- 갈매나무, Buckthorn
. 학명; Rhamnus frangula / cathartica / purshiana
. 개요; 유럽 / 유라시아 / 북미서부 원산의 관목
. 효능; 변통제, 이뇨제, 비만, 수종, 치질
. 사용법; 다리거나 우려서, 시럽, 팅크
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Rhamnus frangula / cathartica / purshiana
- 약용부위
. Bark / Fruit / Bark.
. 껍질 / 열매 /껍질
2 통명
- 영어; Alder buckthorn, alder dogwood, arrow-wood, black alder dogwood, black alder tree, black dogwood, European black alder, European buckthorn Persian berries / Common buckthorn, purging buckthorn, way-thorn / Cascara sagrada, California buckthorn, cascara, sacred bark
- 한글; 유럽 / 유라시아 / 북미 갈매나무
3 개요
- 유럽 / 유라시아 / 북미서부 원산의 관목
. 슾지에서 7 / 4 / 7미터까지 자생
- 가지; 가시가 없고 녹색에서 갈회색으로 성숙
. 잎; 연녹색으로 어긋나고 광택있는 난형
- 꽃; 5개의 꽃잎의 녹색으로 개화
. 열매; 3개의 종자가 녹색, 적색을 거처 흑자색으로 성숙
Buckthorn as a shrub may grow to 20 / 12 / 20 feet high, as a tree to 25 feet, in swamps and damp places of the northern and north-eastern U.S. as well as Europe. The spreading, thornless branches have green bark when young, turning to brownish-gray when older. The light olive-green leaves are alternate, obovate, slightly toothed or entire, and glabrous. The five petaled, green flowers grow in axillary clusters, 2 to 6 flowers per axil. The fruit is a three-seeded berry-like drups that turns from green through red to purplish-black and has a greenish-brown pulp.
4 효능
- 변통제
. 신체자극없이 변비와 관련된 문제 해결
. 부작용없이 반복사용 가능
- 임신중인 경우 의사처방필요
. 센나잎, 밀포일, 위치풀과 동량으로 혼합사용
- 차; 납산통, 비만, 수종, 치질에 효과
- 주의; 신선한 껍질과 미성숙과일은 중독가능
. 1년이상 건조하거나 화씨212도이상 가열필요
- 유라시아 갈매나무; 이뇨제로도 유효
Purgative. The purgative action of buckthorn is said to be similar to that of rhubarb. It works without irritating the system and can be used for all conditions causing or associated with constipation, including liver and gallbladder problems. It produces no constipative backlash after purgation as some other remedies do, neither does it become less effective with repeated use. Buckthorn should not be used during pregnancy, however. With medical approval, a mixture of equal parts buckthorn, senna leaves, milfoil, and witch-grass root may be used during this time. Buckthorn tea is also said to be good for lead colic, obesity, dropsy, and hemorrhoids. CAUTION; Fresh bark and unripe fruit can cause symptoms of poisoning. Storage for a year or heating to 212 degree F will render the bark safe. Common buckthorn is good for Diuretic as well.
5 사용법
- 채취; 3-4년생을 분리가 용이한 봄이나 여름에
. 건조 1년이상 3년이내 사용
- 다리기; 1/2컵의 물에 1티스푼을 넣고 끓여
. 취침전 1/2소주컵이하 음용
- 냉추출; 1/2컵의 물에 1티스푼을 12시간 추출
. 저녁에 음용
- 팅크; 유럽 / 북미 갈매나무 5-20 / 40-60방울을
물에 희석하여 음용
- 유라시아 갈매나무;
. 열매는 소주컵 10-20%(아동은 절반)
. 시럽; 베리주스에 가당하고 끓여 1-2스푼(아동은 1/2티스푼)
- 북미 갈매나무; 1컵의 물에 1티스푼을 끓여
. 1시간후 하루 1-2번 식전에 1컵음용
The best bark is from branches that are 3 to 4 years old. Age the bark for at least a year before using; after three years it begins to weaken.
Decoction; Use 1 tsp. bark with 1/2 cup cold water. Bring to a boil. Drink before going to bed. Use no more than 1/2 oz. of bark per day.
Cold extract; Use 1 tsp. bark with 1/2 cup cold water. Let stand for 12 hours. Drink in the evening.
Tincrure; A dose for alder / california buckthorn is from 5 to 20 / 40 to 60 drops with water.
Berries for common buckthorn; Adult take 1/10 to 2/10 oz. dried berries; children take half as much
Syrup for common buckthorn; Boil fresh berry juice with sugar to get a syrupy consistency. Adults take 1 to 2 tbsp., children 1/2 tsp. at a time.
Infusion for california buckthorn; Steep 1 tsp. bark in 1 cup water for 1 hour. Take 1 to 2 cups a day, before meals or on an empty stomach.