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# 확장팩 요소
-오스만: 68개 임무로 구성된 새 임무트리 추가. 2개 기능 추가(데브쉬르메 제도, 오스만 퇴폐도), 새 정부 개혁 12개, 새 예니체리 계층(계층 특권, 의제, 2개 계층재앙), 새 재앙 5개, 새 이벤트 62개, 새로운 ‘속주’ 속국 유형, 새 수도회 2개
-중국: 새 임무트리 5개 추가(명, 여진/만주/금, 청, 중국 군벌, 중국 황제, 총 77개의 임무), 새 정부 개혁 2개, 새 이벤트 32개, 새 수도회(순무) 3개, 새 계층 칙령 1개
-일본: 30개 임무로 구성된 새 임무트리 추가(중국 황제 임무트리 사용가능), 새 기능 추가(기독교 태양의 땅), 새 정부 개혁 6개, 새 계층 특권 1개, 새 이벤트 12개, 새 전용 전쟁명분 2개
-러시아: 모스크바-러시아에 57개 임무로 구성된 새 임무트리 추가, 노브고로드 새 임무 7개 추가, 새 기능 2개 추가(러시아 근대화, 관등제), 새 정부 개혁 9개, 새 계층 특권 12개, 새로운 혹은 리워크된 임무 65개, 새 결정 2개
-스페인: 카스티야,아라곤,스페인에 새 임무 20개가 추가된 리워크,확장된 임무트리, 새 기능(자문회 제도), 새 정부 개혁 3개, 새 계층 특권 2개, 재앙 1개, 새 이벤트 7개
-프랑스: 68개 임무로 구성된 새 임무트리 추가, 혁명 프랑스 전용 임무 16개 추가, 새 정부 개혁 4개, 새 이벤트 24개, 새 ‘왕자령’ 속국 유형
-그레이트 브리튼: 71개 임무로 구성된 새 임무트리 추가, 새 정부 개혁 4개, 새 이벤트 41개, 고유 의회 안건 40개 이상, 새 속국 유형 2개(상업 회사, 무역 보호국), 리워크된 잉글랜드 내전 재앙
-프로이센: 임무트리 리워크 및 새로운 조건과 보상, 새 기능 추가(프로이센 군국주의), 새 이벤트 6개
-포르투갈: 임무트리 리워크 및 새 임무 5개 추가 및 새로운 조건과 보상, 새 정부 개혁 2개
-조선: 새 정부 기능(완결성), 중국 황제 임무트리 사용 가능, 새 정부 개혁 2개, ‘팔만대장경’ 이벤트 및 지역 변동치
-새 국가 전용 혹은 문화권 전용 정부 개혁 68개 추가
-새 계층 특권 60개 추가(모든 계층들에 분배), 평균적으로 모든 현재 계층이 하나당 특권 5개씩 획득
-새 특수부대 9개 추가, 육군 3개(일본 사무라이, 스페인 테르시오, 프랑스 총사대), 해군 6개(이베리아 카라벨&갈레온, 이탈리아 갈레아스, 조선 거북선, 영국 맨오브워, 네덜란드 VOC인디아맨)
-새 유닛팩 2개 추가, 프랑스 문화권 1개(프랑스, 옥시타니아, 왈롱, 부르고뉴 소국들), 동양 문화권 1개(남중국, 아이누, 대리, 필리핀 소국들)
-새 뮤직팩 3개(프랑스, 오스만, 중국) 추가로 예약구매 전용 ’힘의 행진‘ 뮤직팩
# 무료 요소
-새 이념그룹 3개 추가(기반시설, 궁정, 용병) 및 모든 이념그룹 리밸런스
-새 이념그룹 관련 이벤트 27개 추가
-군사 교리 관련 정부 개혁 단계 추가 및 해당 단계 개혁 7개 추가
-새 계층 특권 7개 추가(토지 몰수 제외 특권없는 계층들에 추가)
-통치자, 장군, 제독 특성 추가
-상식 DLC: 새 의회 매수 7개 추가 및 일반 매수보다 비싸지만 동시에 여러 의석 지지얻을 수 있는 국가적 매수 추가
-천명 DLC: 천명 개혁 21개 추가, 천명 칙령 21개 추가, 고유 시대 능력 리워크
-룰브리타니아 DLC: 해군교리 11개 추가
-황금세기 DLC: 이베리아 수도회 11개 추가
-황제 DLC: 십자군 임무트리로 형성가능한 라틴 제국 태그 추가
-레비아탄 DLC: 기념물 7개 추가
-도전과제 9개 추가
-제해권 결정 제정 시 사용 가능한 무역 보호국 재추가
-이주 원주민 국가 강제 합병 평화조약 선택지 추가
-포병 병종 6개 추가
-오스만 고유 이벤트 27개 추가
-러시아 고유 이벤트 5개 추가
-잉글랜드/그레이트 브리튼 고유 이벤트 2개 추가
# 게임밸런스
# 경제
-확장된 사원 권리 특권은 종주국이 해당 특권 보유하고 속국이 해당 특권 미보유 시 속국에 미적용됨
-기반시설 확장 개발 비용 감소 25%에서 15%로 너프
-중상주의 버프. 중상주의 100일 때, 무역금지 효율 50%→100% 및 시민/바이샤 충성도 평형치 5% →10%
-지역 불만도: 이제 불만도 1당 지역 세금 변동치 2%씩 감소시킴
-지역 세금 개발도: 이제 개발도 1당 지역 연대 충원 속도 -2%, 지역 대규모 계획 업그레이드 시간 -1%, 지역 건설 시간 -1%, 지역 시대관 속도 +2%
-인플레이션: 이제 선교사 유지비, 대규모 계획 업글 비용, 시대관 수용비용, 식민지 속국 변경, 무역 중심지 업그레이드, 무역회사 투자 비용 증가시킴
-파르스 국가 색상 민트 그린으로 바꿈
# 정부
-의회 의석은 이제 지역 선원 +10%, 지역 세금 +15% 제공. 생산 효율 및 인력은 그대로.
-의석 부여는 절대주의 3 대신 2감소시킴. 수동이든 자동이든 절대주의 감소시킴
-무역연합 소속국 하나당 무역연합 지도국에 무역 조정 +5%, 해군 병력한계+2, 선원 +1k, 인력 +1k, 육군 병력한계+1 제공
-군국주의: 이제 매월 군국주의 -0.5 생김. 전쟁 시 매월 +0.1, 평화 시 -0.1, 전쟁피로도 1당 -0.1
-시흐 라다(카자크 정부)는 이제 유목민 이념 채택 가능 및 특수부대 한계 +25% 보유
-시흐 라다는 이제 계층 보유 가능.(카자크 계층 포함)
-재선출 권리 공식화 & 네덜란드 공화정은 동시에 채택 불가
-원주민 국가는 이제 정부에서 육군 유지비, 충원 비용, 인력 회복 속도 버프 얻지 못함
-가톨릭 프로이센과 커스텀 국가는 프로이센 군주정 유지 가능
-“지역 의회” 정부 개혁으로 사용가능한 종교 관용 주 칙령은 50% 대신 100% 지역 종교 통합도 기여 제공
-“권력 균형 유지” 정부 개혁은 이제 모든 계층 충성도 평형치 5% 대신 10% 제공 및 추가로 외교관 +1
# 종교
-개신교 교회 특성 “성직자 결혼 가능”은 이제 성직자 영향력 감소 대신 같은 종교 조언자 비용 -15% 제공
-선전 포고는 더 이상 이슬람 신앙심에 영향 안끼침. 모든 새 통치자는 이제 신앙심 0으로 시작
-신앙심 -100: 요새 방어력 20% → 이념 비용 -10%
-무역회사: 지역 선교력 감소 -200% → -20%
-교황청 조종자: “교황 특사 보내기“(외교 평판+1, 외교 합병 비용 -10%) 보너스 얻음
-콥트교: 요새 방어력 +10% → 15%/ 불교: 이단 관용도 +1 → +2/ 신토: 이교 관용도 +1 → +2
-개혁교회: 열정 특성 리워크. 특성 선택에 열정 8 소모하고 더 강력해짐. 4번째 “외교 열정” 특성 추가
-개혁교회: 열정 특성 비용 5 → 8, 열정 유지비 5 → 8. 열정 수치는 이제 건설 비용 -10%, 안정도 비용 -10%, 연간 분리주의 -5, 관계 개선 +10% 제공. 안정 집중: 건설 비용 -10% → 첩보원 행동 비용 -25%. 새 ‘외교 집중’: 외교 평판 +2, 관계 개선+25%, 모든 계층 충성도 평형치 +10%
# 유닛
-카자크: 충격 피해 10% → 15%, 모집으로 인한 안정도 비용 증가 제거
-카와: 모집 군사력 비용 5 → 2, 50% 병력과 10% 사기로 소환됨. 받은 충격 피해-5%, 육군 소모 -50%, 충원 속도+50% 보유
-예니체리: 10% 병력과 10% 사기로 소환됨. 요새 돌격 능력 +50% 보유. 육군 훈련도 획득 100% → 50%. 충원 비용 +100% 제거
-스트렐치: 모집으로 인한 안정도 비용 증가 제거, 사격 피해 +10% 및 받은 사격 피해 -10%, 유지비 +15% 보유
# 전쟁 & 평화
-황폐도 페널티 효과 2배 증가
-항구 봉쇄된 지역: 지역 무역력-50% → -100%. 시장 건물이 해당 효과 무력화하는 것 막기 위해서 이뤄짐
-평화 요구: 전쟁 피로도 증가 속도 0.008 → 0.005
-유닛핍 리밸런스. 어보리진 및 태평양 유닛 너프. 아프리카/무슬림 유닛이 기술 발전 시 이전 유닛보다 약해지는 것 고침. 초반 아나톨리아 유닛 너프. 인도 유닛 리밸런스
-“영감을 주는 지휘관“ 장군 특성: 사기 회복 속도에 더해 육군 사기 +5% 제공
-“안장 위에서 태어난 자“ 장군 특성: 기병/보병 비율 +100% 제공. 그러나 획득 조건이 부대 기병 비율 20% 대신 30%를 요구함.
