father's hometown. As this movie represented, sometimes locals have their own unique cultures or secrets which are against to global value system such as Justice, peace, women empowerment and equal opportunity. Speaking of those international value system, UN addresses 'Glocalization'. However, it brings about very sensitive issue sometimes. because value of globalization conflicts with regional value system frequently in real lives. If that is the case, do you think UN supports unprivileged group or privileged group? Well... It is very ambiguous sometimes. In this perspective, for the locals who are not privileged group in the region, realization of globalized values in our daily routine is very hard to acquire and even injustice is happening as usual. Now, I want to ask you that your local area has fair glocalizaion system? and International organization do support unprivileged group without trading some interests with locally privileged class?
Thirdly, we talk about the superbrain secrets to make your brain efficient and work faster. In our daily routine, we focused on the physical management but we forget about how to make our brain work better. Some basic treatment has been shared by Jim Kwik. For instance, you would better have brain food, think positive, exercise regularly, take your supplements, have positive peer group, keep clean environment, sleep enough, have brain protection always, practice lifelong leaning and have stress management. I think it seems very normal practices but we overlooked this basic routine in our daily life frequently, Food, exercise and life learning attitude is a key to make your brain resource more functional. Keep in mind that facts.
So We have dealing with 3 categories for our topics which
comprise Water, Food and Habitat security, Glocalization and self management.
I hope you enjoy the discussion with trendy issues.
Thank you for joining Saturday meeting this week.
See you next week :)
With Love,
Scarlett :)
첫댓글 Hello!Natural disaster such Venice flooding and climate changes may have been useful. especially for me:)
what a shame to have been on duty
Yeah I thought this issue is connected to your job a lot. I am sorry that you had a duty on that day but I think you will have a chance to talk about it later. Have a nice weekend. :)
Good to get you here.😁