이번 8월 아르헨티나에서 열리는 세계 영맨 선수권에서 역시 가장 강력한 우승 후보는 미국이라고 봅니다.
그리고 미국을 상대로 선전할 팀에는 개인적인 생각으로는 호주와 아르헨티나가 미국을 상대로 가장 선전하지 않을까 싶은데.
호주는 2003년 세계 청대 선수권 우승 멤버인 04~05년 루키 시즌에 NBL 3관왕 타이틀을 거머쥔 Brad Newley와 이번 nba 드래프트에서 중간에 철회했지만 리복 유로 캠프에서 긍정적인 평가를 받고03~04 시즌 NBL 신인왕 출신인 장신 포인트가드 Steven Markovic등의 여러 선수들이 있지만,청대 시절 중심인 보거트가 드래프트 사정으로 인해 최종 로스터에서 빠진 터라 아주 큰 힘을 발휘하기는 힘들 것 같습니다.그럼으로 인해 2003년 세계 청대 선수권에 비해서는 임팩트가 약해보입니다.
이번에 앤드류 보거트의 역할을 대신할 선수가 인디애나대로 진로가 확정된 Ben Allen이라는 6-10의 센터인데 호주내에서는 꽤 주목받는 포스트맨입니다.Allen의 활약이 호주 대표팀의 성적을 가르는 데 아주 큰 열쇠가 될 것 같습니다.
아르헨티나를 지목한 이유는 물론 지역예선에서는 미국과 푸에르토리코에 이어 3위를 했습니다만,
자국에서 열리는 대회라는 이점과 역시 예전 지노빌리,노시오니,스콜라가 2002년 세계 선수권에서 준우승을 차지했을 당시에 "장기합숙."으로 인해 팀웍을 만들었고,국대 멤버들이 유럽 리그에서 많이 뛰는 것처럼 이번 영맨 대표팀도 현재 다른 팀들에 비해 비교적 긴 시간을 장기 합숙해서 팀웍을 만들고 있다는 얘기가 있습니다.
다만 아르헨티나 역시 물론 좋은 선수들이 몇 명 있기는 합니다만(특히 6-7의 스몰포워드와 슈팅가드가 가능한 "아르헨티나의 새로운 다이아몬드."라는 Carlos Matias Sandes녀석을 주목해보시면 괜찮습니다.템플대에서도 콜이 있었던 선수.)그래도 미국 전력에 비해서는 약해보이고,오히려 의외로 더 약한 전력일 수도 있다는 생각입니다.
유럽 영맨 대회 예선 우승팀인 슬로베니아와 이스라엘,리투아니아같은 팀도 다크호스가 될 수 있다고 생각하지만,개인적인 생각으로는 이 팀들 역시 이번 대회에서 미국의 아성을 꺾기는 역시 힘들 것 같습니다,허나 이것은 모두 예상일 뿐입니다.이변이라는 건 언제 어디서 나올 지 모르죠.
어쨌든 JJ 레딕이 이번 미국 영맨 국가대표팀을 이끄는 주장이라는군요.--;;기사 원문을 올립니다.출처는 www.fibaamerica.com입니다.
USA - J. J. Redick leads the U-21 National Team trials:
Highlighted by 2005 consensus All-American J.J. Redick (Duke / Roanoke, Va.), 21 of the country's top basketball players 21-years-old and younger (born on or after Jan. 1, 1984) have accepted invitations to attend the July 21-23 USA Basketball Men's U21 National Team Trials in Dallas, Texas. Trials will be used to select the final 12-member U.S. U21 squad that will look to defend the USA's gold medal at the 2005 FIBA U21 World Championship in Mar de Plata, Argentina, Aug. 5-14. Athlete selections were made by the USA Basketball Men's Collegiate Committee, chaired by Syracuse University (N.Y.) head coach Jim Boeheim.
In addition to Redick, athletes expected to compete for spots on the 2005 USA U21 National Team include: Josh Boone (Connecticut / Mt. Airy, Md.);
Aaron Brooks (Oregon / Seattle, Wash.);
Shannon Brown (Michigan State / Maywood, Ill.);
Rodney Carney (Memphis / Indianapolis, Ind.);
JamesOn Curry (Oklahoma State / Pleasant Grove, N.C.);
Glen Davis (Louisiana State / Baton Rouge, La.);
Jared Dudley (Boston College / San Diego, Calif.);
Nick Fazekas (Nevada / Arvada, Colo.);
Rudy Gay (Connecticut / Baltimore, Md.);
C.J. Giles (Kansas / Seattle, Wash.);
Justin Gray (Wake Forest / Charlotte, N.C.);
Taj Gray (Oklahoma / Wichita, Kan.);
Malik Hairston (Oregon / Detroit, Mich.);
Adam Morrison (Gonzaga / Spokane, Wash.); Allan Ray (Villanova / Bronx, N.Y.);
Terrence Roberts (Syracuse / Jersey City, N.J.);
Rajon Rondo (Kentucky / Louisville, Ky.);
Darius Washington, Jr. (Memphis / Winter Park, Fla.);
Marcus Williams (Connecticut / Los Angeles, Calif.); and
Curtis Withers (Charlotte / Charlotte, N.C.).
Of the 13 athletes boasting of prior USA Basketball experience, Justin Gray, Morrison and Withers were members of the 2004 USA U21 World Championship Qualifying Team that captured gold and earned the United States its berth to this year's U21 Worlds. Redick was a member of the 2003 USA Junior World Championship Team that finished fifth with a 7-1 record;
Brooks helped the 2002 USA Junior World Championship Qualifying Team earn a bronze medal, and Gay and Hairston were on the USA Junior National Select Team that downed a World Select Team 99-79 in the 2004 Hoop Summit.