# 기타
-경쟁국 변경 기간: 25년→5년
-원주만 공격성: 공격성 1당 지역 개척민 정착 확률 1%씩 감소시킴
-열대 지역: 지역 개발 비용 감소 10% → 5%
# AI
# 외교
-AI는 이제 stability_cost_to_declare_war 변동치로 인해 선전포고 시 안정도를 잃으면 선전포고를 하지 않음
# 기타
-AI군대가 움직였다 멈췄다 하는 루프 고침
-AI 포병 사용 줄임, 특히 가난할 경우 더욱
-해외 속국들이 독립 선언할 가능성 더 높임
-AI 군대의 일부 공포 마비 케이스 고침
# 인터페이스
# 국가
-커뮤니티 피드백에 따라, 잉글랜드: 3마리 사자 국기, 앙주: 이전 잉글랜드 국기(잉글랜드+프랑스 문장) 획득
-포르투갈 색상 틀렘센 파란색으로 변경(틀렘센이 이전 포르투갈 초록색 획득)
-프로이센 색상 프러시안 블루로 변경
# 툴팁
-이념 선택 툴팁 개선
# 유닛모델
-잉글랜드, 앙주, 그레이트 브리튼, 동인도회사 국가 색상 조정
-브라반트, 플랑드르 국가 색상을 국기에 잘 맞도록 그리고 왈롱 유닛모델에 잘맞도록 조정
-로타링기아 유닛 색상 수정
-(열강 유닛팩) 잉글랜드 3티어 유닛 상의 깃에 역동적 색상 적용
-새 앙주 문화(프랑스 문화권) 유닛은 잉글랜드 유닛 사용하도록 만듦
-왈롱 유닛팩 플랑드르 문화에도 적용
# 유저모딩(번역생략)
# Commands
- Added guibounds command that allows debugging UI elements while doing UI mods.
- Added set_country_flag and clr_country_flag. # Effects
- Added change_country_color = { country = <country scope> / color = { r g b } } If the former argument is used then the country will adapt the color of the specified country scope. If the latter is used then a defined color will be used instead. Of course, it comes with a restore_country_color = yes.
- Added release_all_possible_countries = yes #Country scope, the current country scope releases all countries which can be released from its owned provinces. If possible, the order should go from the smallest releasable to the biggest. If that is not possible then it should be just random.
- Added janissary_infantry = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a janissary unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope.
- Added revolutionary_guard_infantry = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a revolutionary guard unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope.
- Added revolutionary_guard_cavalry = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a revolutionary guard cavalry unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope.
- Added revolutionary_guard_artillery = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a revolutionary guard artillery unit in the current province scope for the defined country scope.
- Added hire_advisor = { type = <advisor_type> cost_mulitplier = <double> skill = <int> name = <string> religion = <religion> culture = <culture> female = <boolean> location = <province_id> age = <int> max_age = <int> min_age = <int> } #Country scope, An effect which forcefully recruits an advisor and puts it into your court. The old advisor gets fired if the space is preoccupied already. From a scripting point of view, it works exactly like "define_advisor" with all the same parameters.
- Added steer_trade = <country> #Country scope, the current country scope steers trade power to the specified country scope.
- Added disband_all_units = yes #Country scope, the current country scope disbands all units it has. No matter where they are. Units, which are in battle while this effect fires are "stack wiped".
- Added disband_all_regiments = yes #Country scope, the current country scope disbands all troops it has. No matter where they are. Units, which are in battle while this effect fires are "stack wiped".
- Added disband_all_ships = yes #Country scope, the current country scope disbands all ships it has. No matter where they are. Units, which are in battle while this effect fires are "stack wiped".
- Added add_construction_progress = <float> #Province scope, used to only affect great projects but now applies to any construction.
- Added remove_guarantee = <country_scope> #Country scope, the current scope removes its guarantee of the specified country.
- Added remove_country = yes #Country scope, the current country scope gets removed from existence. All of its provinces become uncolonized, all subjects become independent and all units are getting disbanded.
- Added define_advisor = {} now accepts min_age = <int>, max_age = <int> and age = <int>.
- Added Naval Doctrines, Personal Deities, Policies, Decrees and Assimilated Cultures from the Diwan Mechanic have now effect = {} and removed_effect = {} sections.
- Added add_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #adds government power.
- Added add_government_power_scaled_to_seats = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #adds government power, scaled to the number of seats in parliament.
- Added set_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #sets government power.
- Added freeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #government power no longer changes.
- Added unfreeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #government power can change again.
- Added add_rebel_progress = { (rebel_type = <rebel type>) value = <int> } #Add rebel progress to a specified rebel type. If no rebel type is defined then add progress to all rebels.
- Added start_debate = <parliament issue id> #Country scope, immediately starts the defined debate. Ongoing debates will be canceled (canceling a debate should NOT activate the prestige loss).
- Added cancel_current_debate = yes #Country scope, cancel the current debate immediately. You can start a new debate then.
- Added remove_enacted_issue = yes #Coutnry scope, the current enacted parliament issue gets removed. You can start a new debate.
- Added enact_issue = <parliament issue id> #Country scope, immediately enact the parliament issue and skip the whole process of debating about an issue.
- Added end_current_debate = yes/no #Country scope, end the current debate immediately. If "yes" then the debate succeeds and the issue gets enacted. If "no" then the issue fails and you get the penalty for it.
- Added regenerate_government_mechanics = yes #Regenerate the country's government mechanics. Used for UI purposes.
- Added set_papal_controller = <country scope> #Sets the defined country scope as the new papal controller.
- Added remove_power_projection = { key = <key of the power projection> amount = <int> (amount is optional, if not defined, remove the whole key instead) }.
- Added remove_hegemon = <country scope> #The defined country loses its hegemon status.
- Added add_subjects_development_ducats = {multiplier = <double> age_multiplier = <double> custom_tooltip = <tooltip> trigger = {} } #Add ducats scaling with the development of your defined subject. Multiplier and age multiplier multiply the number of ducats you gain while the trigger checks which subject countries are taken into consideration.
