Population Traits Make friends easily and go with flow and grasp opportunity. Quick to start a project or chase an idea. Are good at organizing activities. May have short attention span, and expresses strong emotions. May quickly take opposite views that are deep but not always durable. Classic entrepreneurs and movers and shakers. Like to be touch and be touched by others. dedicated [ddikitid] 헌신적인, 전념(專念)하는, 몰두하는 realist [rlist ]현실주의자showy [ui] 겉치레하는.flighty [fliti]경박한, 들뜬; 무책임한. generalist [dnlist]일반직 risk takers 위험을 감수하는 사람 stubborn [stbn]고집이 센, 옹고집의.self-centered [sntd]자기 중심의, 자기 본위의. flow [flou] 유동;grasp [grsp]파악chase [teis]…을 뒤쫓다,durable [drbl]영속성 있는. span [spn]보통 약 9인치(23cm)); 짧은 길이[거리, 동안, 기간].entrepreneur [ntrprn] 《종종 경멸적》 기업가(起業家), 창업가(創業家); 사업가.mover [mv]성공[출세]한 사람. shaker [ik]흔드는 사람, 떠는 사람sway [swei] 동요, 진동. intrinsic [intrnsik]본질적인, 고유의elegance [ligns](종종 an ~) 우아, 단정, 고상, 기품.
Population Roughly 34% of the world is A +ve and 6% A -ve.
Traits Obedient, Careful, Sympathetic, Self-Sacrificing, Polite, Honest, Loyal, Emotional, Introverted & Nervous. Are reserved calm and even tempered. Sensitive to public opinion. May be Introverted, shy and nervous or ill at ease with others. May be Pessimistic. Value relationships and are loyal. Hesitant to change. Nature lovers and dislike crowds - need a private place or secret hideaway. Can be indecisive. Good at team work and obey rules. Dislike to touch or be touched by others. obedient [oubdint](…에) 순응하는[to].양순한introvert [ntrvt] 〈심리〉 내향성[내성적]인 사람nervous [nvs] (…에) 신경질적인, 신경 과민인reserved [rizvd]…을 떼어 두다, 비축하다, 남겨 두다tempered [tmpd]성미[기질]가 …한. introverted내성적인pessimistic [psmstik] 비관[염세]적인hesitant [hztnt] 주춤거리는; 내키지 않아 하는hideaway [hidwi] 은신 장소;indecisive [ndisisiv]우유부단한, 결단력이 없는[about].
Population Roughly 9% of the world is B +ve and 2% B -ve.
Traits Cheerful, Optimistic, Active, Sensitive, Kind, Forgetful, unorganized, Noisy, Egocentric Energetic and have the drive to reach towards goals. May be workaholics. Not the best team players and are individualistic. Do things at one's own pace. Strong personality adventurous. Likes to get one's own way. Are Sociable and enjoy entertaining. Like to touch or be touched by others. optimistic [ptmstik](…에 대해) 낙관적인, 낙천적인, 쉽게 여기는 egocentric [gousntrik]자기 중심의; 자기 본위의, 이기적인.
carefree [kfr] 근심[걱정]이 없는, 태평한
Population Roughly 4% of the world is AB +ve and 1% AB -ve.
Traits Social, Easy-going, Sympathetic, Diplomatic, Outgoing, Laid-back, Creative, Unpredictable, Artistic, Flexible, Moody and Brooding. Blend of opposites. Shy with some and bold with some. Introvert and Extrovert. Unpredictable and may seem to have calm exterior. Strong creative strain. Good at spotting problems and skirting them. Like city environment. Get bored easily. Everything they do is compelling. Never take things for granted. Appear mysterious. Contribute harmoniously to society. Dislike to touch or be touched by others. diplomatic [dplmtik]외교에 능한, 외교적 수완이 있는, 절충을 잘 하는; 요령이 좋은(tactful). unpredictable [npridktbl]예언[예측]할 수 없는 것[사람, 사건]. laid-back [bk]《美속어》 한가로운, 느긋한; 무감동의 broodingly [brdili] 생각에 잠겨, 기분이 언짢아, 시무룩해서. bold [bould]대담한, 용감한.introvert [ntrvt] 〈심리〉 내향성[내성적]인 사람 extrovert [kstrvt,]외향적[사교적]인 사람skirt [skt]…을 피하다, 비켜 가다; …의 가를 지나다.compelling [kmpli]사람을 가만히 두지 않는, 마음을 끄는; 존경하지 않을 수 없게 하는.위압적인.grant [grnt ]무상 원조.
출처: The Patio 원문보기 글쓴이: Life is 2 Short