Guideline for Cheonshimwon Midnight Prayer
1. According to the weather forecast, there will be rain and wind on Saturday (31st) at midnight, so there will be no burning ceremony outdoors for your repentance paper.
2. Instead of a burning ceremony for your repentance paper, you may have a new experience with Hyo Jung Offering Paper in Cheonshimwon. For questions regarding the HJ Offering paper, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Wallis at 510-760-9862
3. The main entrance and exit of Cheonshimwon has been relocated as shown in the picture below. Please note
4. Those who want to multiply Cheonshimwon Holy candle, please bring your own candle.
※ Here is the tentative program for the Midnight Prayer Gathering
11:20: Arrival
11:20 -50
-. Multiply holy candle (The person who brought own candle)
-. Prayer
-. Hyo Jung Offering Paper
-. Resolution prayer
-. Freely praying for your resolution while going around outside or inside the Cheonshimwon
11:50: Gather at Cheonshimwon
12:00: Countdown to the new year
-. Representative Prayer: Dr. Ki Hoon Kim
-. individual prayer
-. Three cheers Eog Man Se
-. going home