- Added add_owned_provinces_development_ducats = { mulitplier = <double> age_multiplier = <double> custom_tooltip = <tooltip> trigger = {} } #Add ducats scaling with the development of your provinces. Multiplier and age multiplier multiply the number of ducats you gain while the trigger checks which provinces are taken into consideration.
- Added add_owned_provinces_development_manpower = {multiplier = <double> age_multiplier = <double> custom_tooltip = <tooltip> trigger = {} } #Add manpower scaling with the development of your defined subject. Multiplier and age multiplier multiply the amount of manpower you gain while the trigger checks which subject countries are taken into consideration.
- Added add_subjects_development_manpower = { mulitplier = <double> age_multiplier = <double> custom_tooltip = <tooltip> trigger = {} } #Add ducats manpower with the development of your provinces. Multiplier and age multiplier multiply the amount of manpower you gain while the trigger checks which provinces are taken into consideration.
- Added tercio_infantry = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Tercio regiment.
- Added musketeer_infantry = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Musketeer regiment.
- Added samurai_infantry = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Samurai regiment.
- Added geobukseon_galley = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Geobukseon Galley.
- Added man_of_war_heavy = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Man of War Heavy.
- Added man_of_war_light = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Man of War Light Ship.
- Added galleon_heavy = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Galleaon Heavy.
- Added galleass_galley = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Galleass Galley.
- Added caravel_light = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a Caravel Light.
- Added voc_indiamen_light = <country scope> #Province scope, spawns a VOC Indiaman Light Ship.
- Added create_unit_forcelimit_percentage = { type = <unit type such as infantry, cavalry, etc.> (special_unit_category = <special unit type such as cossacks, tercio, musketeer>) force_limit_percentage = <double> }.
- Added extend_country_modifier = { name = <modifier id> duration = <days> }.
- Added start_debate = <parliament issue id> #Country scope, immediately starts the defined debate. Ongoing debates will be canceled (canceling a debate should NOT activate the prestige loss).
- Added cancel_current_debate = yes #Country scope, cancel the current debate immediately. You can start a new debate then.
- Added remove_enacted_issue = yes #Coutnry scope, the current enacted parliament issue gets removed. You can start a new debate.
- Added enact_issue = <parliament issue id> #Country scope, immediately enact the parliament issue and skip the whole process of debating about an issue.
- Added end_current_debate = yes/no #Country scope, end the current debate immediately. If "yes" then the debate succeeds and the issue gets enacted. If "no" then the issue fails and you get the penalty for it.
- Added set_papal_controller = <country scope> #Sets the defined country scope as the new papal controller.
- Added remove_power_projection = { key = <key of the power projection> amount = <int> (amount is optional, if not defined, remove the whole key instead) } # Modifiers
- Custom icons can now be used for country modifiers
- Added static modifier under_governing_capacity_modifier = {}
- Added static modifier mandate = {} #100% Strength at 100 Mandate, 0% at 0 Mandate
- Added static modifier imperial_authority = {} #100% Strength at 100 Imperial Authority, 0% at 0 Imperial Authority
- Added static modifier positive_imperial_authority = {} #100% Strength at 100 Imperial Authority, 0% at 50 Imperial Authority
- Added static modifier negative_imperial_authority = {} #100% Strength at 0 Imperial Authority, 0% at 50 Imperial Authority
- Added static modifier average_over_sea_liberty_desire = {} #Country scope, This static modifier scales with the average liberty desire of all your "Oversea subjects". A subject is overseas if their capital is on a different continent than your capital. It will be needed for colonial content. The higher the average, the better the modifiers. Only counts subjects that have the "is_oversea_subject_type = yes" (see the subject types section here) for the average. This way tributaries and daimyos would not affect this static modifier for their overlord. Applies to the overlord. The multiplier scales with the average liberty desire.
- Added static modifier reverse_average_over_sea_liberty_desire = {} #Country scope, This static modifier scales inversely with the average liberty desire of all your "Oversea subjects". A subject is overseas if their capital is on a different continent than your capital. It will be needed for colonial content. Only counts subjects that have the "is_oversea_subject_type = yes" (see the subject types section here) for the average. This way tributaries and daimyos would not affect this static modifier for their overlord. The lower the average, the better the modifiers. Applies to the overlord. The multiplier scales with the average liberty desire.
- Added static modifier average_liberty_desire = {} #Country scope, This static modifier scales with the average liberty desire of ALL of your subjects. The higher the average, the better the modifiers. Applies to the overlord. The multiplier scales with the average liberty desire.
- Added static modifier reverse_average_liberty_desire = {} #Country scope, This static modifier scales inversely with the average liberty desire of ALL of your subjects. The lower the average, the better the modifiers. Applies to the overlord. The multiplier scales with the average liberty desire.
- Added static modifier average_global_autonomy_modifer = {} #Country scope, scales with the average global autonomy your country has. The more autonomous the state, the stronger the modifiers.
- Added static modifier reverse_average_global_autonomy_modifer = {} #Country scope, scales inversely with the average global autonomy your country has. The less autonomous the state, the stronger the modifiers.
- Added special_unit_cost_modifier = <float> #Country modifier, modifies the non-manpower/sailors cost of all special unitsspecial_unit_manpower_cost_modifier.
- Added some special unit modifiersnumber_of_cannons = <int.
- Added monarch_power_tribute = <integer> #Increases the yearly monarch power tribute a tributary pays to its overlord by this amount (still caps the same as usual monarch power tribute)
- Added tributary_conversion_cost_modifier = <float> #Modifies the cost of the mandate that is required to turn a tributary into a vassal, which is unlocked via the final reform of the mandate.
- Added global_allowed_num_of_manufactories = <integer> #Increases the number of possible manufactories that all provinces of the country scope can have. #Works similarly to its local modifier equivalent!
- Added can_claim_states = yes / no #Allows for fabricating claims on areas instead of provinces, much like the Tsardom T1 Government reform already allows
- Added free_concentrate_development = yes #Allows for concentrate development without the cost, much like the Mandala government reform
- Added expand_infrastructure_cost = <float> #Modifies the cost of the Expand Infrastructure action, by reducing both the reform progress and adm cost required, by a percentage
- Added max_absolutism_effect = <float> #modifies the maximum effect of absolutism on modifiers
- Added chance_to_inherit = <float> #Country scope, increases the chance to inherit a personal union when your ruler dies
- Added culture_conversion_time = <float> #Country scope, modifies the time needed to culturally convert a province. A negative number means that it goes faster (so -0.25 would be equal to 25% faster culture conversion)
- Added local_culture_conversion_time = <float> #Province scope, modifies the time needed to culturally convert the province which has this modifier. A negative number means that it goes faster (so -0.25 would be equal to 25% faster culture conversion)
- Added same_religion_advisor_cost = <float> #Country scope, works like same_culture_advisor_cost, but instead of checking for the culture it checks for the religion of the advisor and if it matches with the ruler.
- Added artillery_barrage_cost = <float> #Country scope, modifies the cost for using "Artillery Barrage" action during sieges. Should be usable as a trait for your generals too, so a general with artillery_barrage_cost = -0.5 would have 50% cheaper barrages in a siege
- Added great_project_upgrade_time = <float> #Country scope, modifies the time needed to upgrade a great project. Has the build_time modifier as a fallback if Leviathan is disabled.
- Added local_great_project_upgrade_time = <float> #Province scope, modifies the time needed to upgrade a great project in the province with this modifier. Has the local_build_time modifier as a fallback if Leviathan is disabled.
- Added warscore_from_battles_modifier = <double> #Country scope, modifiers the amount of war score you gain from land and naval battles. Take DEFAULT_WARGOAL_BATTLESCORE_BONUS for more context.
- Added yearly_innovativeness = <float> #Country scope, gives you yearly innovativeness equal to the value of the modifier - so a yearly_innovativeness = 0.25 would be 0.25 innovativeness each year. Is not present if you don't have Rule Britannia active.
- Added enable_forced_march = yes #Country, Army scope, allows you to use Force March for this army regardless of your current tech level. A merc company with this ability could just force march.
