출처: I Love NBA 원문보기 글쓴이: Duncan&Kidd홧팅
애틀란타 호크스에 대한 나의 플레이어 스카우팅 리포트와 2012-13 예상치를 나열해보도록 하겠다.
(참조: 예상치는 '11-12 NBA 시즌동안 500 분 이상을 플레이한 선수들에 한한다.)
JEFF TEAGUE, PG | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
아 그런데, 그의 어깨로 쏘는 세트 샷은 여전히 좀 약점으로 남아있다. 3점슛에서는 35.4 퍼센트만의 적중률을 기록했고 장거리 2점슛에서는 38.1 퍼센트를 기록했다. 그렇게 형편없는 것은 아니지만 스타팅 포인트 가드에게서라면 여러분은 더 좋은 수치를 원할 것이라 본다. 또한 3점슛을 정말 드물게 던지는데, 외곽에서 완전히 오픈됐을 때만 던진다. 이런 이유로 티그는 2차 퍼센테이지에서 포인트 가드들 중 겨우 57 위에 올랐으며 2점슛 슈팅에서 4위였다는 사실을 크게 상쇄시켜버렸다.
수비를 보자면, 어택 시점에서 갖는 티그의 퀵니스는 호크스가 지난 시즌 그렇게나 좋아졌던 주요 원인이었다. 그는 뒤로 추격하는 블럭에 놀라운 모습을 보여줬고 빠른 손을 가지고 있다. 그러나 전체적으로 보면 그의 사이즈 부족과 부주의함은 그를 중위권의 수비수에 가깝게 만들었다. 그래도 이 정도면 호크스가 예전 시절에 이 포지션에서 얻었던 능력보다는 몇 차원은 더 좋은 것이다. 하지만 리바운드에 참여하지 않는 점은 미스테리다 - 리바운드 레이트에서 70 포인트 가드들 중 64 위, 시즌 초에 비해 급격한 하락이다. |
ANTHONY MORROW, SG | ||||||||||||||||
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점프 슈터치고는 유별나게 모로우는 윙 아이솔레이션을 좋아하고 이 상황을 작은 선수들을 상대로 점퍼를 만들 때 이용한다. 하지만 이는 그의 캐치앤슛 게임만큼 가치가 있지 않으며 혹자는 호크스가 이를 억제시켜줬으면 바라고 있다. 또한 모로우는 더 세부적인 요소들에 집중을 되찾아야 한다. 지난 세 시즌에 걸쳐 그의 어시스트와 리바운드 수치들이 계속하여 하락하고 있었으며, 지난 시즌 그는 각 항목에서 최악의 슈팅 가드들 중 하나였다.
모로우가 이런 모든 부문에 신경을 세워야 하는 이유는 그가 수비에서 구멍이기 때문이다. 뛰어난 운동능력도 아니고 포지션의 양 극단에 있는 이들에게 고전을 한다: 재빠른 가드들은 그를 제쳐버리고, 큰 가드들은 그를 포스트업으로 격파한다. 적어도 파울은 하지 않지만 그의 노력은 그냥 겉치레인 듯 보이고 결국 더 약한 공격수들을 상대하여 숨어야 한다. 지난 시즌 그의 수치들은 나쁘지 않았지만, 다른 시즌들에서는 나빴다. 해마다 이어지며 대부분의 수비 스탯에 내재된 부정적인 면들을 감안했을 때 나의 주관적인 평가는 그리 많이 변한 것은 없다이며, 그리고 지난 시즌 넷츠의 총체적인 수비쪽 허술함을 놓고 봐도 우리가 평가를 뒤집을 필요는 없다. |
KYLE KORVER, SF | ||||||||||||||||
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하지만, 그가 바스켓으로 어쩌다 한번 들어갔으면 좋았을 텐데 말이다. 아니면 일주일에 한번만이라도. 코버는 전체 시즌동안 바스켓 구역에서의 샷이 15 개였다. 애처로운 수치이며, 또한 여러분은 그가 낮은 자유투 레이트를 가졌으리라 상상할 만하다. 이런 점은 그가 매우 높은 퍼센테이지로 슛해야 한다는 천근같은 압박으로 이어졌고, 이 부문에서 해마다 그의 기록은 변덕이 매우 심했다. 더 나은 긍정적인 면을 보자면, 외곽에서 상대방들이 자기를 쫒아다닐 때 오픈되는 팀동료들을 아주 잘 찾아낸다는 점이다. 그의 퓨어 포인트 레이팅은 윙 플레이어들 사이에서 최고였다.
