1. 다음 중국의 언론 탄압에 대한 글을 읽고 질문에 답하세요.
Gao Qinrong,43,was travelling by rail across China's Shanxi province when he overheard a couple of fellow passengers. They were complaining about official corruption in a massive irrigation project.
Gao was surprised. Local party leaders had claimed to have beaten a drought by building a system of 70,000 reservoirs to supply water to orchards and farmland. He had little reason to doubt them - until that day in the spring of 1998.
As provincial chief of the staterun Xinhua News Agency's political and legal affairs department,Gao felt compelled to investigate: President Jiang Zemin himself had urged reporters to expose corruption. So,armed with a notebook and a camera,he visited more than half a dozen parched counties. The cement cisterns seemed impressive,but they weren't connected to a water supply.
In fact,the tanks were little more than props built at the behest of Huang Youquan,the local party leader in the provincial capital of Yuncheng.
Gao's report,published in a Beijing newsletter read by China's political elite,charged that the $34million project was not an irrigation effort but rather a 'political project for the sake of the leader's promotion in Yuncheng.' His story was picked up by half a dozen newspapers and magazines. Chinese Central Television sent its own team to Shanxi,and it verified Gao's findings.
Gao's expose should have earned kudos. Instead,he was arrested and charged with bribery,embezzlement and pimping. After a one-day closed trial he was sentenced to 13 years in prison.
Gao's wife,Duan,was left to care for the couple's 10-year-old daughter. She wrote to President Jiang and Premier Zhu Rongji but never heard back from them.
'The jailing of Gao Qinrong violates China's international commitments to respect press freedom,' says Ann Cooper, executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists. But Gao will remain in a Qixian prison cell unless China's rulers reconsider his case.
{질문1} Gao기자가 철도 여행을 하면서 들은 이야기는 무엇인가?
{답} 대형 관계 프로젝트가 공직자들의 부패로 실효성을 거두진 못한다는 이야기이다.
{질문2} Gao기자가 파헤친 고발기사는 무엇인가?
{답} 3천4백만 불 짜리 공사가 농토와 과수원에 물을 공급하는 것처럼 보였으나,사실은 당 간부가 승진할 수 있는 전시 실적 위주의 공사라고 고발 기사를 쓰게되었다.
{질문3} Gao기자의 보도 이후 어떤 일이 일어났는가?
{답} CCTV에서도 확인하여 진실임이 밝혀졌으나,Gao기자의 고발 기사가 우대를 받지 못하고 오히려 기자는 뇌물수수,금전갈취 등으로 고발당하여 하루만에 비공개로 진행된 재판에서 13년형을 언도 받고 수감 중이다.
2. 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하세요.
Pent-up and lonely,Diana began making herself ill,the first signs of bulimia. Several times a day she visited the kitchen,filling a bowl with cereal and fruit,adding sugar and drenching it all in cream. Afterwards she would go to the toilet and make herself sick.
Her moods became ever more unpredictable,and Charles drew much of her fire. Why,she asked,was he not spending more time with her? It was explained that the prince had a schedule of engagements arranged months before. That did little to pacify her Elizabeth chose to overlook Diana's behaviour in these early months,concluding that she needed time to settle in. Nearly everyone,from the queen to the staff who looked after Diana,attributed her behaviour to a bad case of 'nerves.'
Left to struggle through,Diana did so,barely. After one particularly difficult stretch in June 1981,when Charles was travelling,she bolted. Following a party to celebrate Prince Andrew's twenty-first birthday,she got into her car at 5.30 a.m. and drove from London to her family home,more than an hour away. She told her father,john Spencer,that she was calling off the engagement. He listened as Diana poured out her heart,then advised her that it was probably just the pressure. Once she was married,said her father,things would get easier.
By Sunday night Diana was back in Buckingham Palace,acting as if nothing had happened. Most brides revel in the first weeks of marriage. Instead,during her honeymoon cruise in the Mediterranean,Diana became violently ill with bulimia. After 15 exhausting days,which were punctuated by tremendous fights,the newlyweds arrived back at Balmoral. Charles summoned a doctor,the first of many who would try to help. 'All the analysts and psychiatrists you could ever dream of came plodding in to sort me out,'Diana recalled.
In medical terms,some feel that Diana suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. Symptoms include fear of abandonment,a tendency towards histrionic behaviour,a need for adoration and mood swings. Bulimia can be another manifestation.