- Added reverse_relation_with_same_religion = <int> #Country scope, modifies the opinion of OTHER countries towards you. So for example: if you are Catholic and you have reverse_relation_with_same_religion = 25 then every other Catholic country has a +25 opinion of you. Conceptually, it works like the Religious Diplomats' estate privilege. It's a way to get rid of a performance-heavy hidden event which is also the reason why the AI is not allowed to take the privilege.
- Added janissary_cost_modifier = <float> #Country, modifies the mil power cost for recruiting Janissaries
- Added yearly_government_power = <float> #Country, adds the defined value flat to the government mechanic buttons like the one needed for the Russian government.
- Added number_of_cannons_modifier = <float> #Country/Flagship scope, modifies the number of cannons all of your ships have. Multiplicative modifier (so a heavy with 200 cannons would have 220 cannons if the modifier number_of_cannons_modifier = 0.1 is applied).
- Added hull_size_modifier = <float> #Country/Flagship scope, modifies the hull size of all of your ships. Multiplicative modifier (so a heavy with 60 hull size would have 66 hull size if the modifier hull_size_modifier = 0.1 is applied).
- Added max_flagships = <int> #Country scope, which modifies the number of flagships a country can have at the same time. Baseline, all countries should have 1 in the static modifiers.
- Added heavy_ship_cannons = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the number of cannons all of your heavy ships have. Multiplicative modifier
- Added heavy_ship_hull_size = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the hull size of your heavy ships
- Added light_ship_cannons = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the number of cannons all of your light ships have. Multiplicative modifier
- Added light_ship_hull_size = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the hull size of your light ships
- Added galley_cannons = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the number of cannons all of your galleys have. Multiplicative modifier
- Added galley_hullsize = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the hull size of your galleys
- Added transport_cannons = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the number of cannons all of your transports have. Multiplicative modifier
- Added transport_hullsize = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship/Flagship scope, modifies the hull size of your transports
- Added loyalty_change_on_revoked = <float> #Country scope, modifies the estate loyalty hit when you revoke a privilege. So for example: loyalty_change_on_revoked = -0.10 would mean that you lose 30% Estate Loyalty instead of 20%
- Added estate_interaction_cooldown_modifier = <float> #Country scope, modifies the months needed until you can enact one of the estate interactions again (like Seizing Land). The cooldown in question is defined as "cooldown_months = <int>" in common/estate_crown_land/00_interactions.txt
- Added all_estate_possible_privileges = <int> #Increases the number of possible privilege slots on all estates
- Added the ability to define "privilege" modifiers for the estates which increase the number of possible privileges to grant
- Added allow_mercenary_drill = yes #Country/Army scope, allows Mercenaries the ability to drill. Is not shown when you don't have Cradle of Civilization
- Added merc_leader_army_tradition = <float> #Country/Army scope, modifies the army tradition a leader of a merc company is spawned with
- Added merc_independent_from_trade_range = yes #Country scope, allows you to recruit merc companies which have their home in provinces which are outside your trade range
- Added allow_mercenaries_to_split = yes #Country/Army scope, allow Mercenaries to split. They can only merge with regiments of their own company though. (this one might not be possible to implement, but should be tried nonetheless). CAN CAUSE DESYNCHS
- Added centralize_state_cost = <float> #Country scope, modifies the adm and government reform progress cost for centralizing a state. Does nothing if you don't have Leviathan enabled.
- Added local_centralize_state_cost = <float> #Province scope, modifies the adm and government reform progress cost for centralizing a state in the province with the modifier. Does nothing if you don't have Leviathan enabled.
- Added land_morale_constant = <float> #Country/Army/Unit scope, adds a flat amount of morale for the land army or for the unit itself - depending on the scope
- Added naval_morale_constant = <float> #Country/Fleet/Flagship/Ship scope, adds a flat amount of morale for the fleet or for the ship itself - depending on the scope
- Added max_general_shock/fire/maneuver/siege = <integer> #Country scope, increases the max amounts of pips a general can have in the category. So a max_general_shock = 2 would mean a general could have, theoretically, 8 pips in shock (under the assumption the LEADER_MAX_PIPS = 6 is in defines). Works for conquistadors too.
- Added max_admiral_shock/fire/maneuver/siege = <integer> #Country scope, increases the max amounts of pips an admiral can have in the category. So a max_admiral_fire = 2 would mean a general could have, theoretically, 8 pips in fire (under the assumption the LEADER_MAX_PIPS = 6 is in defines). Works for explorers too.
- Added coast_raid_range = <int> #Country scope, modifies the amounts of sea tiles you can raid in. Base line, you can raid provinces which are at max 3 sea provinces away from your closest port. With a coast_raid_range = 2, this would be increased to 5
- Added development_cost_in_primary_culture = <float> #Country scope, modifies the development cost of provinces of your primary culture
- Added reduced_trade_penalty_on_non_main_tradenode = <float> #Country scope, modifies the trade power penalty from collecting in your non-main trade nodes - this adds on to TRADE_NON_CAPITAL_OFFICE (-0.5) to give the total penalty, so positive numbers here are good
- Added colony_cost_modifier = <float> #Country, modifies the maintenance cost of having colonies in progress. Multiplicative.
- Added local_colony_cost_modifier = <float> #Province, modifies the maintenance cost of the current colony with this modifier for its owner. Multiplicative.
- Added spy_action_cost_modifier = <float> #Country, modifies the spy network costs of ALL spy actions. Multiplicative.
- Added placed_merchant_power_modifier = <float> #Works similarly as placed_merchant_power but is increased on a % basis
- Added reduced_liberty_desire_on_other_continent = -20 #Works similarly to reduced_liberty_desire_on_same_continent, integer!
- Added overextension_impact_modifier = <float> #Reduces or Increases the impact of conquered provinces in regards to the overextension
- Added artillery_level_modifier = <float> #Country/Army scope, (not to be confused with the one that allows using more artillery for a siege) multiplier for how much an artillery unit contributes towards a siege. E.g. 0.2 would mean a 20% bonus, so 5 artillery would count for 6
- Added local_tolerance_of_heretics = <double> #Province scope, works like Tolerance of Heretics, but on a province level so this means the province gets treated as if you have the global Tolerance of Heretics + the local value. (To make it more understandable: imagine you have +1 Tolerance of Heretics. All heretic provinces have -1 Local Unrest. A province with +1 Local Tolerance of Heretics would however now have -2 Local Unrest)
- Added local_tolerance_of_heathens = <double> #Province scope, works like local_tolerance_of_heretics, but for heathens instead
- Added garrison_damage = <float> #Country, modifies the damage the garrison deals when the fort gets assaulted or when you use the sortie to fight the hostile army
- Added local_garrison_damage = <float> #Province, modifies the damage the local garrison deals when the fort gets assaulted or when you use the sortie to fight the hostile army
- Added assault_fort_cost_modifier = <float> #Country, modifies the military cost to assault forts
- Added local_assault_fort_cost_modifier = <float> #Province, modifies the military cost to assault the fort of the province which has this modifier. This applies to the besieging force
- Added assault_fort_ability = <float> #Country/Army/Unit, modifies the damage your troops deal to the garrison when assaulting a fort
- Added local_assault_fort_ability = <float> #Province, modifies the damage assaulting troops would deal to the garrison. Here, negative numbers are green as you want to have the local version be negative.
- Added vassal_manpower_bonus = <float> #Country scope, modifies the bonus of manpower gained from their subjects. The manpower from the subject gained is defined in the subject_types script as manpower_to_overlord = <float>
- Added vassal_sailors_bonus = <float> #Country scope, modifies the bonus of sailors gained from their subjects. The manpower from the subject gained is defined in the subject_types script as sailors_to_overlord = <float>
- Added vassal_naval_forcelimit_bonus = <float> #Country scope, modifies the bonus to a country's naval force limit from their subjects. The naval force limit gain is defined as naval_forcelimit_to_overlord = <float>
- Added annexation_relations_impact = <float> #Country scope (applied to the overlord), modifies the impact of the relations applied to all subjects when their overlord is annexing a subject. If you didn't know: annexing subjects gives all other subjects -30 opinion.
