캐나다 고용주로부터 고용제의(Job offer)를 받은 경우 Federal Skilled Trades Program을 지원할 수 있습니다.
유효한 고용제의는 "최대 2 고용주로부터 1년동안 주당 30시간 이상의 full time 으로 고용한다" 는 조건을 만족해야 합니다.
1. 현재 캐나다에 거주하는 경우
- 취업비자 상의 고용회사에서 재직 중이어야 하고,
- 현재 고용주는 신청인이 FSTP를 통하여 영주권자가 된 경우 현재의 취업비자 상의 직군으로 신청인을 고용한다는 job offer를 제공해야 하며,
- FSTP 신청 당시 합법적으로 캐나다에서 근무하고 있어야 합니다.
또한 해당 취업비자는
- HRSDC로 부터 승인된 LMO를 통한 취업비자이거나
- NAFTA협약 또는 intra-company transfer의 경우 처럼 LMO 면제 직군으로 받은 취업비자 이어야 합니다.
2. 그 외의 경우 job offer로 인정 받기위해서는 다음의 두 조건을 만족해야 합니다.
- 미래의 고용주로부터 FSTP으로 승인되는 경우 최소한 1년이상의 full time으로 고용하겠다는 job offer
- HRSDC로 부터 승인된 LMO가 있어야 합니다.
캐나다 이민성에서는 신청인이 job offer상의 업무를 수행할 수 있다는 확신이 있어야 합니다. 또한 해당 job 이 캐나다의 Regulated 즉 규제된 직종인 경우 신청인이 해당 직종의 자격증을 취득할 수 있다는 확신이 있어야만 합니다.
[이민성 원문]
Offer of employment – Skilled trades
An offer of continuous, full-time employment from a Canadian employer can help you qualify under the Federal Skilled Trades Program.
A valid offer has to be for full-time work (i.e. a minimum of 30 hours a week) over a period of at least one year, and can be from up to two employers.
Depending on your case, the requirements for a valid job offer are different.
If you work in Canada now:
- you must be working for an employer listed on your work permit,
- your current employer must have made an offer to give you a full-time job (of the same type that is on your work permit) if you are accepted as a federal skilled trades worker, and
- you must be authorized to work in Canada on the day you apply for a permanent resident visa.
- your work permit must have been issued by CIC based on a positive labour market opinion from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
- you are currently working in Canada in a job that is exempt from the labour market opinion requirement under an international agreement (e.g. North America Free Trade Agreement) or a significant benefit category (e.g. intra-company transferee).
In all other cases:
You must not be working in Canada and you either
- do not have a valid work permit or
- you have a work permit, but your case is different from those described in the first example.
In this case, the offer of employment is valid if your prospective employer
- has made an offer to give you a full-time job for at least one year if you are accepted as a federal skilled trades worker, and
- has obtained a positive Labour Market Opinion from HRSDC.
CIC officers must be convinced that you will be capable of doing the work you are offered. If the job is regulated in Canada, officers must also be convinced that you will likely qualify to be licensed or certified once you are in Canada.
Note: In Canada, provinces and territories are responsible for designating trades in their jurisdiction. Designation and certification requirements vary from province to province. For more information on licensing and regulatory requirements for specific professions, please consult Canada’s Foreign Credentials Referral Office or the relevant body in the province/territory where you plan to reside.