{질문1} Elizabeth가 선택한 Diana의 치료방법은 무엇인가?
{답} 그녀 주변의 모든 사람이 그녀의 행동에 관심을 보이지 말 것이며 하나의 신경증으로 간주하게 함
{질문2} Diana가 갖고 있는 이상 심리는?
{답} 대식증,심리적 압박,경계선 장애.
3. 다음 커피에 대한 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.
'You're never sure,'says epidemiologist Mark Klebanoff at the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,'whether drinking coffee increases the risk of a miscarriage or whether many women who have a normal,healthy pregnancy just lose their taste for coffee.' Klebanoff oversaw a study that measured a metabolic product of caffeine in the women's blood-a more accurate gauge of coffee consumption. In this study,only those who drank the equivalent of more than five to six cups of coffee a day had an increased likelihood of miscarriage.
The studies on coffee and cancer have focused on three organs - and are reassuring. You may remember a brief coffee scare in the early 1980s when a single study linked coffee with pancreatic cancer. A false alarm: Many studies since then have shown that the association is either extremely weak or nonexistent.
If there's a connection between coffee and bladder cancer,it likely applies just to coffee junkies. A reanalysis of ten European studies found an increased risk only among people who drank ten or more cups a day. And studies show that coffee seems to have no adverse influence on the risk of colon cancer.
Caffeine is such a powerful stimulant that the International Olympic Committee sets limits on how much can remain in the blood during competition.
In addition to boosting physical endurance,caffeine increases alertness and improves mood. The buzz may come at a price,though. People who drink more than they are used to may become restless and unable to sleep. Moreover,it's possible to become physically dependent on caffeine in days.
Women who are pregnant,likely to become pregnant or breast-feeding should drink no more than two cups of coffee a day to avoid the risk of miscarriage or jittery breastfed baby. Those with heartburn,anxiety and fibrocystic breast lumps may want to see if cutting back on coffee improves their condition. For most people,however,there's virtually no risk in consuming up to three normal cups a day.
물음1:하루에 몇 잔의 커피를 마시면 유산의 위험이 있는가?
답:5~6컵의 커피를 마시면 임신부가 유산할 가능성이 있다.
물음2:커피의 좋은 점과 나쁜 점을 말하라.
답2:좋은 점 ①신체적 지속력 강화 ②무드 조성 ③가슴앓이,근심걱정 상태에 대한 호전
나쁜 점 ①유산의 위험이 있음 ②이명이 일어 날 수 있음 ③불안 유발과 수면 장해
4. 다음 Golden Rice에 대한 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.
White rice is the staple diet for most of the 3.5 billion people in Asia, and Potrykus would use his skill to help make various strains of rice insect- and virus-resistant. But white rice has another problem. The polished kernels lack beta-carotene,without which the body cannot manufacture vitamin A. The results can be grim. An estimated 100 to 140 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency (vad),and more than half a million of them go blind every year. In some cases the cornea becomes so thin that pressure within causes the eye to burst.
Vad also weakens the immune system,and many children succumb from ailments such as pneumonia,measles and diarrhoea. All told,the World Health Organisation estimates that vad contributes directly to the death of 250,000 children a year.
Though their universities are only some 120 kilometers apart,Potrykus met Beyer for the first time in New York at a Rockefeller Foundation conference. 'Our interests were so similar,we simply gravitated towards one another.'says Beyer,a prominent biochemist. There they decided to genetically engineer beta-carotene in rice.
It was an audacious project,The rice kernel is four enzyme steps away from beta-carotene,so they would have to find a way to insert the entire biochemical pathway. No-one had managed a feat quite like this. Potrykus and Beyer proposed inserting two genes from a bacterium,all of them in exactly the right order and combination. If successful,the genes and enzymes in the kernel would work together,like an assembly line,to produce the nutrient.
Scepticism was voiced by some on the Rockefeller Foundation's advisory committee. But in the end, and principally on the strength of the two scientists' reputations,the foundation gave them $415,000 to try. When the grant was approved, Beyer confessed to Potrykus that he had some doubts. Doubt,however,was not a word in Potrykus's vocabulary.
