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대구영어토론 동아리 모닝동이
카페 게시글
Translation -- Every week! 1월 6일 까지
모닝동이 추천 0 조회 77 08.12.30 22:19 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용
  • 09.01.02 21:09

    첫댓글 The idea of the greatest philosopher waits between a book's covers to be discovered by readers. Please do not keep away from a book called "Classic", which means the fact enjoyed by all generation. Reading is essential art. Reading newspaper or researching on the internet will be a key for expanded thinking as well as a successful future.

  • 09.01.09 10:42

    내껀원래 없었는데 언제 생겼죠?

  • 09.01.09 12:50

    경환 번역:Recently There are a computer, text messeage and cellular phone. So now it is a living environment than old's but it is important to read as ever. Can you write a column about the pleasure of reading. My students and some students who read your column must be follow your advice. Students respect for star entertainers but respect for you more because you are more famous than star entertainers. Thanks for helping!!

  • 09.01.09 13:07

    What I've cut my hair is not because of him. How can I make him understand that? I am 30 years old and have a full-time job. I have 3 children and am involved in several activities. I am a very energetic and active person, so I need simple cute hairstyle to be controled with ease. then I finally cut my hair. I am fully satisfied with my hair style. It makes me feel youger, cuter, and more fashionable.