수비에서 코버는 여러분이 우수한 득점원에게 홀로 붙여놓고 싶어하는 그런 류의 선수는 아니지만, 빠른 손을 가진 좋은 팀 수비수이며, 플러스로 인사이드에서 더 큰 윙들을 상대로 부비적거리기 충분할 만큼 크다. 리바운드 레이트는 그의 사이즈치고 빈약하지만, 좋은 Synergy 수치를 받았고 불스는 그가 코트에 있을 때 손해는 보지 않았다. |
JOSH SMITH, PF | ||||||||||||||||
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공격을 보면, 바스켓 구역에서 68.1 퍼센트의 적중률을 기록했고 더 작은 상대방들을 상대로는 왼쪽 로우 포스트에서 짐승이 됐다. 그런데 안타까운 것이, 20 피트 점퍼에 대한 애착이 계속하여 그의 수치들을 파괴해 버렸다. 스미쓰는 장거리 2점슛에서 36.7 퍼센트만 성공시켰음에도 지난 시즌 411 번이라는 엄청난 양의 시도를 가졌는데, 경기 당 여섯 번을 넘는 수치다. 실제로 이보다 많이 가져가는 선수는 코비 브라이언트 뿐이다. 또한 스미쓰는 3점슛에서도 106 번을 던졌는데 이들 중 25.5 퍼센트만 성공시켰다.
그러니까 그의 샷 시도들 중 거의 절반이 세번에 한번 될까말까한 성공률을 가진 시도들로 이어진 것이다. 이런 샷을 샷 클락이 끝날 때쯤 던지면 여러분이 그닥 신경쓰지 않겠지만, 8 초는 더 남은 시간에 던진다면 정말 미칠 노릇이다. 상대방들은 던지도록 대놓고 내주고, 필립스 아레나의 팬들은 그가 샷을 위해 와인드업할 때 "노오오오우!"라고 비명을 지르지만, 스미쓰는 개의치 않는다. 이상하게도 코칭 스태프 역시 그가 이를 하도록 내버려둔다.
이런 점퍼들의 직접적인 결과로 - 말을 듣지 않는 자유투 슈팅으로 도움도 적게 받은 상황에서 - 스미쓰의 TS% 49.9는 파워 포워드들 중 겨우 53 위이며, 다른 공격 국면에서 그가 잘해낸 것들을 많이 상쇄시켜 버렸다. 또한 그가 올스타 팀에 들지 못하게 붙잡는 이유이기도 하고, 베스트 플레이어로 결코 호명받지 못하는 어정쩡한 상태로 있는 이유이기도 하다. |
AL HORFORD, C | ||||||||||||||||
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호포드는 전체 커리어동안 자기 원래 포지션을 벗어나 이런 모든 것들을 해냈다. 그의 진짜 포지션은 4 번이고, 이 자리에서 그는 상대 파워 포워드들을 상대로 로우 포스트의 짐승이 될 수 있고 수비에서도 더 잘 맞아 떨어진다. |
LOU WILLIAMS, SG | ||||||||||||||||
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그렇지만, 윌리엄스가 가진 보통의 TS%와 어시스트 수치들은 그가 득점원이 부족한 세컨드 유닛에서 샷을 창출할 때 최고의 용도가 있음을 의미한다. 이런 면에서 나온 원칙이 "Lou-for-one" 이다. 그러니까 식서스가 쿼터 말미에 35 초정도 남기고 볼을 가지고 있을 때마다, 상대방이 샷 하나를 가져가는 동안 윌리엄스가 미친 듯이 내달리며 샷 두개를 얻어내는 그런 모습이다. 이렇게 말했어도, 그는 또한 3점슛에서 커리어 베스트 36.2 퍼센트 적중률을 기록하며 입지를 높혔고, 평소에 하던대로 뛰어난 샷 페이크들을 이용하여 수많은 파울들을 끌어냈다.
수비에서 윌리엄스는 거의 파울을 하지 않으며 상대방 포인트 가드들을 수비할 만큼 재빠르지만, 이것이 효과를 낸 진짜 이유는 즈루 할러데이가 2 번을 플레이할 수 있었기 때문이다. 윌리엄스는 라인업에 맞추기에 애매한 선수인 이유가 슈팅 가드는 수비 못하지만 트루 포인트 가드가 아니란 이유 때문이다. 이런 점은 필리의 로스터에는 맞아떨어졌지만, 다른 가드들도 모두 단신들로 이루어진 애틀란타에서는 어떻게 기능을 할지는 앞으로 두고봐야 할 듯 하다.
