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♣ 。이단|사이비 스크랩 카톨릭과 프리메이슨의 종교 통합적 에큐메니즘에 합류하고 있는 알파코스
블루칩 추천 0 조회 131 09.03.28 23:58 댓글 5
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프리메이슨 토니 블레어와 교황 베네딕트



교황 요한 바울을 알현하는 닉키 검불


Seeking to Understand Faith and Globalisation

( 토니 블레어의 종교재단의 추구 : 종교와 세계화를 이해하는 길 )

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In an increasingly globalised world, political, economic, and social influences are widely recognised and often well documented. By contrast, the impact of religious faith on such a world is generally far less widely recognised and understood. Yet faith motivates billions of believers around the world in their thoughts, words and actions. The impact of religious faith is therefore likely to be profound, especially in a world where different spheres are increasingly interconnected. It is the Foundation's belief that intelligent and sustained reflection on the crucial issues of faith and globalization can lead to the deeper understanding, and the kind of reconciliation and peaceful coexistence, that will be vital in the 21st century.


As a way of considering these essential questions, the Foundation is working to build a global conversation on them between an elite group of universities around the world over the next eighteen months. The initiative was launched at Yale University in September 2008 with a thirteen week course on faith and globalisation, which Yale will adapt and repeat this year and next. We are now developing the initiative more widely. The National University of Singapore and Durham University in the UK are now each developing their own versions of the course. We are in conversation with a number of other universities, with more to follow. The courses will explore a variety of topics and issues, each from a different global perspective -- in the classroom, in formal lectures and informal conversation, and through research, speeches, conferences, and the internet.


The initial topics listed at the right represent a starting point in the conversation about faith and globalization. Additional areas will be addressed and added to this web site as the initiative takes further shape in the months and years ahead.

Yale's partnership with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation

Taught jointly by former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Professor Miroslav Volf, and hosted in conjunction with the Yale Divinity School and the Yale School of Management, the details of the Faith and Globalisation seminar taught in 2008 are seen on these pages. We will update with Yale's 2009 syllabus as soon as it is available. Each topic to the right was addressed in the seminar. Readings, other resources, interviews and articles are available by clicking on the individual links. We will include different versions of the syllabus and course as it develops around the world and is adapted by different universities.

Moving beyond the academy

For the faith and globalisation initiative to be most relevant, it must look beyond the classroom. We are working with religious leaders, politicians, policy makers, business leaders, and civil society in order both to inform the lessons of the academy and to take the lessons of the academy into the wider world.

We will update this page as this work develops.


토니 블레어의 종교 통합적 에큐메니즘을 지지하는 인사들


Roshi Joan Halifax

닉키 검불 알파코스 창시자, 영국 성공회 HTB 교회 신부


I am delighted that the Faith Foundation is seeking a greater co- operation between faiths in an effort to combat malaria and pursue the Millennium Development goals. Extreme poverty is arguably the greatest moral and ethical issue of our day and there is an urgent need for people to work together to fight it.

Reverend Nicky Gumbel
Alpha Chaplain and Pioneer,
Holy Trinity Brompto


Rick Warren

릭 웨렌 새들백 교회 담임목사, 토니 블레어 재단의 고문, 알파코스 지지자, 프리메이슨 CFR 멤버


The vision and values of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation are desperately needed today when every major issue in our world is influenced for good or harm by faith factors. It would be foolish to ignore how religious conviction impacts personal and national identity, poverty and education, extremism and reconciliation, disease and development, peace and progress. In any effort to help people learn to live and work together, we must engage the vast networks, resources, wisdom, and influence of the faith communities. My friends, Tony Blair is uniquely prepared with the gifts of temperament, knowledge, experience, leadership, and global respect essential for a task this great. I honestly don’t know of anyone better suited for this challenge. It’s why I agreed to serve on the Advisory Board. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s potential for doing good is staggering.

Rick Warren
Saddleback Church
Purpose Driven Network
P.E.A.C.E. Coalition



Rabbi David Rosen

국제 유대교 위원회의 다종교단 자문단 회장


It is no exaggeration to describe interfaith relations as an exponentially growing endeavour and that there has never been so much interreligious dialogue and cooperation in human history as there is today.

Yet all too often all this activity remains peripheral to much of the public square and especially to affairs of state. I am not suggesting that interfaith relations can (let alone should) take the place of political leadership and diplomacy. But I do believe that it is a critically essential component in building healthy societies and in resolving conflicts.

An Interfaith Foundation led by one of the most notable statesmen of our times, has the potential to connect these worlds as never before; and it is my honour to congratulate Tony Blair on the establishment of this Foundation and to express the prayer that the One Source and Guide of our world will bless this endeavour, that it in turn may be a blessing to society as a whole.

Rabbi David Rosen KCSG
International Director of Interreligious Affairs
American Jewish Committee
International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations ? IJCIC


Anantanand Rambachan

아난타난드 람바칸 올라프 대학 종교학과 교수 


I welcome with joy and hope the dedication of the Rt. Hon. Tony Blair to initiate a Faith Foundation for the purpose of promoting cooperation among the world’s religions for human wellbeing, mutual understanding and trust. This work is an urgent necessity of our times. All of our religious traditions, in addition to their unique teachings about human destiny and fulfillment, include a vision of an ideal world community characterized by justice, peace, prosperity and freedom from violence, fear and exploitation. This vision, however, will not be realized without our willingness to reach across the historical boundaries of our faiths and extend our hands in friendship and fellowship in the search for common values and solutions. Our hopes for just and peaceful communities will only be realized together or not at all.

