U.S.-China ties are fraying
Beijing was no fan of the U.S. during the Trump administration. President Biden seems like he might be an even tougher adversary.
- fray : (천이[을]) 해어지다[해어지게 하다] / 신경들이 날카로워지다[날카로워지게 만들다] / (특히 자신의 능력을 시험하는 듯한) 싸움[경쟁]
In six months, the Biden administration has imposed sanctions over the repression in Xinjiang and the deteriorating business climate in Hong Kong. Now, it has rallied other nations to accuse China of cyberespionage.
- impose sanctions : 제재를 가하다
- cyberespionage = cyber espionage : 사이버스파이, 사이버 첩보
The torrent of attacks has infuriated Beijing. China has responded with tit-for-tat measures, but these are not yet an effective counter to Washington’s new strategic approach.
- tit-for-tat strategy : <정치학 용어> 보복전략(報復戰略)
- counter : (일부 보드 게임에서 쓰는) 패[카운터] / (남의 생각입장 등에 대한) 반작용[반대]
Escalation: Although both sides have said that they want to avoid a new Cold War, they are plunging into an increasingly ideological conflict that shows little sign of easing. Around Taiwan, the quickening tempo of military operations increases the chances of armed confrontation — even if accidental.