하지만 이런 점이 큰 그림을 놓치게 하지는 말라. 20 PER짜리 가드가 감나무에서 뚝 떨어지는 것도 아니고, 필리는 이런 선수가 전성기 때에 떠나도록 하는 실수를 저질렀다. |
ZAZA PACHULIA, C | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
또한 파츌리아는 사이즈 대비 볼을 잘 다룬다. 턴오버는 좀 많이 하기는 하지만, 좋은 패서이며 퓨어 포인트 레이팅에서 센터들 중 상위 25 %안에 든다.
물론 그의 주요 자산은 공수 양면에서의 피지컬함이다. 그는 센터들 중 평균 위의 리바운더였으며 포스트 수비에서 정상급에 든다. 두 시즌 연속으로 센터들 중 다섯번째로 낮은 블럭샷 레이트를 기록하는 등, 림을 지켜주지는 못하지만, 가로로는 제법 잘 움직이며 하드 파울들을 건낸다. 이런 모든 점들로 인해 그는 매우 효과적인 백업이며, 지난 시즌에는 괜찮은 땜빵용 스타터로도 임했다. |
DEVIN HARRIS, PG | ||||||||||||||||
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공격에서 해리스는 최근 년도들보다 훨씬 더 효율적이엇다. 그의 2점슛 49.8 퍼센트 기록은 포인트 가드들 중 9 위이며 자유투 레이트는 6 위였다. 아 그런데, 자유투 74.6 퍼센트 기록은 실망이었다. 해리스는 또한 트랜지션에서의 풀업에 점점 사랑에 빠지는 와중에도 3점슛에서 커리어 베스트 36.2 퍼센트 적중률을 거뒀고, 자신의 커리어 중 최고에 달하는 어시스트와 턴오버 레이트를 기록했다. 실제로 그의 퓨어 포인트 레이팅은 포인트 가드들 중 상위권에 오르며 그의 슛퍼스트 평판을 무색케 했다.
수비에서 해리스는 기꺼이 챠지들을 끌어내지만 챠지를 끌어낼 때의 뛰어들기가 좋지 않고 상대를 멈출 때 다른 대안이 전혀 없다. 포인트 가드치고 크지만 가볍고, 그의 노력 수준은 오락가락한다. 82games.com 에 따르면 상대방 포인트 가드들은 그를 상대로 16.6 PER을 챙겨갔으며, 한편 Synergy는 그를 수비에서 리그 최악의 포인트 가드들 중 하나로 매겼다. 이는 과장된 것이긴 하지만, 확실히 그는 수비에서 도움이라기 보다는 방해에 더 가깝다. |
JOHAN PETRO, C | ||||||||||||||||
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Analysis 페트로는 서툰 공격으로 상쇄된 탄탄한 수비를 가지고 백업 센터로서 전환점을 맞이했다. 일단 좋은 뉴스, 아니 가장 나쁘지 않은 뉴스부터 시작해보자: 페트로는 10 피트 밖에서 37.8 퍼센트 적중률을 거뒀다. 그 미미한 푸쉬 샷덕분에 오펜스가 약간의 스페이싱이 필요할 때 다섯번째 옵션으로는 쓸만한 옵션이 됐다. 또한 나쁜 하이포스트 패서도 아니다.
그러나 그가 그렇게나 오펜스 킬러가 된 이유는 7-풋터들에게 기대되는 그런 것들을 하지 못하기 때문이다. 페트로는 바스켓 구역에서 44.1 퍼센트라는 부끄러운 적중률을 남겼고, 자기 포지션 중 가장 낮은 자유투 레이트들 중 하나를 기록했다. 이 결과로, 끔찍한 45.2 TS%를 남겼는데, 이것이 그렇게 별난 기록도 아니다. 이번이 그가 46 아래로 남긴 5 년 내에 네번째 년도였다.
