Silence Is a ‘Sound’ You Hear, Study Suggests
Bethany Brookshire
c.2023 The New York Times Company
The hush at the end of the musical performance. The pause in a dramatic speech. The muted moment when you turn off the car. What is it that we hear when we hear nothing at all? Are we detecting silence? Or are we just hearing nothing and interpreting that absence as silence?
▶hush = 침묵, 고요, 정숙
turn off the car: 차의 시동을 끄다
▶detect = 감지하다, 발견하다, 알아내다
※detective: 형사, 수사관 (원래 ‘detective policeman’이었던 것에서 줄어든 형태) (Origin: mid 19th century, from detect. The noun was originally short for detective policeman, from an adjectival use of the word in the sense ‘serving to detect’.)
The “Sound of Silence” is a philosophical question that made for one of Simon & Garfunkel’s most enduring songs, but it’s also a subject that can be tested by psychologists. In a paper published last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers used a series of sonic illusions to show that people perceive silences much as they hear sounds. While the study offers no insight into how our brains might be processing silence, the results suggest that people perceive silence as its own type of “sound,” not just as a gap between noises.
▶make for something = ~가 되다, ~를 가능하게 하다, ~라는 결과를 낳다 (to be one thing, or the most important thing, that causes something) (to help to make something possible, to produce a particular result)
- a philosophical question that made for one of Simon & Garfunkel’s most enduring songs: 사이먼 앤 가펑클 노래들 중 지금까지도 사랑받는 [Sound of Silence]를 낳게 한 철학적 질문
▶sonic illusions = 착각을 불러일으키는 소리
- illusion: 잘못 생각함, 오해, 착각 ([Psychology] a perception that is not true to reality, having been altered subjectively in some way in the mind of the perceiver)
perceive: 지각(知覺)하다, 감지하다, 인지하다
Chaz Firestone, a cognitive scientist at Johns Hopkins and another author of the study, said that if silence is “not really a sound, and yet it turns out that we can hear it, then evidently, hearing is about more than just sounds.”
But simply asking “Can you perceive silence?” is a difficult question. So the two researchers, with Ian Phillips, a philosopher, asked a different question: Does the mind treat silence the same way it treats sounds?
▶cognitive = 인식의, (지각·기억·판단·추리 등의) 지적·정신적 작용의[에 관한]
- cognitive science: 인지 과학 (인간이나 생물의 인식 과정을 대상으로 하여 지식의 표현, 추론 기구, 학습, 시각ㆍ청각의 메커니즘 따위를 연구하는 과학)
- cognitive disorder: 인지 장애
▶hearing is about more than just sounds = 청각은 단순 소리 이상에 대한 것이다 → 청각은 소리만 듣는 게 아니다
The researchers tested people recruited online with a series of sound illusions. The first test compared a single longer sound with two shorter sounds. The two shorter sounds together added up to the same amount of time as the longer sound. But when people listened to them, they perceived the single sound as lasting longer.
To apply that illusion to silence, Goh and colleagues inverted the test. The scientists used sounds of restaurants, busy marketplaces, trains or playgrounds, and inserted chunks of silence for participants to compare.
▶invert = (아래위를) 뒤집다, (순서를) 도치시키다
- inverter: (직류를 교류로 바꾸는)인버터, 변환 장치
- inverted commas: 따옴표 (=quotation marks) ([British] Inverted commas are punctuation marks that are used in writing to show where speech or a quotation begins and ends.)
▶inserted chunks of silence = (군데군데) 침묵 구간을 집어넣었다
- chunk : 상당히 많은 양 (원래 뜻은 ‘덩어리’)
The researchers supposed that if people perceive silences as their own type of sound, then silences should be subject to the same illusion as the sounds. One long silence should be perceived as longer than the total of two shorter silences. But if people perceive silence as a lack of sound, the illusion might not exist.
Other tests placed silence in different contexts to produce more sonic illusions. In every case they tested, listeners perceived the illusion of a period of silence being longer just as they would have perceived an illusion of a longer sound.
▶perceive silences as their own type of sound = 침묵을 그 자체로 하나의 소리로 인식하다
▶be subject to the same illusion as the sounds = 앞서 소리로 실험을 했을 때와 동일한 패턴의 착각에 빠지다
- be subject to ~: ~의 대상이 되다
The study, Yousif said, shows that “those blank spaces are also a kind of event, they are a kind of unit that is represented in our experience.”
He also appreciated how the researchers used illusions tweaked for silence instead of sound. “It’s very clever in the way that it uses sort of known phenomena, and applies them to silences instead,” he said.
Although the researchers did not study how people’s brains responded to silence, Goh suggested that existing research supported the idea that some neurons and neural processes were involved in the perception of silence.
▶tweak = (기계‧시스템 등을 약간) 수정[변경]하다 (원래 뜻은 ‘잡아당기다, 비틀다’)
- used illusions tweaked for silence instead of sound: 소리가 아니라 침묵에 맞춰진 착각 현상을 이용했다
▶support = (사실임을) 뒷받침하다, (진술 등을) 입증하다, 확인하다
- mi casa es su casa
- on the fly
- long in the tooth
Lorde - Royals
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