- Added can_revoke_parliament_seats = yes #Country scope, allows you to remove seats from a province
- Added parliament_backing_chance = <float> #Country scope, modifies how many seats will back an issue in general
- Added parliament_effect_duration = <int> #Country scope, adds a flat number of years for an issue's effects to prevail once passed. NOTE: No issue should have a lower time of year than 1 year.
- Added parliament_debate_duration = <int> #Country scope, adds a flat number of years of the time needed for an issue to get into the debate phase. If an issue would reach 0 or negative years then the issue is in the debate phase the day it is active.
- Added parliament_chance_of_decision = <float> #Country scope, adds an additional % chance to the chance of a debate is ended after PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION
- Added num_of_parliament_issues = <int> #Country scope, increases the max amount of issues you can pick from. The NUM_PARLIAMENT_ISSUES in the defines would be converted into a modifier with this.
- Added max_possible_parliament_seats = <int> #Country scope, which determines how many possible parliament seats your parliament can have. If the modifier is 0 or negative then your parliament can have unlimited parliament seats like how it is working now.
- Added can_recruit_cawa = yes
- Added can_recruit_cossacks = yes
- Added can_recruit_rajputs = yes
- Added can_recruit_revolutionary_guards = yes
- Added naval_morale_damage = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship scope, modifies the amount of morale damage your navy deals
- Added naval_morale_damage_received = <float> #Country/Fleet/Ship scope, modifies the amount of morale damage your navy receives
- Added has_<special_unit> = yes #Country scope, unlocks the special unit for the country, and makes it available to be recruited. NOTE: I am aware that with the special units added for 1.35, we have decided to go with the <special_unit>_fraction_modifier = <float> to make them available. However, we ran into the issue that certain special units would be available to countries that are not supposed to have them. Example: the amount of Tercios you can have should scale with the Army Tradition you have -> we added the fracture modifier to Army Tradition. However, now everyone was able to recruit Tercios as long they had a single Iberian province (we assigned the local_has_tercio = yes modifier to the Iberian culture group) which is NOT intended.
- Added no_claim_cost_increasement = yes #Country scope, removes the additional cost for fabricating a claim if you already have a claim on this country # Triggers
- Added num_of_revolutionary_guard (not sure why it was missing).
- Added num_of_special_units = { special_unit_category = <special unit type, musketeer/tercio/streltsy etc> type = infantry/cavalry/artillery/etc value = <int> }.
- Added years_of_manpower = <float> #Country scope, returns true if the country has the float amount of years of manpower in their manpower pool. Works like "years_of_income".
- Added years_of_sailors = <float> #Country scope, returns true if the country has the float amount of years of sailors in their sailor pool. Works like "years_of_income".
- Added Improve the tooltip of the trade_goods_produced_amount = {} trigger.
- Added has_been_humiliated_by = <country scope> #Country scope, checks if the current country scope has been ever humiliated by the specified country.
- Added humiliated = <country scope> #Country scope, checks if the current country scope has humiliated the specified country.
- Added has_saved_global_event_target = <string> #Works exactly like has_saved_event_target, but instead checks for a global event target.
- Added same_trade_node_as = <province> #Province scope, returns true if the current scope is in the same trade node as the specified province.
- Added same_home_trade_node_as = <country> #Country scope, returns true if the current country scope has the same trade node as the home trade node as the specified country does.
- Added has_owner_harmonized_religion = yes #Province scope, returns true if the current province scope has a religion that is harmonized by its owner.
- Added has_owner_secondary_religion = yes #Province scope, returns true if the current province scope has a religion that is the secondary of its owner.
- Added secondary_religion_group = <religion group> #Country scope, returns true if the country has a religion of the specified religion group as its secondary religion.
- Added has_assimilated_culture_group = <country/province/culture group id> #Country scope, returns true if the country has assimilated the culture group of the specified country/province or has assimilated a specified culture group. Works like accepted_culture.
- Added has_assimilated_culture = <country/province/culture id> #Country scope, returns true if the country has assimilated the culture of the specified country (in this case its primary culture)/province or has assimilated a specified culture. Works like accepted_culture.
- Added num_ships_protecting_trade = <int> / <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the country has at least as many ships protecting trade as the specified country or the specified number.
- Added has_protecting_trade_share_in_trade_node = { who = <country scope> share = <float> } #Province scope (Trade node-specific), Returns true if the country has a certain percentage of the trade in a given node through its light ships protecting trade there.
- Added num_of_pashas = <int> #Country scope, returns true if the country has assigned Pashas in at least x areas.
- Added transfers_trade_power_to = <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the current scope transfers trade power to the specified country.
- Added steers_trade_to = <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the current scope steers trade to the specified country.
- Added receives_trade_power_from = <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the specified country scope transfers trade power to the current country scope.
- Added receives_trade_steering_from = <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the specified country scope steers trade to the current country scope.
- Added has_advisor_type_in_pool = <advisor type> #Country scope, returns true if any advisor of the specified advisor type is available for you to hire right now. Does not check for hired advisors.
- Added possible_buildings = <int> #Province scope, returns true if the amount of possible buildings in the province scope is equal to or higher than the specified int value.
- Added trade_node = <trade node id> #Province scope, returns true if the current scope is part of the specified trade node.
- Added home_trade_node = <trade node id> #Country scope, returns true if the current scope has its home trade node in the specified trade node.
- Added owned_by_subject_of = <country scope> #Province scope, returns true if the province is owned by a subject of the specified country scope.
- Expanded the "employed_advisor" trigger with extra parameters: is_discounted = yes #Checks if the advisor in question has a discount which is caused by the cost_multiplier = <int> or the discount = yes parameters from "define_advisor", skill = <int> #Checks if the advisor in question has a skill level or higher of the specified int, name = <string> #Checks if the advisor has a certain name.
- Added empire_of_china_num_reforms_passed = <int> #Checks how many reforms the Emperor of China has passed.
- Added empire_of_china_has_active_decree = <key/yes/no> #Checks the current active Decree for the Emperor of China.
- Added num_of_times_expanded_infrastructure = <int> #Province scope, counts how many times a province has had its infrastructure expanded.
- is_neighbor_of = <tag> #Can now be used in province scope as well as country scope.
- Added has_liberty_desire_modifier = <key> #Checks for if a country has a particular liberty desire modifier.
- Added has_eclipsed = <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the current scope is too powerful to select the specified country as a rival (aka. it eclipsed the target country).
- Added has_been_eclipsed_by = <country scope> #Country scope, returns true if the current scope is too weak to be selected by the specified country as a rival (aka. it has been eclipsed by the target country).
- Added subject_owns = <province scope> #Country scope, returns true if any subject owns the specified province
- Added has_advisor_type_in_pool = <advisor type> #Country scope, returns true if any advisor of the specified advisor type is available for you to hire right now. Does not check for hired advisors.
- Added possible_buildings = <int> #Province scope, returns true if the amount of possible buildings in the province scope is equal or higher than the specified int value
- Added home_trade_node = <trade node id> #Country scope, returns true if the current scope has its home trade node in the specified trade node
- Added owned_by_subject_of = <country scope> #Province scope, returns true if the province is owned by a subject of the specified country scope
- Added years_of_manpower = <float> #Country scope, returns true if the country has the float amount of years of manpower in their manpower pool. Works like "years_of_income".
- Added years_of_sailors = <float> #Country scope, returns true if the country has the float amount of years of sailors in their sailor pool. Works like "years_of_income". # Other
- Government mechanics, powers and interactions are now fully scriptable (see /government_mechanics/readme.txt)tribal_allegiance is now a government power, so tribal_allegiance, is yearly.
- Added the "Has Harem events" custom government attribute which now calls all the Harem-related events.
- Split all the estate privileges from one file into several files - for each estate a file.
- Now able to modulate the colors of decision entries.
- Added on actions for religion and culture changing in a province - on_province_religion_changed and on_province_culture_changed.
- Reforms of the Celestial Empire can use them all, member and province modifiers that the HRE uses
- Added subject interaction seize_court_resources = yes/no #A subject interaction which gives your subject immediately +25% Liberty Desire and you 1 year's worth of their monthly monarch power generation. No cooldown.