'We'll succeed.' he said. 'We have to. 'What's more,he also vowed that they would give away the rice for free. They got off to a great start. Using a 'gene gun,'Potrykus shot a snippet of daffodil DNA into rice plants and succeeded in introducing the genetic pathway.
물음1:흰쌀이 가지고 있는 약점은 무엇인가?
답:①병충해와 바이러스에 약함 ②베타 카로틴의 부족으로 인체에 비타민 A가 결핍됨
물음2:비타민A의 결핍으로 인한 문제점은 무엇인가?
답:① 50만 명의 어린이가 실명을 하게됨 ②각막이 약화되어 안압 때문에 눈동자가 돌출함 ③면역 시스템이 약화되어 폐렴,홍역,설사 등에 걸릴 확률이 높음
물음3:모든 것이 정상적으로 이루어지면 어떤 결과가 나타나게 될까?
답:마치 자동차 조립 공장처럼 쌀의 핵 속에 있는 유전자와 효소가 작동되어 영양소를 만들어 내게 된다.
5. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요
The mechanics aren't hard: take a donor egg, suck out the nucleus and hence the DNA-and fuse the egg with, say,a skin cell from the human you're copying. Then,with the help of an electrical current,the reconstituted cell has the potential to grow into a genetic duplicate. 'It's inevitable that someone will try,and someone will succeed,' predicts Dolores Lamb,an infertility expert at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Many biotechnologists agree that within a few years,news will break of the birth of the first human clone.
At that moment,the meaning of what it is to be human-which until now has involved the mysterious melding of two people's DNA-will shift for ever. And the conversation that has occupied ethicists for years,about how much man should mess with nature when it comes to reproduction,will drop onto every kitchen table,pulpit and politician's desk.
That has many scientists scared to death. The risk lies not just with potential babies born deformed,as many animal clones are,or with desperate couples whose hopes may be raised and hearts broken. The immediate risk is that a backlash against renegade science might strike at responsible science,impeding the chances of finding cures for ailments such as Alzheimer's,Parkinson's,cancer and heart disease. Were some shocking breakthrough in human cloning to cause 'an overcompensatory response legislators,' says Advanced Cell Technology Inc. cloning expert Tony Perry,'that could be disastrous. It will potentially cost lives.'
Still,cloning is the kind of issue so confounding that you envy the purists at either end of the argument. For the Roman Catholic Church,the entire question is one of world view: whether life is a gift of love or just one more industrial product,a little more valuable than most. At the other end of the argument are libertarians who don't like politicians, clerics or ethics boards interfering with what they believe should be purely individual decisions.
질문1: 태아 복제의 순서를 말하시오.
답: 난자에서 핵과 DNA를 빼낸 뒤 복제하려는 사람의 피부 세포와 난자를 결합하고 전류를 흘려 보내 재구성된 세포는 유전적으로 복제될 수 있습니다.
질문2: 태아 복제에 대한 두 가지 논쟁을 말하시오.
답: 로마 카톨릭 교회에서는 태아 복제의 문제는 생명이 사랑의 선물이던,공업 생산품이던 간에,생명은 가장 가치 있는 것이라고 보는 견해와 정치,종교,윤리적으로 제약받지 않고 개인의 결정에 영향을 받는다고 보았습니다.
6. 다음 기자와 Pavarotti의 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Report: What does it take to make a singer?
Pavarotti: You have to be an athlete, or at least an ex-athlete. I've put on a few kilos since I was a young man,but I loved horse riding and played everything from handball and tennis to football. I was goalkeeper on a local team - quick as a lynx. That's the training you need to get through a long opera,and athletes also naturally develop a kind of slow breathing,which you need as a singer. When I was 12,I asked my father to introduce me to Beniamino Gigli,the great tenor. He was practising at the theatre,and we could hear him singing soft,then loud,up and down the scale for 40 minutes. Listening to him,I understood how extraordinarily good he was. When he finished I asked him he was 57 then-how many years he had studied for,and he replied: 'I just stopped five minutes ago.' That was a great lesson! I understood that if I wanted to become a singer,I'd have to study every day until the very end.
Report: What were the highs of your operatic career?
Pavarotti: The highs? My debut,I suppose,then meeting Herbert von Karajan. He played an important role in my life -insisted on having me with him at La Scala,Milan. That gave me an enormous lift. Then there were the concert tours,singing at the Metropolitan in New York,in China,Latin America,Canada. In my personal life the best moments were when my children were born.
