fore[ fawr, fohr ]
Main Entry: fore
Definition: in the front
● Synonyms
forward, ante, ahead, before, beforehand, near, previous, antecedently, in advance, nearest, precedently
● Antonyms: back, aft
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Main Entry: ahead
Parts of Speech: adverb
Definition: in front or advance of
Synonyms: earlier, forward, along, advanced, before, onward, beforehand, ante, first, fore, foremost, leading, on, precedent, preceding, previous, onwards, forwards, advancing, antecedently, at an advantage, at the head, in the foreground, in the lead, precedently, progressing, to the fore
Antonyms: behind
Main Entry: before
Parts of Speech: adverb
Definition: earlier
Synonyms: previously, ahead, since, back, ante, ere, fore, former, formerly, forward, gone, heretofore, past, previous, sooner, afore, aforetime, antecedently, anteriorly, before present, gone by, in advance, in days of yore, in front, in old days, in the past, precendently, up to now
Antonyms: behind, after, later, afterward
Main Entry: beforehand
Parts of Speech: adverb
Definition: early
Synonyms: earlier, sooner, ahead, advanced, ahead of time, already, ante, antecedently, before, before now, fore, in advance, in anticipation, precedently, precocious, previous, previously
Main Entry: beforehand
Parts of Speech: adjective
Definition: early
Synonyms: earlier, ahead, advanced, ahead of time, already, ante, before, fore, precocious, previous, previously, sooner, antecedently, before now, in advance, in anticipation, precedently
Main Entry: bow
Parts of Speech: noun
Definition: front of boat
Synonyms: nose, head, prow, fore, stem, beak, forepart, bowsprit
Antonyms: straighten
Main Entry: cutting edge
Parts of Speech: noun
Definition: leading position
Synonyms: leading edge, forefront, innovation, vanguard, advancement, avant-garde, fore, front, invention, new wave, pioneer, point, spearhead, van, front line, advance guard, newest technology
Main Entry: forefront
Parts of Speech: noun
Definition: prominence
Synonyms: limelight, leading edge, vanguard, fore, cutting edge, lead, focus, spearhead, front, beginning, center, foreground, forepart
Antonyms: background
Main Entry: forefront/foreground
Parts of Speech: noun
Definition: prominence
Synonyms: beginning, center, focus, fore, front, lead, limelight, spearhead, state-of-the-art, vanguard, cutting-edge, forepart, leading-edge, on the line
Antonyms: unimportance, rear, background, back
Main Entry: forefronts
Parts of Speech: noun
Definition: prominence
Synonyms: limelight, leading edge, vanguard, fore, cutting edge, lead, focus, spearhead, front, beginning, center, foreground, forepart
Antonyms: background
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