Mr. Blair brings to this good work a deep personal faith, considerable skills of leadership, energetic commitment, a respect for the uniqueness of each faith, and insight about the transformative potential of religion. Our collaboration in this effort is not an option. It is an imperative of our common existence and interrelated lives.

Anantanand Rambachan
Professor and Chair
Religion Department
St. Olaf College
Minnesota, USA


Archbishop Rowan Williams

로완 윌리암, 영국 성공회 켄터베리 대주교


I warmly welcome this and every initiative which encourages the important contribution that people of faith can and do make to the common good around the world and helps to progress mutual understanding between the faiths. I trust and pray that the work of the Foundation, and of all those individuals and organisations with which it will collaborate in the coming years will bear lasting fruit, and inspire even greater engagement across the borders of religious difference and diversity.

Dr Rowan Williams
Archbishop of Canterbury


Dr. Eboo Patel

에부 파텔 박사, 다종교 청년 협의체의 설립자이며 회장 


The great tragedy of our times is that the headlines are dominated by the violent fringe of religious communities.  The Tony Blair Faith Foundation understands that there is a deep yearning amongst the vast majority of people of all faiths to reject this violence publicly and make real their most enduring principle - to protect and enhance the God-given gift of life.  The Interfaith Youth Core and I are proud to partner with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and diverse people of good faith all over the world to apply this principle in a campaign to end deaths from malaria.  Together, we will ensure that the twenty-first century is remembered not as a time of inter-religious violence, but as a period when people of all faiths cooperated to stop one of the giant ills afflicting humankind.

Dr. Eboo Patel
Founder and Executive Director,
Interfaith Youth Core


David Coffey

데이비드 코피, 침례교 세계 연맹 회장


I pledge my support for the Tony Blair Faith Foundation because I share the vision of fostering respectful relations between the historic faith traditions of the world.

It is of vital importance for the peace of the nations that the faith traditions learn how to live with their deepest differences.

As a committed Christian I profess my sole allegiance to Jesus Christ, but I also know I am called to honour and respect those of other faith traditions. When there is a meeting of different faiths it requires every party to be faithful to their own convictions and respectful of other traditions. This value is the historic heritage of religious liberty.

When the faith traditions break down the walls of suspicion and silence there can be a more effective partnership in working together to achieve the Millennium Development goals.

I warmly commend the imaginative initiatives of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

David Coffey
Baptist World Alliance


Roshi Joan Halifax

로쉬 조아난 할리팍스, 우파야 선 센터 승려


The Tony Blair Faith Foundation's vision of inter-religious dialogue and understanding at a time when our world is so imperilled is of profound importance. I believe that most religions in their very foundation share precious common values of regard for all of life. At this time, it is an imperative that we work together to heal the divisiveness in today's world, and nurture the best in each other, so that our children and their children can meet a world that is sane and healthy.

Roshi Joan Halifax
Upaya Zen Center


발췌 : http://tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/ ( 토니 블레어 종교 재단 홈페이지 )
  • 09.03.29 00:52

    첫댓글 릭워렌 목사님 '목적이 이끄는 삶' 쓰신 분이신데, 정말 충격적이네요.. 이분도 프리메이슨 소속이라니...

  • 09.05.18 11:54

    진짜 그러네요~

  • 09.03.29 13:02

    파벌을 나누기 보다는 서로를 위하는 마음이 더 하나님의 뜻을 이해한다고 봐야하지 않을까요? 선과 악으로 세상을 나눠서는 평화란 없지요~~ 선과 악의 대결 자신은 선이라고 생각하고 남은 악이라고 생각하는 고집불통은 전쟁만을 낳습니다 유럽의 지성과 이성을 우리는 배워야 한다고 생각합니다 사업적 기독교가 아니라 인간 본성을 공부하고 하나님의 본성을 닮아가는 자세가 되어야 하겠지요~~

  • 작성자 09.03.30 09:11

    교회 연합이나 일치를 말할 때 개혁교 내의 교파나 교단의 분열을 잇슈로 끄집어내어 부각시키는 척하지만 그것은 본질을 호도하는 제스쳐에 불과합니다. 단도직입적으로 교회의 연합과 일치라는 큰 깃발은 개혁교내의 분열 문제 때문이라기보다는 개혁교와 이방종교인 천주교가 손을 잡는 것을 말하고 루터나 칼빈 같은 이른바 교회분열주의자들에 의해 잘못 오푼 된 개혁교라는 간판을 철거하고 세계교회(천주교)로 되돌아가라는 메시지임을 간파해야합니다. 성경은 일치를 이야기하였지만, 또한 분리를 이야기 합니다. 기독교를 파괴하는 세력들과는 일치가 아니라 분리를 하나님께서 원하신다는 것을 아셔야합니다.

  • 작성자 09.03.30 09:25

    같은 예수님안에서 장로교, 감리교, 성결교, 침례교가 있는 것이 분열이라고 생각하지 않습니다. 이들은 로마 카톨릭의 배도에 대하여 분리해 나오면서 가진 다른 이름들일 뿐입니다. 이들이 카톨릭으로 부터 분열하면서 복음의 근본적인 진리를 변화시키지 않았습니다. 복음안에서 이미 하나 되었습니다. 이것을 분열이라고 보는 시각은 잘못입니다. 개혁교회들은 로마 카톨릭과 함께가자는 이슈에서의 에큐메니즘이 아니라, 개혁교회들간의 교제라는 의미에서의 에큐메니즘이어야 할 것입니다.