Report: How did you make it through?
Pavarotti: You turn on all your positive,optimistic energy. And when you come out of that tunnel,you not only have an outsized appetite for life,you understand what life is about.
Report: Life has given you success,money and love. Does that mean there is nothing left for you to wish for?Pavarotti: The point is,I never wanted anything anyway. I never said I want this and I want that. All I really wanted to do,and hope to have done,was to serve the composer who wrote the music. That is all. All the rest comes from that,as von Karajan said to us one day. We were recording La Boheme and discussing how much we were getting paid and so on,and he came up and said, 'All you need worry about, boys,is singing well. If you do that,the rest comes naturally.' It's a lesson I never forgot. I never wanted anything and I had everything.
질문1: Pavarotti의 가수로서의 경력에서 가장 인상적인 것을 말하시오.
답: 가장 인상에 남는 것은 debut할 때이며, 그 다음은 지휘자 Herbert von Karajan을 만나서 성악가로서 한 단계 더 발전하는 계기가 되었습니다.
질문2: 그의 성공관을 말해보시오.
답: 성공은 원해서 되는 것이 아니라 주어진 인생의 과정을 착실하게 살다 보면 성공은 자연스럽게스게 찾아온다고 보았습니다.
7. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
'There are pills we can give you to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol,' the doctor announced, 'but once you start taking them, you can never stop.'Any alternatives? I wondered. 'Well, you may be able to make a difference with diet, but it will take a massive effort,' she said briskly, clearly doubtful of my ability to do anything demanding self-discipline. 'You'll have to drink far less, lose some weight and eat lots of oily fish.'I decided I was going to prove I could control my own body. Armed with a diet sheet I marched out,determined to be beaten.When I got home and looked at the sheet, however, my resolve crumbled.
Essentially, I had to cut out salt and saturated fats, The list of what I couldn't eat
was gigantic: no roast potatoes, no potato chips with a drink before dinner - no drink before dinner for that matter. No bacon, butter or sausages. No desserts, no chocolate or cheese (except Camembert as a treat), no sugarcoated breakfast cereals.
By this stage the colour had drained from my face. Red meat rarely, cut down on eggs and only skimmed milk. Worse was to come. Not more than 21 units of alcohol a week.
That meant half a bottle of wine a day at most and not a sip more. I began to ask myself if I could do it. Perhaps I should just take the pills. Then the thought of my father's early death came back to me. Friends rang with helpful suggestions. Give up coffee and tea -a lot of caffeine doesn't help blood pressure. Join a gym. I'd never really seen myself in a tracksuit, but I poured my cup of tea down the kitchen sink.
Sunday lunch, one of the great events in our family, took on a new dimension. No roast beef or lamb, just chicken. And boiled potatoes with lots of green vegetables and fruit to follow. And mineral water.
My breakfast became decaffeinated coffee and kippers - an oily fish, you see. Lunch was sardines with a tomato and onion salad.Going out to eat became difficult: I couldn't even have pizza because of that melted cheese.
But slowly I cheered up. I discovered a passion for sushi, and I could eat any amount of pasta as long as I was careful with the sauce. I embarked on a love affair with salad nicoise, even though I had to leave the eggs and olives on the eggs and olives on the side, and became a herbal-tea addict.
질문1: cholesterol을 낮게 유지하기 위하여 권장하는 음식을 말해 보시오.
답:fruit and vegetables,rice,salad, soy, boiled and baked potatoes,oily fish, pasta, chicken, low-fat spreads, skimmed milk.
질문2: 회피해야 할 음식을 말해 보시오.
답:salt, processed foods, fried chicken, offal, coconut milk, peanuts, potato chips, french fries, roast potatoes, hamburgers, butter, margarine, cakes, chocolate, red meat, full-fat milk, ice cream.
8. 다음 영문을 읽고 필자의 예술에 대한 생각을 요약하고 구체적인 예를 들어 자신의 의견을 말하시오.
People have been defining art as bad and good since the first hand outline was sketched on a cave wall. In the very early days,when art was really about representation,rather than expression,it was a little easier to say,'5 fingers,yes,that's right' or 'arms don't bend that way,do they?' However,art is now an open field.
