- 조름나물, Buck bean
. 학명; Menyanthes trifoliata
. 개요; 북반구원산의 다년생 수생식물
. 효능; 씁쓸한 강장제, 해열제, 편두통, 소화불량, 식욕촉진
. 사용법; 우리거나 냉추출, 파우더
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Menyanthes trifoliata
- 약용부위
. Leaves.
. 잎
2 통명
- 영어; Bean trefoil, bogbean, bog myrtle, brook bean, marsh clover, marsh trefoil, moon-flower, trefoil, water shamrock.
- 한글; 조름나물
3 개요
- 북반구원산의 다년생 수생식물
. 호주를 제외한 태평양 연안이나 습지에서 자생
- 줄기; 뿌리줄기에서 꽃줄기를 내어보냄
. 잎; 진녹색의 삼상엽
- 꽃; 백색내부 장미빛 외부로 개화
. 총상형으로 형성
Buck bean is a perennial water plant, found on the shorelines and in the ditches and marshy meadows of Pacific North America, Canada, Alaska, and Eurasia. The eastern and north central states of the U.S. have a smaller variety. The black, branching, jointed rootstock sends up a flower stem dilated at the base, as well as the dark green, ternate leaves with obovate, sessile leaflets. The racemed flowers are white inside, rose-coloed outside.
4 효능
- 씁쓸한 강장제, 해열제
. 차; 편두통, 소화불량, 식욕촉진용
- 외용; 궤양성 염증, 수포 치료
Bitter tonic, cathartic, febrifuge. Use buck bean tea to relieve fever and migraine headache, or for indigestion and to promote appetite. Externally, buck bean can be used for ulcerous sores and for herpes.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 1컵의 물에 1스푼을 15분간
. 하루 1컵 무가당으로 한모금씩
. 식욕촉진; 식전 30분 1/2컵
- 냉추출; 1컵의 물에 2티스푼
. 8시간 추출
- 파우더; 1/2-1티스푼
. 하루 3회 복용
Infusion; Use 1 tbsp. dried leaves with 1 cup water. Steep for 15 minutes, and take 1 cup a day, unsweetened, a mouthful at a time. To stimulate appetite, take 1/2 cup about 30 minutes before eating.
Cold extract; Use 2 tsp. leaves to 1 cup water. Let stand for 8 hours.
Powder; Take 1/2 to 1 tsp., three times a day.