August 16, 2012:
- Yuri UA9OBA and Yuri N3QQ update with the following.
A friend of Alex Vedernikov’s family left Moscow today bound for Caracas, Venezuela. He will spend up to two weeks there engaging with officials in the registration and transportation process of returning Alex’s body home for burial. This procedure is proving very difficult and expensive.
The total amount to have Alex returned home is over $30,000.
This sum is large and Alex’s relatives and employers are shouldering much of the cost together with the hugely generous response from the Ham radio world so far. As of August 16th, over $4,000 has been contributed by amateur radio operators.
Yuri UA9OBA mentioned that he asked the widow of UA9YAB (Natalia) of other possible ways of receiving financial help from abroad since some radio operators are unable to use Paypal. Natalia mentions there is a current account which can be used. Details as follows:
Intermediary Institution:
Name: The bank of New York Mellon
City: New York, NY, USA
Account with Institution:
City: Novosibirsk
Beneficiary Customer:
Number account: 42307840202450600021
City and Country: Biysk, Russia
If you do prefer to contribute via Paypal, please visit this page.
Thank you for your continued support at this difficult time for the family of Alex, UA9YAB.
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얼마전 "UA9YAB" 라는 분이 베네주엘라에 원정운영가서 갑자기 하늘나라로 가셨습니다.
그런데 베네주엘라에서 러시아까지 가는 시신운송비용이 많이 드는것 같다고 하는것 같습니다.
약 30,000$ 정도라는 돈이 드는데, 이 비용이 필요하다고 한것 같습니다.
그래서 뜻 있는 각 나라의 HAM 들이 많이 도와주는것 같습니다.
혹시 동참하실수 있는 분들 동참 했으면 좋겠습니다.
저도 처음으로 PAYPAL 이라는것 해 보았는데, 잘 되었나 모르겠습니다.??
안된것 같으면 다시 해야될것 같습니다.
이럴때 도와주는것도 참 의미있는 일이라고 생각합니다.
영어가 딸려서 죄송합니다. 73!
첫댓글 진정 아마추어무선을 사랑하시는분이시군요....