Xu Xin New Backhand Rubber
For the past two competitions (Grand Finals & Chinese Trials 2014 for WTTC Tokyo), do you think that Xu Xin’s back-hand is much better than before?
Xu Xin VS Fan Zhendong (Grand Finals)
Xu Xin VS Ma Long (Grand Finals)
Xu Xin VS Fan Zhendong (Chinese Trials 2014 for WTTC Tokyo)
It was obviously shown that his back-hand had improved a lot. Apart from his ability, do you know there is any other reason for that? Have you thought about his backhand rubber had been changed already? Yes, he has changed recently!! As DHS official & his couch said that his rubber had been changed from Butterfly to DHS. It was combined with Japan sponge and DHS top-sheet.
Butterfly National SP T64 V.S. DHS Custom Made National H3 (High Tension Sponge)
Why Xu Xin changed ?
If you know about the characteristics of Butterfly & DHS, you will probably get the answer. DHS has advantage of their top-sheet with much powerful spin, while Butterfly sponge is the most brilliant one in the world, therefore, Chinese National team coach Liu Guoliang had recommended to Xu Xin changed this new tailor-made rubber!!! It is 2.1mm thickness with 38 hardness.
It will not be available in the market!! If you want to try with this custom made National DHS H3 rubber for Xu Xin, it would be a great opportunity for you to know how powerful it is (Chinese Powerful Spin & Japan Sponge technology and Speed).For this rubber, you are not required to use any Speed Glue, Boosters, etc.
We have only few of them are available in our shop, which was getting from DHS research center
첫댓글 허리케인3 탑쉬트에 테너지 선수용 64스폰지와 비슷한것 붙여서 사용한다는 이야기..
좋은 정보 감사합니다
백핸드도 점착러버를 사용하는군요..
그렇네요 러버를 자기스타일대로 만들어쓰니..
@강릉슈신 일반인들에게 스펀지와 탑시트를 따로 판다면 만들 수는 있겠지만.. 그러면 회사 입장에선 돈이 안되겠죠..
@zero 스펀지와 탑시트를 따로파는 중국러버들은 좀있죠!
사람들은 스펀지에 관심이 많지만 핵심은 접착식탑시트 사용이라고 보는 것이 더 중요한 부분이라고 생각됩니다. 쉬신이 올해 들어서 더 안정된 것은 뤄궈량감독의 권유에 의해 중국 점착식 러버 사용라고 cctv5에서 해설하는 것을 들었습니다. 참 감독이 대단하다는 생각뿐입니다.
그렇죠 정말 대단한 사람인것같아요
이런 제품도 나왔으면 좋겠네요. ^^ 두 회사 합작으로 말이죠.
요즘비슷한제품들이 좀 출시되고는있어요
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
블레이드 특성도 분명히 있는것 같네요. 슈신이 사용하는걸 보면 전혀 점착성같지않아보이던데말이죠