- Added subject interaction request_extra_levies = yes/no #A subject interaction which gives your subject immediately +25% Liberty Desire and you 1 year's worth of their manpower and sailors. No cooldown.
- Added subject interaction grant_administrative_autonomy = yes/no #A subject interaction which gives your subject immediately -10% Liberty Desire and you -20 Reform Progress. No cooldown. Not available when you don't have the reform progress
- Added subject trait can_gain_favors = yes/no #A subject trait which allows the overlord to have favors with its subjects if it is set to "yes". By default, overlords don't gain any favors with subjects but trust instead. Due to the favor additions from a previous Jira, it should be added now so all these interactions can be used.
- Added subject trait co_belligerent = yes/no #Enemies can force this subject to join its overlord in the defense war. Only used when the subject has the "joins_overlords_wars = no". By default, it's "no".
- Added subject trait called_to_wars = yes/no #Overlord can ask the subject to join wars like it could ask allies to join. You would require favors to call them to wars. Only used when the subject has the "joins_overlords_wars = no". By default, it's "no"
- Added subject trait favors_cost_to_join_offensive_wars = <int> #Defines how much favors the overlord needs to invest to call the subject into an offensive war
- Added subject trait favors_cost_to_join_defensive_wars = <int> #Defines how much favors the overlord needs to invest to call the subject into a defensive war
- Added subject trait opinion_cost_to_join_offensive_wars = <int> #Defines how much opinion the subject loses of the overlord to call the subject into an offensive war. Applied if you do not have Leviathan
- Added subject trait opinion_cost_to_join_defensive_wars = <int> #Defines how much opinion the subject loses of the overlord to call the subject into a defensive war. Applied if you do not have Leviathan
- Added subject trait opinion_cost_instead_of_favors_cost = yes/no #Determines if the subject requires favors or opinion to join a war. If set "yes" then it requires the aforementioned opinion costs - regardless if Leviathan is active or not. "No" is the default setting
- Added subject trait opinion_on_subject_integration = -30 #Determines how much opinion they lose when a fellow subject gets integrated. Right now it is hardcoded to be -30 per integration but not every subject should be equally annoyed by it.
- Added the government attribute can_inherit_personal_unions = yes/no #En- or disables the ability to inherit PUs
- Added the government attribute force_general_leader = yes/no #"yes" forces your ruler to become a general when he gets to power. Works like force_admiral_leader = yes. "no" is the default setting
- Added the government attribute block_cultural_union = yes/no #"Yes" disables Cultural Unions entirely for you. "yes" is the default setting and doesn't change anything
- Added the government attribute has_cultural_union = yes/no #"yes" means that your country has the cultural union already regardless of your development or government rank. "no" is the default setting and lets you behave like normal
- Added the government attribute has_pasha = yes and separated it from has_janissaries = yes
- Added the privilege argument loyalty_scaled_conditional_modifier = { trigger = { <triggers> } modifier = { <modifiers> } } #(at 100% Loyalty = 100% effect of the modifier)
- Added the privielge argument influence_scaled_conditional_modifier = { trigger = { <triggers> } modifier = { <modifiers> } } #(at 100% Influence = 100% effect of the modifier)
- Added the privilege mechanic no_estate_crownland_loss_from_developing #Prevents crown land loss for an estate from developing provinces
- Added on_colony_finished = {} #ROOT = is the colony which just finished, fires whenever a province gets colonized - regardless if it was done by a colonist or not (which means Siberian Frontier colonies would trigger this on_action too when they done)
- Added on_colony_established = {} #Is called when a province gets fully colonized - either through a colonist or through the Siberian Frontier. ROOT = province, FROM = country which colonizes the province
- Added on_colonial_nation_established = {} #Is called when a colonial nation is created. ROOT = the new colonial nation, FROM = the overlord of the colonial nation.
- Added on_advisor_hired = {} #ROOT = is the country which hires the advisor, fires for all categories
- Added on_adm_advisor_hired = {} #ROOT = is the country which hires the advisor, fires for the adm category
- Added on_dip_advisor_hired = {} #ROOT = is the country which hires the advisor, fires for the dip category
- Added on_mil_advisor_hired = {} #ROOT = is the country which hires the advisor, fires for the mil category
- Added on_core = {} #ROOT = province which gets cored, FROM = coring country, fires whenever a province gets cored by a country - either through the manual action or through the "add_core = <country>" effect
- Added on_adm_tech_taken = {} #ROOT = is the country that is taking a new admin tech
- Added on_dip_tech_taken = {} #ROOT = is the country that is taking a new diplomatic tech
- Added on_mil_tech_taken = {} #ROOT = is the country that is taking a new military tech
- Added on_barrage = {} #ROOT = is the country using barrage on the province, FROM = is the province which gets barraged
- Added on_naval_barrage = {} #ROOT = is the country using naval barrage on the province, FROM = is the province which gets naval barraged
- Added on_scorch_earth = {} #ROOT = is the country using scorch earth on the province, FROM = is the province which gets scorched
- Added on_parliament_debate_reset = {} # ROOT = country
- Added on_parliament_seat_given = {} # ROOT = province, triggers when you give a seat to a province
- Added on_parliament_seat_lost = {} # ROOT = province, triggers when a province loses its parliament seat
- Added on_alliance_broken = {} #Country scope, triggers when an alliance gets dissolved - it does not matter how (be it through the diplomatic action, through a war, through a peace treaty or through one of the partners becoming the subject of the other county) ROOT = is the "first" alliance partner which means the country which created the alliance, FROM =, is the "second" alliance partner who accepted the alliance offer
- Added on_royal_marriage_broken = {} #Country scope, triggers when a royal marriage gets dissolved - it does not matter how (be it through the diplomatic action, through a war, through a peace treaty or through one of the partners becoming the subject of the other county) ROOT = is the "first" partner which means the country which originally offered the royal marriage, FROM =, is the "second" alliance partner who accepted the offer
- Added on_mandate_reform_passed = {}
- Added mercenary trait counts_towards_force_limit = no #Removes the contribution to the force limit from the mercenary company when hired
- Added mercenary trait max_size = <int> #Limits the size of this mercenary company. If a merc company would be larger than the max size allows then every additional "would be" regiment will be transferred to the company's manpower pool. If not set or if "-1" then it is the default setting.
- Added mercenary trait min_size = <int> #Limits the minimum size of this mercenary company. So if you hire a merc company it will ALWAYS have at least as many regiments as min_size demands it to be. If it's bigger than "max_size" then it should throw an error in the error log and be deactivated. If not set or if "-1" then it is the default setting.
- Added mercenary trait no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes #A flag for the merc company which disallows the behavior that every single additional "would be" regiment over max_size will be turned into company manpower. "no" is the default.
- Added mercenary trait manpower_pool = <double> #Defines how large the manpower pool of the merc company is. Merc Manpower modifier uses this as the base to modify. At default, it is -1 which means it just uses the normal way of calculating the available manpower for the merc company
- Added building argument on_construction_started = { <effects on province scope> } #Gets called when you start building a building
- Added building argument on_construction_canceled = { <effects on province scope> } #Gets called when you cancel a building construction
- Centers of Reformation can now spawn in other continents than the ones of their religion's center_of_religion
- Added the scripted function can_remove_idea_group which can disallow you to remove idea groups
- Added potential = {} to decrees, fervors, golden_bulls, isolationism, personal_deities, gurus and trading policies
- Added trigger = {} to decrees and fervors. Replaced "allowed = {}" of personal_deities with "trigger = {}"
- Added land_units_killed_var, land_units_lost, naval_units_killed_var and naval_units_lost variables which are set after each battle. They do not count the total amount of killed units throughout the game.
- Added argument for parliament issues backing_percentage = <int> #Determines how many seats will back up the issue. backing_percentage = 100 would mean all seats would back it up, backing_percentage = 0 means no seat backs it up. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_BACKING_PERCENTAGE from Defines
- Added argument for parliament issues effect_duration = <int> #Determines how long the effects of a passed debate last, and also the amount of time before you can debate the next issue after passing one. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_EFFECT_DURATION from the Defines.
- Added argument for parliament issues debate_duration = <int> #Determines how long the debate will go before it gets into the phase where it can be randomly closed. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION from the Defines.
