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카페 프로필 이미지
i 여호와의 증인 정보카페
카페 게시글
▶자유대화방 스크랩 2009 내셔널 지오그래픽 사진공모전 수상작
언제나~& 추천 0 조회 64 10.01.02 23:42 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용



2009 내셔널 지오그래픽 사진공모전 수상작



내셔널 지오그래픽지가 올해의 국제사진 공모전 수상작을 발표했다.

대상은 인물, 자연 그리고 장소부분으로 나눠 3점을 선점했다. 대상작품은 전 세계에서 출품된 약 20만 여 점의 사진 중 엄선 된 것이라고 한다.




The Winners Of National Geographic's International Photo Contest (PHOTOS)



Nature - Grand Prize



This peppermint shrimp is spending the day in a branching vase sponge about 75 feet deep in Bonaire's Margate Bay. Lighting was achieved with an HID torch shining on the outside of the sponge. The photographer, working upside down, had to carefully control buoyancy while approaching as close as possible, taking care not to touch the sponge with camera or light and to avoid disturbing the shrimp or the sponge.

--Photo by William Goodwin




Nature - Honorable Mention


The picture was taken in the Mala Mala Game reserve in South Africa: A young leopard cub was lounging alone on a tree when, suddenly, a male adult leopard arrived and attacked it. The cub tried to escape by jumping to another tree, but the branches were so dry that he fell to the ground. Slightly injured from the bite of the adult, the cub escaped running. Amirante was on a safari jeep when the cub fell about one meter from him.--Photo by Stefano Amirante



Nature - Honorable Mention


A manatee photographed in Florida


Photo and caption by Yusuke Okado




People - Grand Prize



A 97-year-old woman waits for the bus in her Sunday best in Chamblee, Georgia.


Photo and Caption by Debra Jansen



People - Honorable Mention


"Facing the Almighty”

--Photo and Caption by Arie Yudhistira




People - Honorable Mention


The picture was shot at San Juan de los Remedios, Cuba, during a local celebration called “Las Parrandas” in which the highlight is fireworks. Here children light the fireworks and escape.

--Photo and caption by Fausto Podavini



Places- Grand Prize Winner



Licancabur volcano is located on the border between Chile and Bolivia.

--Photo and caption by Hugo Machado




Places- Honorable Mention


I was spending the fourth of July back in Nebraska, in the farmhouse where I grew up, and there were more fireflies that summer than I'd ever seen. I went out to the dirt road behind the house and shot this using a long exposure, just after sunset.

--Photo and caption by Rachel Blaser



Places- Honorable Mention


Driven by his great passion for landscaping, the winner of this category went out to the countryside as soon as he saw it was snowing. Driving around the region of Veneto, he found this abandoned train station at Feltre and was fascinated by its melancholic feel.


--Photo by Nicola Cocco

