수비에서 페트로는 여러분이 생각하는 것만큼 블럭을 하지 못하고 많은 파울을 한다 - 지난 시즌 7.5 분 당 하나. 게다가 그는 언제나 보드에서 실망이었다. 하지만 그는 크고 기동성이 있어서 이런 이유로 어느정도 가치를 유지하고 있다. 전반적으로 보면 그는 수비 쪽에서 리그 평균의 센터다. 그를 플레이 못하게 만드는 것은 공격이다. |
DeSHAWN STEVENSON, SG | |||||||||||||||||||||
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그의 4.33 PER은 지난 시즌 최소 500 분 이상을 뛴 모든 포지션의 선수들 가운데 최악이었다 (챠트를 보라). 스티븐슨은 코너에 그냥 머물러있는 것이나 다름없었고 그외에는 완전 무기력했다.
Worst PER, 2011-12
그는 162 번의 점프 샷을 던졌고 림에서의 샷은 아홉 번이었다. 아홉.
또한 그는 리그의 어느 선수들보다도 자신의 샷 중에 3점슛 비중이 가장 높았다. (제이슨 키드 코멘트 참조). 그가 3점슛에서 28.3 퍼센트보다 더 잘 던졌더라면, 이런 접근 방식이 더 성공적이었을 테지만. 그리고 당연하게도, 아크 안쪽에서는 28.6 퍼센트의 적중률만 기록했다. 이래나 저래나 울며 겨자먹기다.
스티븐슨이 제대로 가치를 갖고 있는 곳은 수비쪽이다. 지난 시즌 Synergy는 그를 리그 정상급 스몰 포워드들 중 하나로 매겼고, 82games.com 에 따르면 넷츠는 스티븐슨이 코트에 있을 때 100 포제션 당 7.4 득점을 덜 내줬다. 이런 수치들은 과장된 면이 있는 듯 하다. 지난 시즌 그는 느리고 무거워 보였으며, 블럭, 스틸, 리바운드에서 자기 포지션 중 바닥권 10 안에 들었었다. 그래도 그는 피지컬하고 어디에 있어야 하는지 안다. 넷츠같이 누더기같은 무리에서라면, 이정도면 가치가 있었다. |
IVAN JOHNSON, PF | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
존슨은 극도의 하이 미스테이크 플레이어다 !! 그의 턴오버 레이쇼우는 파워 포워드들 중 세번째로 안좋았으며, 그보다 더 자주 파울한 이는 다섯 뿐이다. 이를 메워준 것은 그의 에너지와 공격 스킬이었다. 높은 레이트의 파울을 끌어내며 바스켓 구역에서 67.6 퍼센트의 적중률을 거뒀고, 리바운드 레이트에서 파워 포워드들 중 평균 위에 올랐다. |
JOHN JENKINS, SG | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
Analysis |
MIKE SCOTT, PF | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
Analysis |
원문은 아래 더보기 클릭
Scouting report
+ Quick, scoring-minded guard who can get to basket. Good leaper.
+ Mediocre outside shooter with a good floater. Average distributor at best.
+ Athletic defender with good lateral quickness. Must improve strength, smarts.
Teague took over the starting point guard job and continued his steady improvement, upping his shooting percentage with the help of a much-improved floater. Teague was athletic enough to shoot 60.9 percent at the rim, but what really helped was his 42.9 percent shooting from 3-9 feet -- a shot he went to fairly often. Most guards shoot very poorly in that range, but Teague turned it into a strength.
Alas, his off-the-shoulder set shot remains a bit of a liability. He only made 35.4 percent of his 3s and 38.1 percent of his long 2s. While that's not terrible, you'd like better from a starting point guard. Teague also rarely shoots the 3 at all, usually only when left wide open on the perimeter. For that reason he was just 57th among point guards in secondary percentage & largely offsetting the fact he was fourth in 2-point shooting.
Defensively, Teague's quickness at the point of attack was a major reason the Hawks were so much better last season. He's amazing at chase-down blocks and has quick hands, but overall his lack of size and periodic inattention made him more of a middle-of-the-pack defender. That, still, was light years better than the Hawks got from this position previously. His non-participation on the glass was a mystery, however -- he was 64th out 70 point guards in rebound rate, a steep decline from a season earlier.
Scouting report
+ Amazing shooter. Money off the catch. Can play over top of smaller guards.
+ Subpar defensive player. Limited laterally and athletically. Low energy level.
+ Decent rebounder for size. Not a creator, but has good feel offensively.
Morrow had an off year shooting by his lofty standards, making "only" 37.1 percent of his 3-pointers and 43.6 percent of his 2s outside 10 feet. He showed his chops as a shooter by draining 93.3 percent from the line, and one presumes he's a safe bet to regain his perch in the mid-40s on 3s this season.
