That is «Jesus» adds up to 616 in Hebrew gematria (Jod [niqqud-e] Shin Vav Sin, 10+0+300+6+300=616)
I've been digging for weeks trying to get to the bottom of the whole Number/Name of the Beast, and I've learned quite a few new things and my Greek is getting better, and I've been made aware of certain things found in the old manuscripts that proves to put this whole mystery in blinding light. As it turns out, and if we are to believe early Christian writers, like second century Church commenter Irenaeus, certain scribes in his time would use 616 instead of 666 where the Number of the Beast is written, and they did so in order to render the number as if it was also the Name of the Beast, and people said it out loud. As far as I know, ΧΙϚ is not a real word, but when you read the letters in this here Name/Number « Χ Ι Ϛ » out loud, it spells out very similarly as «Christ» in modern English, only short of the R in the middle— understood as a nomen sacrum ΧΙϚ reads literally «CHIST» and could very well be a prophecy of how in the latter times people all over the world would worship of this mythical and promised faerie-king of salvation and absolution, the divine man whose deciphered name and title is Jesus Christ and that the Chi-Rho is the very key-symbol to reveal the REAL forces behind Rome and the Church? Or is it just hint as to how to overcome the curse of being branded or tattooed with ΧΙϚ (616) or ΧΞϚ 666? May I suggest the following touch-ups?
—I do not know how it is that some have erred following the ordinary mode of speech, and have vitiated the middle number in the name, [...] so that instead of six [...] there is but one
Irenaeus, Against Heresies vol.5 ch.30, c. 180 AD
The above quote shows that there were plenty enough manuscripts containing 616 instead of 666 in circulation in the 2nd century AD to raise the voice of early Roman Church spokesman Irenaeus who also says people treated ΧΙϚ just as much as a number, as a voiced word or name. Χ is Ch, Ι is EE and finally Ϛ is a ligature (contraction) of Sigma and Tau called Digamma or S t i g m a— ST. The name of the latter, when treated as a common noun has a lexical definition identical to the word used by Saul Paulus to describe the «brand-marks of Jesus» that he carried on his body, his boasted Stigmata, lit. «Trade-Marks of Jesus» as he says (is Paul really a saint? He has the limp and breath of Satan if you ask me). A definition not unlike the definition for Gr. Charagma, the word used to describe the M a r k of the Beast.
I think that originally «Jesus Christ» or similar Graeco-Latinised versions of our good lord's name were only used by the Roman Imperial forces Revelations refer to as the Beast. That is; «Jesus» adds up to 616 in Hebrew gematria (Jod [niqqud-e] Shin Vav Sin, 10+0+300+6+300=616), and I think the number of the Beast is to be understood as a contraction or abbreviation following the formulae of «nomina sacra» to some extent— of Christ— and that the Church's stories of this deified and brand-named «Jesus Christ» are to be understood as Rome-the-Beast's sacrilegious mass-market untrue versions of the story of our ever-so familiar carpenter hero from Nazareth, our Bread of Heaven. To support my claims comes the scribal concept of Nomina Sacra, that were common even in the earliest fragments of NT literature. Probably best known today from mystical letter codes in the golden an ill-perspectival Orthodox religious icons, and in Greek εἰκών «eikón» means idol and is the word used to describe the Image of The Beast. Anyway. Nomina Sacra or «Sacred Names» are shorthand snippets used in Christian manuscripts and church art; like IS used to replace IesouS, and ChS instead of ChristoS— in some effort to express some sort of mystical religious reverence, suggesting promise of secret knowledge and the keys to unlock a world of codes and secrets hidden in plain sight.
These final questions remain:
Is the prophecy of the Name and Image and Number of the Beast about religious icons and the systematic use of nomina sacra, and to be understood as sacrilege and considered heretical objects customary to the worldly forces Revelation calls The Beast? The Empire? Are the common religious icons venerated and worshipped especially by the Eastern Orthodox church, that are often packed with these supposed sacred abbreviations, are these what Revelation refers to as the Image of [i.e. belonging to] the Beast? That these shiny golden idols and secretive contractions sum up to give birth to a hydra-headed clockwork monster rather than Revelation's promised messiah, the Victorious Truth; as in Obscurity and Fragmentation where there should really be Revelation and Fulfilment instead?
edit on 24-8-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: removed align tag + shortened Irenaeus quote + misc
Ancient Bibles
Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus
첫댓글 'That is; «Jesus» adds up to 616 in Hebrew gematria (Jod [niqqud-e] Shin Vav Sin, 10+0+300+6+300=616)'
'That is; «Jesus» adds up to 616 in Hebrew gematria (Jod [niqqud-e] Sin Vav Sin, 10+0+300+6+300=616)'
'예수스(Ιησους Iesous)=Iesus Yesus Jesus'란 이름을 히브리어로 표기해 보면 [Yud(10) Sin(300) Vav(6) Sin(300)=616]으로 나타낼 수가 있습니다.
그럼으로 본문의 'Shin=300'은 'Sin=300'으로 나타내는 것의 바른 표기입니다.
's=Sin'이기 때문입니다.
예수스(Ιησους Iesous Iesus Yesus Jesus)란 이름은 적 그리스도의 이름이며 그 이름의 수는 616입니다.
히브리어 사전도 그리스어 사전도 위키백과도 에브라임 지파의 눈의 아들(호쉐아=הושע, 예호쉐아=יהושע, 예슈아=ישוע)의 이름이 곧 '예수(Ιησου Iesou Iesu Yesu Jesu)'이며, '예수스(Ιησους Iesous Iesus Yesus Jesus)'임을 밝히고 있습니다.
에브라임 지파의 눈의 아들은 창조주 하나님이 아닙니다.
마태복음 1:23 보라 젊은 여자가 잉태하여 아들을 낳을 것이요 그분의 이름을 임마누엘이라 하리라 하셨으니 이를 번역하면 우리와 함께 계시는 하나님이라 함이라
기록된 말씀은 "임마누엘=우리와 함께 계시는 하나님이라"고 밝히고 있습니다.
에브라임 지파의 눈의 아들의 그리스어 이름인 '예수스(Ιησους Iesous Iesus Yesus Jesus)'가 적 그리스도의 이름인 것입니다.
창조주 하나님 아버지 주 אדני Yeshuah יהוה 예슈아님께서 말씀이 육신이 되어 오신 "예슈아 ישוע Yeshua"님이심을 믿지 않는 자들이 에브라임 지파의 눈의 아들의 이름을 '야슈아=yahshua, 야후샤=yahusha, 야호슈아=yahoshua, 야후슈아=yahushua'라고 하며 하마쉬아흐라고 하는 것도 우상숭배인 것입니다.
이사야 43:11 "나 곧 나는 YESHUAH(יהוה)라 나 외에 구원자(מושיע 모쉬아)가 없느니라"라고 밝히셨기 때문입니다.
눈의 아들은 결코 구원자가 아닙니다.