강정 #57
제주에 지천으로 널린게 바람이라는데 그날 하루는 바람조차 강정에 불지 않았다. 타는 한낮의 햇빛에 마을사람도, 경찰도,해군공정대도 다 지쳤다.
달라지는 게 없다고 한다. 국방부에서 합법적으로 매입했으니 여기에 무단으로 들어와 있었던 건 다 가져갈 수 있다고 한다. 그래서일까? 전날까지만 해도 중덕이와 마을 아이들이 깡총거리며 놀았던 천막 자리는 경찰들이 깡총거리며 노닌다.
무언가 말할게 있는 얼굴인데. 무언가 하고 싶은게 있는 손인데... 말없이 주저앉아 있다.
2010월 2월 강정마을 해군기지 건설예정지에 위치해 있던 점거 농성지는 새벽 제주경찰과 해군공정대에 의해 철거되었다.
보잘것없는 어촌마을이었던 여기는 대한민국 해군 기동 전단의 모항이 들어설 예정이다.
Zeiss Ikon / Kodak Professional T-MAX / 강정마을 제주 해군기지 건설예정지 점거 농성 지역
Ganggeong #57
Wind is one of the three famous iconic symbol in Jeju island. Everyday poeple here can face the wind from place to place. At that day, there were no wind at all in Gangggeong. A blazing sun made villagers, police and naval engineering battalion tired.
They said nothing changed. Military authority told people that they purchased this site under proper process and there were nohing wrong with process. Villagers claimed lack of legitimacy but they couldn't stop the demolition. Before the demolition, kids were playing there, after that, kids were replaced with police. Their words "Nothing changed" were wrong. Something clearly changed. Something crealy happened.
In this photo, one villager's face said he had something to say, his hand showed he had something to do.
2010.February this sitting-down site against Naval Station was removed with force by Jeju law-enforcement ans military engineering battalion units.
This Sites was supposed to be built as Naval Command Station Base as Naval Mobile Fleets of Korean Navy. The Construction Consortium DAELIM Industry started this site's demolition today, (April.9.2011).
Zeiss Ikon / Kodak Professional T-MAX / Ganggeong Village Demonstration Site