Unusually for a jump shooter, Morrow loves wing isolations and will use them against smaller players to create a jumper. This isn't as valuable as his catch-and-shoot game, however, and one hopes the Hawks will de-emphasize it. Additionally, Morrow has to regain his focus on the finer elements. His assist and rebound numbers have been in steady decline the past three seasons, and last season he was among the worst shooting guards in each category.
Morrow has to be sharp in all these facets because he's a defensive liability. He's not a great athlete and struggles at both ends of the position spectrum: quick guards blow by him, but big ones destroy him on post-ups. He doesn't foul, at least, but his effort seems token and he needs to be hidden against weaker offensive players. His numbers last season weren't bad, but in other seasons they have been. Given the year-to-year noise inherent in most defensive stats, the subjective evaluation is that not much had changed, and given the Nets' general defensive awfulness last season, we needn't revise our evaluation.
Scouting report
+ Long-range shooting wing with good size. Good shooter off curls.
+ Struggles in one-on-one defense but solid overall. Strong and has fast hands.
+ Won't create own shot but can post up small wings. Good court vision.
Korver remains deadly from outside, nailing 43.4 percent of his 3s and 40.2 percent of his long 2s to finish fifth among shooting guards in true shooting percentage. What I particularly liked was that two-thirds of his shots were 3s; in past seasons too many of his tries were long 2s. Chicago ran fewer pin-downs for him with the second unit and his usage rate dropped because of that, but he has shown he can be an absolutely deadly sniper.
However, it would be nice if he could get to the basket once in a while. Or even once a week. Korver had 15 shots in the basket area the entire season, which is pathetic, and as you might imagine he had a low free throw rate, too. That puts a ton of pressure on him to shoot at a very high percentage, a category that's very volatile from year to year. On a more positive note, he's very good finding open teammates when opponents race out to him on the perimeter, and his pure point rating was among the best of any wing player.
Defensively, Korver isn't somebody you'd want to leave on an island against good scorers, but he's a good team defender who has fast hands, plus he's big enough to bang with larger wings inside. His rebound rate is poor for a player of his size, but he had good Synergy numbers and the Bulls performed just as well with him on the court.
Scouting report
+ High-flying lefty with underrated ballhandling skills. A terror in open court.
+ Mediocre shooter who forces long set shots. Good left-block post player.
+ Great shot-blocker and solid pick-and-roll defender. Makes mental lapses.
Smith has become a heck of a player in spite of himself, posting career highs in points, rebounds and player efficiency rating (PER) during an All-Star caliber season. Speaking to his versatility, Smith ranked among the top 10 power forwards in eight different barometers: blocks and steals per minute, assist rate, pure point rating, points per minute, defensive rebound rate, usage rate and PER. Defensively, he's become much more than a weak-side shot-blocker, adding muscle and putting in productive minutes at center. Though he'll have some lapses he mostly plays hard, and his mobility lets him switch onto smaller guards easily.
Offensively, he shot 68.1 percent in the basket area and has become a beast on the low left block against smaller opponents. Unfortunately, his love-fest with 20-foot jumpers continues to sabotage his numbers. Smith only made 36.7 percent of his long 2s, yet attempted an amazing 411 of them last season, or more than six a game. In fact, only Kobe Bryant took more. Smith also took another 106 3-pointers and made only 25.5 percent of them.
So about half his shot attempts went to tries where he had barely a one-in-three success rate. You don't mind so much if he's taking this shot late in the clock, but with more than eight seconds left it's absolute madness. Opponents openly concede the shot, and fans in Philips Arena shriek "Noooooo!" as he winds up for it, but Smith is undeterred. The coaching staff strangely indulges him in this too.
As a direct result of the Js -- with a small assist from his wayward foul shooting -- Smith's TS% of 49.9 ranked only 53rd among power forwards, and offset a lot of the good he did in other offensive facets. It also has kept him off the All-Star team, as he's about halfway to the dubious honor of becoming the best player never named.
Scouting report
+ Elite big man with great mid-range shot. Can run floor, handle, pass and finish.
+ Developing post game. Needs to improve left hand and utilize more fakes.
+ A natural 4 but capable of defending 5s. Very good on switches. Rebounds well.
