Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 1) - 165 [3] The Spirit World 4. The Position And Real Image Of The Spirit World
2) The Real Image Of The Spirit World - 1
If you go to the spirit world, you will be able to see the whole spirit world as one body. The whole world is seen as one body. God is subject, and the whole world becomes one big body. If this occurs, the whole spirit world and the physical world will be completely melted into one. If God jumps, the earth will jump. If God laughs, the earth will laugh. This is the way life should be.
You should recognize that the spirit world is like one person as it functions. People like saints take the role of eyes and ears, and nose to smell. This is the way it is in the spirit world. If you think in such a way, it is not wrong. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes.) (91-280)
If God laughs, the whole world would laugh together. This is the spirit world. When you go to the spirit world, it is like the world of intuition. God likes or dislikes. God today has good feelings or bad feelings. If something joyful happens in the physical world and the spirit world sees that God is joyful over it, then the whole spirit world puffs up. It floats up. (193:263)
If you go to the spirit world and look, you will quickly understand what I have said. If you enter the spirit world, you will understand. Then explanation is not necessary. You will recognize quickly who someone is and what he is like.
Even though I am educating you today, if you believe in what I say, you will believe ; if you do not believe, you will not believe. Even though such a true founder of the Unification Church dedicated his whole life to wandering between life and death, and discovered the truth that could solve all things, you do not listen to what I say.
Do you believe, or don't you believe? If you say, "My custom is like this, therefore it may be right," If you think in such a way, you shall perish.
If you listen, you have to turn around at once. If you do not listen, how many degrees off will you be? You will go to the other world. You will soon go to the spirit world, won't you? Once you go to there, you will recognize whether what I say is true or not. At that time, it is too late to say "Oh." Even the church director or his grandfather is not able to change the law.
All humankind has to follow the spiritual standard. You should not become a failure by going off in the wrong direction. (191-48)