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카페 게시글
20기 2조 제안서 [제안서] Music Magic Proposal
김미르 추천 0 조회 139 10.11.29 18:39 댓글 8
게시글 본문내용
첨부된 파일
  • 10.11.29 19:48

    첫댓글 I think that it's project need to analysis music and search.

  • 10.11.30 14:52

    Wow, It's interesting idea. but, I have curious about this proposal
    (my english skill is not clear)
    As you know that I graduated SM bit 17th, and Sunmoon UNIV, Now I enter the master degree course at the sungkyunkwan UNIV. my major is Interaction Science.(http://is.skku.edu) and my hobby is produced music. So, I focus on User eXperience, point of professional producer and Researcher.

  • 10.11.30 14:38

    first, How do you make easy for beginner?
    it is hard to produced music. User require a lot of ability (programming skill, musical inspiration, catch the trend..) but, Music shaker(it provide Cyworld) has easy to make it that reduced programming skill(it means that consist of chord and structure). So music shaker service has many users.
    If you want to killer app, you focus on user’s interesting to make easy and affordance. It is most important to reduce user’s hardship to produced music.
    So, I recommend benchmarking the other producing program.
    (Cubase, Nuendo, FL Loops,.. )

  • 10.11.30 14:41

    Second, How do you make harmonization?
    I think that harmonization is consist of chord, valance, BPM and Instruments
    Most of all, Instrument harmonization is very important. It is difficult to how to select instruments at the same song situation. Did you know that VST or VSTi? It means that virtual instrument. It is easy to use instrument on the compuer.
    Nevertheless, your proposal is good! It is attractive project.

  • 10.11.30 14:51

    If you want to my help, call for me. I’m interesting your project with your co-worker. Maybe I’ll give comments on your project. As a producer and musician, UX researcher, programmer
    Added, I experience about apply for patent at the same course. (when I Bit17th student, We made a Fire Evacuation program.(We say FX-Finder)) Your program is possible to apply for patent with me.


  • 작성자 10.11.30 20:08

    Hi there my name is Vladimir i'm from angola and its nice to meet you!
    First of all i would like to thank you for you interest in our proposal and for the asked questions. The blueprint of this proposal is to develop a music software designed for beginners (easy to use), and to make it become true we want to develop a very understandable and accessible interface that can allow users to make music out of a few clicks (just like the music shake interface or even better).

  • 작성자 10.11.30 20:22

    The harmonization is going to be done basically by comparing the user's input with already existing songs and harmonize it (the user's input) with the mathich song's harmony, which means that we will need a very wide database like the one used by the SOUNDHOUND software and it still one of the biggest problems because we still dont know how to implement such a database and it might take a very long time to be done. on the other hand we have been thinking about the auto hamonization according to genre that is used by MUSICSHACKE LITE BETA.

  • 작성자 10.11.30 20:33

    well i didn't know what is VST or VSTI but i have just take a look at it and seems to be very useful. have you ever use it? because i dont have yet any idea about how does it works so any help on this issue would be really apreciated.
    this is my email address i will email you my phone number so that i can get your's and keep in touch with you. My korean is not that greate but i think we will be able to understand each other, if not maybe you can keep in touch with any other team member.
    One more time thanks for you time and consideration.