Horford only played 11 games before a torn pectoral muscle ended his regular season. He returned in time to play three playoff games for the Hawks and remind everybody why he made the All-Star team the year before. No center is better at taking a defensive rebound and starting a break upcourt himself, and few can match his mid-range game and ball skills. If anything, Atlanta needs to take better advantage of those talents.
Horford has done all this while playing out of position his entire career. His real position is the 4, where he can be a beast on the block against opposing power forwards and he fits better defensively.
Scouting report
+ Small, shoot-first guard with outstanding quickness and awesome shot fake.
+ Draws fouls, creates shots and won't turn it over. Poor vision. Middling shooter.
+ Too small to guard 2s, but can defend 1s when paired with a bigger point guard.
Williams led the Sixers in scoring and PER despite coming off the bench, though he remains more of a high-volume producer of not terribly high-quality shots. The secret to his value is in his miniscule turnover rate. Williams created all these shots while producing the lowest rate of any point guard and among the lowest in the league. The Sixers set a record for fewest turnovers by a team last season, and Williams was a major reason. Of course, critics would say one reason he never turned it over is that he never tried to pass -- only five point guards had a lower assist rate.
However, Williams' ordinary TS% and assist numbers mean that his best use is still to create shots for second units that lack other scorers. The pinnacle of this was the "Lou-for-one," his hell-bent runs at the end of quarters to get two shots to the opponent's one any time the Sixers had the ball with 35 seconds or so left. That said, he also helped himself with a career-best 36.2 percent mark on 3-pointers, and as usual used his great shot fake to draw plenty of fouls.
Defensively, Williams rarely fouled and was quick enough to defend opposing point guards, but the real reason it worked is because Jrue Holiday could play the 2. Williams is an odd player to fit into a lineup because he can't defend the shooting guard but he's not a true point guard. This worked on Philly's roster, but it remains to be seen how well it will function in an Atlanta backcourt consisting entirely of other small guards.
But don't let that obscure the big picture. Guards with 20 PERs don't grow on trees, and Philly made a mistake in letting this one go during his prime.
Scouting report
+ Physical big man who attacks rim. Struggles to finish but draws lots of fouls.
+ Right-hand driver. Plays below rim but moves well for size. Makes short jumpers.
+ Solid post defender and rebounder. Can't block shots. Good handle for size.
Pachulia drew fouls at a less insane rate than previous seasons, but he still got to the line once for every two field goal attempts and hit 74.1 percent from the line, one of the better marks at the center position. The fouls offset his inability to finish against length around the basket: Pachulia's 55.8 percent mark at the rim was among the worst for big men. On a positive note, his pick-and-pop game was extremely effective. He shot 49.4 percent on 2s from beyond 10 feet, which would have been in the league's top five if he'd had enough attempts.
Pachulia also handles the ball well for his size; while he turns it over a bit much, he's a good passer and ranked in the top quarter of centers in pure point rating.
Of course, his main asset is his physicality at both ends. He was an above average rebounder for a center and happily busts heads in post defense. He can't defend the rim, sporting the fifth-worst blocked shot rate among centers for a second straight season, but he moves fairly well laterally and will give a hard foul. All that made him a very effective backup, and even a decent stopgap starter last season.
Scouting report
+ Lightning-quick guard. Gets to basket at will and constantly draws fouls
+ Mediocre outside shooter. Doesn't see floor well and tends to dominate ball
+ Takes charges but overall defensive effort is subpar. Prone to minor injuries.
Harris took less of an assertive role on offense and really struggled early in the season, but overall he had a fairly solid 2011-12. He upped his scoring considerably after the All-Star break, from 9.1 points to 13.6, and in particular became much more assertive looking for 3s, launching nearly twice as many after the break with career-best accuracy. Moreover, he missed only three games, a minor miracle given his previous history.
Offensively, Harris was much more efficient than in recent years. His 49.8 percent mark on 2s ranked ninth among point guards and he was sixth in free throw rate. Alas, his 74.6 percent mark from the line was a disappointment. Harris also shot a career-best 36.2 percent on 3s while becoming increasingly enamored with pull-ups in transition, and posted some of the best assist and turnover rates of his career. In fact, his pure point rating was in the top third of point guards, belying his shoot-first rep.
Defensively, Harris willingly takes charges but will take bad dives trying for them and has no alternate plan for stopping anybody. He's tall for a point guard but light, and his effort level comes and goes. Opposing point guards had a 16.6 PER at his expense, according to 82games.com, while Synergy ranked him among the league's worst point guards defensively. That's an exaggeration, but he's clearly more hindrance than help at this end.