- Added argument for parliament issues chance_of_decision = <float> #Determines the chance debate is ended after debate_duration / PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION. Defaults to PARLIAMENT_CHANCE_OF_DECISION
- Added argument for parliament bribe chance = { factor = <float> } #chance argument for a bribe to appear. Parliament issues already have this chance section
- Added scope papal_controller = {} #Scopes to the Papal Controller
# 스크립트
# 도전과제
-"Baltic Crusader": 우랄의 2개 미개척 지역 개척할 필요 없어짐
-"Master of India": 속국이 인도 전역 소유해도 완료 가능
-"For the Emperor": 해방된 속국으로 플레이해도 완료 가능
# 결정
-제해권 확보: 8단계 정부 개혁 해금(무역 보호국 설립 가능)
-이탈리아 통제: 이제 더 나은 툴팁 보유, 뭘해야 하는지 설명해줌
-권력 분립 공식화: 모든 의회 국가 사용 가능. ”권력 분립“ 변동치: 의회 안건 지지 확률 +3% 추가 제공
-이슬람 결정으로 얻는 신앙심들은 이제 이미 음수 신앙심 상태면 음수 신앙심을 얻음
-이집트 형성: 이미 제국일 때 왕국 등급으로 변경시키지 않음
-동군연합 속국은 이제 결정으로 후스파 채택 가능, 통치자는 종주국 종교대로 남음
-결정으로 시흐 라다 정부얻는 것이 해당 결정을 영구적으로 막지 않음. 언제든 이 정부 개혁 재획득 가능
-정부 변경하는 결정들이 더 이상 정부 개혁 단계를 제거하지 않음
# 이벤트
-은동고와 마탐바의 은징가: 이제 국가 문화 따라감
-나후아틀 이벤트 'Pochteca Traders Harassed': 더 이상 152년간 지속되는 전쟁명분 제공안함
-"X 시대관이 생성됨": 시대관 발생지 몰라도 이벤트 발생 가능
-기사단에 몰타 제공: 황금세기 DLC 소유자는 몰타 제공 시 산 후안 수도회 사용 가능
-노르드 국가들은 임무트리 진행할 때 가톨릭으로 돌아오지 않음
-에티오피아 AI는 이벤트로 개척이 덜 완료된 지역으로 수도를 옮기지 않음
-자매단이 오를레앙을 장악하다: 고유 1단계 정부 개혁 제공
-신롬 통일 이벤트: 창 탈출하려는 목록 만들지 않음
-도움의 손길: 조언자 얻기로 결정했을 때 최대 500두캇 소모
-"$PROVINCE$의 처녀": 더 이상 동군연합 종주국 정통성을 제거하지 않음. 또한 생성된 장군은 육군 전통 50의 항상 여성 장군임
-핀란드 제국들 중 하나의 이름으로 변경 가능한 이벤트를 핀란드 임무트리에 추가
-콩고 임무트리에 군주정이 될지 부족정으로 남을지 선택 가능한 이벤트 추가
-수도원들의 협의: 현재 보유 중인 카르마 양에 비례해 카르마 제공. 예시) 90 카르마 이상이면 25 상실. 50 이상이면 15 상실. 25 이상이면 10 상실. 다른 경우 5 상실. 카르마 음수이면 반대로 적용
-좋은 우기: 지역 개발 비용 -20% → 지역 세금 +20%
-계층 의회 의제: 동시에 3개 대신 최대 6개 계층이 선택지로 나옴
-신롬 해체 시 발생하는 이벤트 추가: 위신 +100(위신 100초과 시 군주력), 영광 200, 세력 투사 25 제공
-도움의 손길: 소유 대규모 계획이 이미 완전 업글상태면 미발생
# 이념
-노르드: 더 이상 노르드 문화랑 종교라고 바로 기존 이념 다 덮어쓰지 않음
-루테니아 이념 버프: 전통(인력 회복속도 20%, 받은 사기 피해 -10%), 2번째(수용 문화 수 +2, 문화 수용 비용 -25%), 3번째(카자크 특권 수 +1), 6번째(코어 생성 비용 -10%), 7번째(국교 관용도 +2, 연간 대주교 권위 +0.5)
-육군 병력 한계 33% 늘리는 모든 이념들이 25%로 감소됨
-러시아 이념 조정: 전통(코어 생성 비용 -10% →-15%), 1번째(AE -10% → -15%), 4번째(육군 병력 한계 50% → 33%), 5번째(귀족 영향력 -10%)
-무료 지휘관 추가하던 모든 이념, 전통, 야망들이 다른 효과로 변경됨.
-잉글랜드: 7번째(의회 안건 수 +1), 야망(해군 사기 피해 10%)
-시암 이념 리워크 및 수치 상당히 너프
-스몰렌스크: 포병 충격 +2 추가
-그레이트 브리튼: 기존 3번째, 2번째 이념 하나로 합쳐짐. 3번째 이념 새효과(국가 불만도 -1, 의회 안건 수 +1)
-오리사: 전통(생산 효율 5% → 10%)
-오스만 이념 조정: 1번째(코어 생성 비용 -20% → -25%), 새로 추가(정부 개혁 진행도 증가 +10%), 4번째(전쟁 피로도 감소 비용 -10%→국가 불만도 -2), 새로 추가(연간 해군 전통 +0.5)
-청 이념: 코어 생성 비용 -20% → -25%(원 이념이랑 수치 맞춤)
-프랑스 이념 조정:
전통: 외교 평판 +1, 인력 +20%
1. 연간 육군 전통 +0.5, 육군 사기 +15%
2. 세금 수입 +10%, 전쟁 세금 비용 -50%
3. 정부 개혁 진행도 +10%, 국가 불만도 -1
4. 규율 +5%
5. 원주민 반란 확률 -50%, 원주민 동화 +50%
6. 코어 생성 비용 -10%, 최대 절대주의 +5
7. 요새 방어력 +15%, 주둔군 피해 50%
야망: 개발 비용 -10%
-혁명 프랑스 이념 추가:
전통: 최대 혁명의 열의 +5, 가혹한 처치 비용 -50%
1. 연간 분리주의 -10
2. 육군 사기 +15%, 사기 피해 +5%
3. 생산 효율 +15%, 인플레이션 감소 0.05
4. 이단, 이교 관용도 +1
5. 인력 회복 속도 +20%
6. 군사 전술 +10%, 훈련도 획득 +50%
7. 코어 생성 비용 -20%
야망: 공성 능력 +20%
-스페인 이념 조정:
전통: 육군 사기 +15%, 포병 사격 +1
1. 교황청 영향력 +2, 교회 권력 +25%, 월간 열정 +50%
2. 신대륙 클레임 생성 가능, 개척자 +1
3. 시대관 전파 속도 +10%, 정부 개혁 진행도 증가 +10%(카스티야 이념에도 추가, 기존 보물선단 이념 제거됨)
4. 해병대 병력한계 +25%, 해군 병력 한계 +25%(기존의 3번째 보물선단 이념(해군 병력한계)이 통합됨)
5. 사절 이동 시간 -33%, 관세 +15%
6. 연간 위신 +1(6,7번째 이념 순서 바뀜)
7. 가능한 외교 정책 +1, 계층 특권 박탈로 인한 충성도 감소치 -5
야망: 규율 +5%
-카스티야 이념 조정: 전통(해병대 병력 한계 +25% → 해군 병력 한계 +25%), 6번째(정부 개혁 진행도 증가 +10% 추가)
# 임무
-폴란드 ‘황제에게 사절 파견‘: 신롬 황제여도 완료 가능
-잉글랜드 ’전략적 통제‘: 임무 전에 프랑스를 동군연합으로 만든다고 제한되지 않음
-부르고뉴 ’기사도는 죽지 않았다‘: 영구 세력 투사 +25(앙주 왕국도 같은 이벤트 사용)
-폴란드 ’리보니아 꺾기‘: 포메른 정복용 클레임 제공
# 셋업
-직할지 80과 100 사이에 빠진 증가레벨 추가
-Kelang 지역 이름 Tamsui로 변경.
