1. 미국인들이 먹거리 가격이 오른다고 말들이 많다: Americans ~ rising food prices
2. 생사의 문제이다: it’s ~
3. 이것은 리브스 가족인데 그들이 일반적인 일주일 동안 구입하는 음식들과 나란히 서있다: This is the Reeves family ~ all the food that they ~
4. 이 사진은 책에 넣기 위해 찍은 것이다: This photo was ~
5. 그들은 가공 식품들을 많이 산다: they buy a lot of ~
6. 고객을 잃을까 두려워: for fear that they would ~
7. 대형 식품 회사들은 리브스네 가족에 약간의 보호조치를 취해준다: Big food companies ~ the Reeveses ~
8. 그냥 과일: ~ fruit
9. 고기 먹다가 생선으로 바꿔 먹을 수 있다: she can ~
10. (당신이) 곤경에 처한 상태가 된다: you are ~
11. 그들은 곡물에 대한 의존도가 압도적이다: They are overwhelmingly ~
12. 무엇으로 대체할 수 있을까: what can they ~
13. 15인 가족을 먹여 살려야 한다: you have to ~ your 15-member ~
14. 이 사람들은 약간 궁색해지고 이 사람들은 상당히 힘들어진다: these folks are ~ and these folks are ~
1. 더 힘든 외교 협상을 시작하다: initiate ~
2. 국민의료보장제도: ~ health care
3. 인프라 개발을 통해 고용을 창출하다: ~ through infrastructure development
4. 대학을 (재정적인 측면에서) 좀 더 쉽게 갈 수 있도록 하다: making college more ~
5. 대통령직은 단순히 몇 가지 토론 이슈 이상의 문제이다: a presidency is more than just a set of ~
6. 초대장을 보내다: ~
7. 연쇄적으로 시민과의 대담을 갖다: ~ a series of ~
8. 우리 각각의 전당대회: our ~
9. 다른 나라로의 해외 여행을 하다: ~ some other foreign travel
10. 엄청난 희생을 해왔다: you've ~
11. 그것을 당연지사로 받아들이다: ~ as a matter of ~
12. 여성이 대통령에 출마하다: a woman is ~ president
13. 이상에 부응하다: ~ to its ideals
14. This sub was ~ by the US Coast Guard on a run from Colombia
1. 연방 사법 당국: Federal law enforcement
2. 마약과의 전쟁에서 새로운 경보를 울렸다: sounded a new alarm in the war on drugs
3. 새로운 마약 밀수 방식이 새로운 우려를 유발하다: the new drug trafficking method causes their concern
4. 그들만의 독자적인 소형 잠수함 형 선박들: their own fleet of small, submarine-like vessels
5. 수 톤에 해당하는 코카인을 수송하다: move tons of cocaine
6. 미 연방 정부에 의한 강화된 단속: stepped-up US law enforcement
7. 서반구에서 활동하는 새로운 해군력: a new naval power operating in the western hemisphere
8. 표면을 스치듯 지나다: skim the surface
9. 표면에서 18인치 떠서: 18 inches above the surface
10. 그들이 내보내는 신호가 거의 없다: very little signal that they give out
11. 결국 엄청난 양의 마약을 나르게 되다: wind up taking tremendous amounts of narcotics
12. 화물칸: the cargo hold
13. 코카인 밀수조직들의 잇따른 실패: a series of setbacks for the cocaine cartels
14. 기존의 해상 루트들이 와해되다: Traditional sea routes have been disrupted
15. 역대 최고인 21톤이 이 운반화물선에서 압류되다: a record 21 tons seized on this freighter
16. 전례없이 협력하다: offered unprecedented cooperation
1. 요즘 원자재 가격은 자꾸 치솟고 경제는 좋지 않아 스태그플레이션 가능성에 대해 서민들 사이에 말들이 많다. .
Today a lot of Koreans make grumble about a potential stagflation, amid soaring commodity prices and the weak economy.
2. 이것은 우리 가족이 지난 주 혹은 매주 평균적으로 구입하는 먹거리들을 모두 정리해서 써본 것이다.
This is a list of all the foods my family purchased last week or in a typical week.
3. 돈을 아끼려면 가공처리된 식품류를 사지 말고 육류도 세일할 때만 따로 사고 제철 먹거리들을 먹는 것이 좋다.
If you want to save money, you’d better buy meat on sale and eat foods in season.
4. 한국인 세 명 중 한 명은 휴대폰을 분실하면 친구도 잃게될까 걱정하는 것으로 나타났다. 한 설문조사 결과에 의하면 조사 대상자의 절반 이상이 주소록을 따라 갖고 있지 않다고 답했고 1/5은 전적으로 휴대폰에만 의지하는 것으로 나타났다.
One in three Koreans fear they would lose friends if they lost cell phones. More than half of those asked in a poll said that they do not have another address book. A fifth rely entirely on mobiles.