Additionally, Brown (2002 North), Curry (2002 and 2003 South), Fazekas (2002 West), Hairston (2003 North), Redick (2000 and 2001 East), Roberts (2002 East), Washington (2003 South) and Marcus Williams (2002 West) all got their start in USA Basketball at a Youth Development Festival and Carney participated in the 2004 USA Men's National Team Trials.
In addition to Redick's All-America accolades, which include Associated Press (A.P.), Sports Illustrated.com, Dick Vitale's All-Rolls Royce, College Insider.com and Rivals.com first team honors, Redick was a finalist for the 2005 John R. Wooden Award, named the 2005 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Player of the Year, was a unanimous selection to the All-ACC first team and earned ACC Tournament MVP honors.
Also receiving All-America accolades were Morrison, a College Insider.com first team and Sports Illustrated.com third team selection. The A.P. named Morrison as an All-America honorable mention along with Boone, Dudley and Fazekas; Dudley, Fazekas, Marcus Williams and Withers were Sports Illustrated.com All-America honorable mentions; while Fazekas and Morrison earned All-America honorable mention from Rivals.com.
College Insider.com and Rivals.com recognized Davis, Gay, Hairston and Washington as Freshman All-Americans and Curry was a Rivals.com Freshman All-America honorable mention.
Further, nine athletes were named by the U.S. Basketball Writers Association to their respective all-district squads, including Boone, Dudley, Fazekas, Justin Gray, Taj Gray, Morrison, Ray, Redick and Washington.
The 21 athletes represent 17 NCAA Division I schools and 10 collegiate conferences, with Connecticut and the Big East leading the charge with three and five representatives, respectively.
2005 USA U21 World Championship Team Trials
Saint Joseph's University (Pa.) head coach Phil Martelli has been named as the USA team's head coach and acting as his assistants will be collegiate head coaches James 멊ruiser' Flint from Drexel University (Pa.) and Dennis Felton from the University of Georgia.
Collegiate head coaches Jeremy Cox of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, Mike Dunlap of Metropolitan State College of Denver (Colo.) and Paul Patterson of Taylor University (Ind.) will serve as court coaches at the 2005 USA Basketball Men's U21 National Team Trials.
Trials will be conducted at the Dallas Mavericks practice facility inside the American Airlines Center and the first Trials session will be held on Thursday, July 21 at 10:00 a.m. (all times local), followed by a 5:00 p.m. session that night. July 22 and 23 will again feature two-a-days with starting times at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Team finalists will remain in Dallas for the USA's July 24 - Aug. 1 training camp, which will feature a July 24 practice at the Dr. Pepper Star Center in Frisco, Texas, near Dallas. The training camp will conclude with a pair of daily practices at the Dallas Mavericks practice facility at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on July 25 and July 26. The U.S. squad will then compete in the July 27-31 Global Games at the Dr. Pepper Star Center. The eventual 12-member USA team will be announced during the training camp.
Following one more practice session on Aug. 1 (site and time TBD), the American team will travel to Argentina for its final practices before tipping off play at the 2005 FIBA U21 World Championship on Aug. 5.
Contested Aug. 5-14 in Cordoba and Mar del Plata, Argentina, the 2005 FIBA Men's U21 World Championship will consist of 12 national teams split into two groups for preliminary round-robin play. The top four teams in each group will advance to the medal quarterfinals, while the 5th and 6th place finishing teams in each group will compete for 9th-12th place.
The U21 World Championship draw took place March 10 in Argentina and the USA (Americas No. 1) will compete in Mar del Plata in preliminary round Group B, opening up Aug. 5 against China (Asia No. 2). Facing Lithuania (Europe No. 3) on Aug. 6, the United States will go up against Puerto Rico (Americas No. 2) on Aug. 7, before closing out the first round against Nigeria (Africa No. 1) on Aug. 9 and Slovenia (Europe No. 1) on Aug. 10. Group A, which will compete in Cordoba, includes Argentina (Americas No. 3 & host), Australia (Oceania No. 1), Canada (Americas No. 4), Greece (Europe No. 4), Iran (Asia No. 1) and Israel (Europe No. 2).
Initiated in 1993 as the FIBA 22 & Under World Championship, the USA captured gold in the inaugural tournament with a perfect 8-0 record. In 1997, the Americans compiled a 5-2 record and finished fifth. Most recently in 2001, with the event known as the FIBA World Championship For Young Men and Martelli assisting on the sidelines, the USA was impressive, rolling to an unblemished 8-0 mark to capture gold.
The USA men are not only defending FIBA World Champs at the U21 level, but the U.S. squad last summer dominated its FIBA Americas competition in striking gold with a 5-0 record. Overall, in the three previous FIBA World Championships for this age group, the USA has won gold twice and compiled a 22-2 record.
피에쑤:이번에 Duke로 Josh McRoberts,Greg Paulus와 함께 리쿠르팅된 6-5의 리투아니아 출신 슈팅가드 Martynas Pocius도 리투아니아 대표팀으로 나올 지도 모르는데,만약 나온다면 JJ 레딕과의 대결도 은근히 기대가 되는군요.^^;;Pocius는 운동능력이 괜찮아 외곽슛터의 기능뿐 아니라 슬래셔틱한 기질도 가지고 있는 선수입니다.
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