Scouting report
+ Seven-footer with good quickness for size. Has fast hands but fouls a lot.
+ Decent passer but otherwise has very poor offensive instincts.
+ Can make 15-footer with under-chin push shot. Rarely scores around basket.
Petro had his moments as a backup center, with his solid defense offset by woeful offense. Let's start with the good news, or at least the non-awful news: Petro shot 37.8 percent from outside 10 feet, as his little push shot has made him a somewhat acceptable fifth option when the offense needs a little spacing. He's not a bad high-post passer either.
But the reason he's such a killer offensively is that he doesn't do the stuff 7-footers are supposed to. Petro shot an embarrassing 44.1 percent in the basket area, and had one of the lowest free throw rates at his position. As a result, he had a brutal 45.2 TS% that wasn't any kind of outlier at all, as it was the fourth time in five years he's been under 46.
Defensively, Petro doesn't block as many shots as you'd think and gives a lot of fouls -- one every 7.5 minutes last season. Plus, he's always been a disappointment on the boards. However, he's big and mobile, and retains some value because of that. Overall, he's a league-average center on this end. It's the offense that makes him unplayable.
Scouting report
+ Strong wing defender with toughness. History of back problems.
+ Poor outside shooter but spots up for corner 3s and does little else on offense.
+ Handles ball well but has no burst or leaping ability. Very poor finisher.
Months after capably defending LeBron James in the NBA Finals and nailing countless clutch 3s, Stevenson reverted to being one of the worst offensive players in basketball, a one-man tanking strategy who somehow was still starting in March.
His 4.33 PER was the worst of any position player to see at least 500 minutes last season (see chart), with Stevenson basically just hanging out in the corner and otherwise standing completely inert.
He took 162 jump shots and nine shots at the rim. Nine.
He also had a higher percentage of his shots from outside the 3-point line than any player in the league (see Jason Kidd comment). Had he shot better than 28.3 percent on 3-pointers, this approach might have been more successful. Of course, he only shot 28.6 percent inside the arc, so pick your poison.
Where Stevenson remains genuinely valuable is at the defensive end. Synergy rated him among the league's top small forwards last season, and the Nets gave up 7.4 fewer points per 100 possessions with Stevenson on the court, according to 82games.com. Those numbers likely overstate things; he looked slow and heavy the entire season, and ranked in the bottom 10 at his position in blocks, steals and rebounds. But he's physical and knows where to be, and on a ragged mess like the Nets were last season, that had value.
Scouting report
+ Tough, undersized big man with scoring mentality. Has 15-foot range. + Excellent finisher. High-mistake player prone to fouls and turnovers. + Good hands on D. Takes charges and rebounds, but struggles to defend length.
A 28-year-old rookie last season with a bit of a rap sheet (he was kicked out of the Korean League, for instance), Johnson found a niche in Atlanta, where his bench scoring and toughness proved quite helpful once Al Horford went down.
Johnson is an extreme high-mistake player his turnover ratio was the third-worst among power forwards, and only five fouled more often. He made up for it with his energy and offensive skill, shooting 67.6 percent in the basket area while drawing a high rate of fouls, and finishing in the top half of power forwards in rebound rate.
Scouting report
+ Deadly outside shooter. Deep range and quick release.
+ Small for a wing. Limited athlete. Very poor rebounder for size.
One-trick ponies like Jenkins usually go in the second round, but Atlanta snagged him late in the first after he shot 44 percent on 3s at Vanderbilt while taking nearly nine a game. That about does it for the good news. He had a truly awful rebound rate for a wing player, his defensive ability and general athleticism are major question marks, and he can't create his own shot. His stroke may earn him some minutes and he'll certainly hit his share of 3s, but it's hard to see much upside.
Scouting report
+ Pick-and-pop 4 with good feel for scoring. Excellent foul shooter.
+ Good rebounder. An inch short for power forward. Average athlete.
+ Alumnus of the world's best university.
Scott, already 24, played five years at Virginia and he didn't really dominate until the final two, when he was older than all his competition. Those two red flags are why he fell to the second round, but he's also a productive, skilled 4 in the David West mold. (A destitute man's David West, but still.) If he can defend the position adequately -- a big if given his size and modest athleticism -- he can become a rotation player.
첫댓글 스미쓰는 장거리 2점슛에서 36.7 퍼센트만 성공시켰음에도
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