5. 제조물 책임법 (Product Liability)은 제품 결함시 소비자를 최대한 보호하기 위한 조치를 강구하려는 취지의 법이다.
PL is a law designed to give consumers or customers as much protection as possible when a product is flawed.
6. 건강과 웰빙을 챙기는 사람들이 늘면서 가공 식품에서 자연 식품으로 육류에서 과일 채소 쪽으로 전환하는 가정들이 늘고 있다.
As people become more and more conscious about health and wellness, an increasing number of families are switching from processed foods to natural foods and from meat to fruits and vegetables.
7. 휘발유가가 뛰면서 대중 교통 수단을 이용하자니 불편하고 타고 오자니 기름값이 아까워서 자차 운전자들이 출퇴근 시간에 애를 먹고 있다.
With gas prices soaring, commuters are stuck. It is inconvenient to use mass transit while dollar signs fly if they drive.
8. 처음에는 촛불 집회를 지지하는 사람들이 압도적이었다가 이제는 서서히 균형이 바뀌고 있다.
The balance, in which people were, at first, overwhelmingly supportive of candlelight vigils, is gradually shifting.
As our Robert Krulwich found Americans make grumble about rising food prices, but in the poor countries of the world, it’s a matter of life and death.
This is the Reeves family in
In America, notice that the Reeveses, this is a real family, this is not a statistical study, but they buy a lot of prepared foods: sausage pizza, paparone pizza, Kentucky Fried Chickens, soft tacos, tacos supreme beam burrito, McNuggets, fries, Pop De la O Fish. The companies that make these foods and the chips and the beers and the sodas and the combination food, drink, cocktails and the noodle soups. Big food companies do not want prices to rise too fast for fear that they would lose customers. So, in
The Dangs, on the other hand, yes, they buy Kentucky Fried Chicken hamburgers, burritos, fries, coca-cola, sushi roll, snack chips and Haggen-Dazs vanilla almond ice cream, but much more of their weekly food budget is plain fruit, vegetables, rice, bread, meat, eggs, milk, juice. So, when prices rise in
But now consider this family, the Notomos of Mali in
(OC) And we turn back now to our conversation today with Barack Obama. Because we talked about what he will do between now and the convention. We talked about what he thought of Hillary Clinton's speech last night. How his daughters feel about his nomination. But first, what three issues he feels will decide this election?
Issue number one, how are we gonna keep
(OC) John McCain issued an invitation to do a series of town hall meetings through the summer. Going to do it?
Well we are definitely going to be debating with John McCain. And we will do more than the three that have been promised. And so some of those would have to be done before our respective conventions.
(OC) Will you go to
I will almost certainly travel to
(VO) There's a picture of you in the paper this morning with your wife watching the
Well, look, this is a tough, tough thing for all of us. You know, you go through 16, 17 months, you've made enormous sacrifices. And then not get the nomination. I think it's something that has to be processed.
(OC) And finally, your daughters. What did they say to you?
(VO) Did they take it as a matter of course that daddy could be nominated to be president?
Malia said, well that doesn’t surprise me. But you could tell that there wasn’t that emotional impact on her because she has grown up in this environment where she can take it for granted. In the same way that she can take for granted that a woman is running for president. If you think about the distance we've traveled since I was born in 1961. And for me to be standing on stage in
(OC) We had a chance to talk to Barack Obama today.
(OC) Federal law enforcement has just sounded a new alarm in the war on drugs. And tonight, we're going to see the new drug trafficking method causing their concern. South American drug cartels now using their own fleet of small, submarine-like vessels to move tons of cocaine. Here's our chief investigative correspondent, Brian Ross.
(OC) Charlie, it appears to be a result of stepped-up
(VO) They skim the surface, as seen in this Coast Guard footage, making them more difficult to track than a Russian submarine.
They're about 18 inches above the surface. Very, very difficult to detect, very little signal that they give out.
They wind up taking tremendous amounts of narcotics. They started out with four to five tons. The new ones are estimated to be able to carry 12 tons to 15 tons of narcotics.
This sub was captured by the US Coast Guard on a run from
The drugs are stored up in the forward area, on top of the fuel tank, and all the way up in the cargo hold.
(VO) The movement to submarines comes after a series of setbacks for the cocaine cartels. Traditional sea routes have been disrupted, a record 21 tons seized on this freighter. And for the first time, officials in
Enough pressure is being put on these organizations that for the first time, they can no longer overcome those resistance and still supply the demand to the
(VO) On the streets of
Never happened before in, I think, in 30 years, of looking at the drug problem in the
(VO) So, the drug cartels have stepped up production of their submarine fleet.
The Colombians have been good about finding some of them in the jungles and destroying them before they get out. But we have intelligence that five or six are moving at any given time.
(OC) It's another example of creative and adaptive the drug cartels have been in getting around American law enforcement. And while there may be less cocaine available on the street, police say there's still no dramatic scarcity. Progress in this war, is also, Charlie, very difficult.
(OC) Our chief investigative correspondent, Brian Ross, reporting tonight.
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