-Valladolid 지역: 이제 북카스티야 지방에 속함. Asturias 지역: 레온 지방에 속함
-아스투리아스, 카스티야 지방 이름 북카스티야, 남카스티야로 변경
-이베리아 무역 상품을 역사적으로 정확하게 많이 변경
-모스크바: 이제 이흐 칸국과 역사적 경쟁국
- Aveiro, Algarvae 지역: 소금 생산
-파타고니아, 아마존 무역 노드는 이제 쿠이아바 노드와 연결됨. 리마는 폴리네시아 삼각 노드와 연결됨. 남미 개척이 아시아 국가들에 더 이윤이 되도록 만들기 위함
-자포로체: 유목민 대신 동유럽 기술권
-허드슨만 무역노드: 캘리포니아 노드로 흐름
-아나톨리아 소국들: 베이국 정부 개혁으로 시작
-모든 프랑스 왕자령 속국들: 왕자령 정부 개혁으로 시작
-아우스부르크 통치자 외교력 4로 증가
-이흐 칸국 수도 Sarai로 변경. Sarai는 확장팩 보유 시 ‘타타르의 멍에’ 지역 변동치 얻음
# 기타
-토지 몰수 시 반군 생성 막는 정부 개혁 보유해도 반군 뜬다고 알리는 것 없어짐
-식민지 속국: “식민지 속국 설립” 계층 의제 사용 불가
-파샤: 지역 통치 비용 -20%, 지역 최소 자치도 20%, 월간 지역 자치도 -0.1(기본 자치도 높은 대신, 그 수치까지 빠르게 줄어드는 식), 주 유지비 -33%, 지역 이교 관용도 +10
-좡 문화 중화 가능
-사카테카스 대규모 계획은 금 생산 보장함
-AI는 이제 계층 의제 자동 완료 확률 90% 보유함
-자치 식민지: 시민, 귀족 계층 사용 가능
-특수부대 커스텀 국가 이념을 하나로 통합함
-많은 2년 간격 무작위 이벤트들을 비어있는 4년 간격 이벤트로 바꿔 성능 향상시키고 역설적으로 발생 확률을 더 높임
-"중앙집권화 노력" 주 칙령: 지역 자치도 -0.03 제공(기존이 0.03이라 오기로 보임)
-"상륙 시간" 변동치: "상륙 속도"로 이름 변경됨
-모든 계층 재앙의 진행 조건이 충성도 50%에서 60%미만으로 변경됨
-지배 DLC 보유하고 신롬 형성 시 새로운 신성 제국 군주정 정부 획득
-잇코-잇키 반란은 이제 잇코-잇키 정부 개혁을 강요하려고함
-속국 업그레이드 행정 비용은 이제 모든 군주력 비용 변동치에 따라 변동됨
-프랑스 종교전쟁은 이제 국가가 후스파나 성공회여도 발동함
-통일 칼마르 군주정 보유하고 스칸디나비아 형성 시 이름이 "칼마르 연합"이 되며 지도 색상은 국기의 노란색임
-종교 혼란 재앙: 후스파, 성공회 국가도 발생 가능
-유교 국가에 다른 종교 국가 대상으로 하는 신규 전쟁 명분 추가. "성전" 전쟁 명분을 얻거나 인본주의 이념 완료 시 이 전쟁 명분획득함. 새로 추가한 이유는 성전 명분을 조화한 종교 대상으로 사용하는 것이 불가능하기 때문
-"룸 술탄국", "루테니아 차르국" 정부 개혁을 룸 그리고 루테니아에 추가함
-"백두산" 조건부 지역 변동치는 지역 종교가 대승불교여도 작동함
-로마 점령 조건부 변동치는 이제 조건부 '지역' 변동치임
-말리는 더 이상 엔드게임 태그 아님
-통치자 외교력이 5가 넘으면 "횡설수설하는 멍청이" 특성 획득 불가
-포르투갈 해군 교리: 해안 포격 비용 -40%→-50%
-조선 해군 교리: 소유 해안 해군 전투 보너스 +1→선체 크기 +20%
-카자크 계층 독립국은 이제 동유럽 기술권에 시흐 라다 정부 보유. 유목민 아님
-중국 통일 전쟁 명분: 지역 점령 시 주 코어 대신 준주 코어만 제공
-강력한 공국들 특권: 변경국, 동군연합을 2개 보유해도 사용 가능
-국가에서 성직자 분리 정부개혁: 브라만 계층 비활성화
-튜튼: 십자군 경로 선택 시 신롬 가입 불허됨
-"국가의 쇠퇴" 이벤트 재활성화
-"번영하는 시대" 이벤트는 이제 국가당 한번만 발생하는 이벤트기에 해당 지역 크게 업그레이드함
-"무능한 사촌" 이벤트는 이제 어떤 속국의 사촌인지 특정해서 말해줌
-신대륙 식민지 경계 조정해 지방이 나눠지지 않도록 함
-"살레 공화국", "테투안의 해적 여왕" 이벤트는 이제 해적 공화국을 완전히 무시해버리는 3번째 선택지 존재. AI는 여전히 항상 해적 국가 해방을 선택함
-스페인 "무적함대" 해군교리: 추가로 해병대 병력한계 +25%, 해군 지휘관 기동 +1 제공
# 버그픽스(번역생략)
- Fixed OOS related to cardinal IDs.
- Fixed desync related to countries that are called to join a war but haven't yet for hot joiners.
- Fixed CTD related to losing merchants when the trade node interface is open.
- Fixed a desync that could happen when a country changes religion, invites a religious scholar, and there's a player that's lagging enough.
- Fixed so the build flagship button is greyed out when light ships cost more than heavies and you can't afford it.
- Fixed OOS related to modifier from trade centers applied to countries not resetting when trade center decreases in level.
- OOS fix related to mercenary companies keeping track of which country they belong to, which didn't handle tag switching.
- Fixed issue with automated improved relations entry text in outliner that wouldn't align to the right.
- Fixed so that terrain bonus for combat map marker is displayed positive for positive values.
- Improved logic for automatically computing the amount of money when demanding/offering peace.
- Fixed issues with random factors regarding missions and their events always being the same.
- Fixed a crash related to government reform properties not existing.
- Moved federation strength computation to code, removed script functions with effects due to them causing crashes/desyncs.
- Fixed an issue where the "carolean_infantry" where mentions Cawa units instead of Carolean units.
- Fixed policies "Diplomatic Consolidation Act" and "Colonial Improvement Act" not displaying any value in the policy window.
- Fixed on actions triggers when culture and religion change via the events.
- Fixed desync in great projects executing on_built effect when loading a save game.
- Fixed issue with ambient map objects visibility is reset after loading a save.
- "무슬림 출신들이 예니체리에 입대하다" 이벤트는 이제 예니체리에 규율 1.5% 대신 5% 제공(원래는 15%를 주는게 맞았음...)
- Fixed several script-related errors which inflated the error log over the period of a game.
- Fixed a race condition crash related to AI taking decisions.
- The special_units_forcelimit modifier now applies to all special units.
첫댓글 패치노트는 시간되는데로 번역해보겠습니다. 개인적 사정으로 이번이 마지막 EU4 개발일지 번역이 될 것 같습니다. 그동안 읽어주셔서 감사했습니다.
헐. 고생하셨어요.
그동안 수고하셨습니다. 감사합니다.
으앙 그동안 감사했습니다
그동안 수고 많으셨습니다. 락뮤님 덕분에 개발일지와 패치노트를 편하게 읽을 수 있었네요. 감사합니다!
그동안 감사했습니다
그간 노고 많으셨습니다.
늘 든든한 개발일지였던..
아이고 고생 많으셨습니다.
와 엄청 기네요
황제 dlc 전만 해도 한 번 내놓은 컨텐츠는 내놓은 자식마냥 방치했던 느낌인데 요즘들어 EU4도 옛날 요소들을 개편하거나 리밸런싱을 많이 하는 것 같은데 스텔라리스처럼 custodian팀 같은 거라도 만든 걸까요
그동안 고생하셨습니다
한참을 쉬었는데 북방의 사자랑 같이 살지 고민이네요