Common opinions of bad and good often are directed by the fashions of the times,but art is now clearly a subjective thing. If the hand has 7 fingers,it can now mean whatever you want it to mean (what historians sometimes forget,however,is that often the artist just felt like doing seven damn fingers).
The truth is that good merely means 'I like' and bad means 'I dislike'. The art world requires the concepts of subjective good and bad,because that is what drives the desire for improvement and the hard work that goes with it. Without judgements,we would be surrounded by mediocrity. As I write this,I happen to be in my studio surrounded by quite a few pieces that I would loudly define as bad. Bad! Bad! Bad! That is what over-painting and the term 'first draft' were invented for. I never mind when a critic praises or disparages artwork,but I would like more of the world to have the confidence to rate the commentary as just another opinion,rather than word-from-on-high.
We need to be comfortable with the terms good and bad,and also understand their meanings and limitations. We need to be accepting of others' opinions,and be willing to listen and possibly change their own. Opinions,shared ideas,and discourse drive progress and keep great art flowing forth.
요약 : 예술 작품은 작가가 자신이 표현하고자 하는 것을 표현한 것이라고 한다면 어떤 예술 작품을 좋다 나쁘다 하는 것은 지극히 주관적인 관점이라고 할 수 있다. 하지만 주관적인 판단에 따라 제시하는 비평이 없다면 우리는 평범한 수준에 머무르게 될 것이다. 각각의 비평은 그 나름대로의 의미와 한계가 있음을 이해하고,다른 사람의 생각을 하나의 의견으로 받아들이고 생각을 나눈다면 예술의 발전이 계속될 것이다.
의견 : 필자의 의견에 동의합니다. 저는 극히 자기 중심적인 작품으로 알려져 있는 살바도르 달리의 작품을 좋아하지는 않습니다만,그의 작품이 전통적인 조형언어가 결합된 편집광적 비평적 방법들을 통하여 대중들에게 쉽게 다가갔던 것으로 압니다.
그의 작품에 대해 일상적인 관점에서 '아름다움'이나 '좋음'을 말하는 것은 별로 의미없는 일일 것이지만,그의 작품을 보는 사람들은 나름대로 비평을 가할 수 있습니다. 각 비평이 나름대로 의미와 한계를 가지고 있지만 그러한 비평의 과정을 통해 예술은 발전한다고 생각합니다.
9. 다음은 케네디 대통령의 로버트 프로스트 추모 연설 중 일부입니다. 다음의 영문에 대한 자신의 의견을 말하시오.
In free society,art is not a weapon and it does not belong to the sphere of polemics and ideology. Artists are not engineers of the soul. It may be different elsewhere. But democratic society―in it―the highest duty of the writer,the composer,the artist is to remain true to himself and to let the chips fall where they may.
In serving his vision of the truth,the artist best serves his nation. And the nation which disdains the mission of art invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man―'the fate of having nothing to look backward to with pride and nothing to look forward to with hope.' I look forward to a great future for America―a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint,its wealth with our wisdom,its power with our purpose.
I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty,which will protect the beauty of our national environment,which will preserve the great old American houses and squares and parks of our national past and which will build handsome and balanced cities for our future.
I look forward to an America which will reward achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or statecraft. I look forward to an America which will steadily raise the standards of artistic accomplishment and which will steadily enlarge cultural opportunities for all of our citizens.
And I look forward to an America which commands respect throughout the world not only for its strength but for its civilization as well. And I look forward to a world which will be safe not only for democracy and diversity but also for personal distinction.
의견 : 집단의 목적 성취를 위해 개인의 가치와 소망이 무시되는 경우가 많습니다. 개인의 요구와 집단의 목표달성 중 어느 것이 우선이냐 하는 문제에 대해 해답을 찾기가 쉽지 않은 것은 사실입니다.
하지만 권력으로 인간을 오만하게 만들고 부와 번성만을 고집한 나라들의 결국을 생각해 볼 때,개인의 행복을 무시한 집단의 번영은 의미가 없다고 생각합니다. 그러므로 개인의 다양성을 인정하고 개개인이 선한 양심을 따라 행동할 수 있는 나라를 만들기 위해 노력하는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다. 이와 같은 노력의 일환으로 예술 활동을 존중함으로써 모든 국민들에게 문화적인 혜택을 누릴 수 있는 기회를 최대한 제공하는 것에 마음을 모으는 것은 대단히 중요하다고 생각합니다.
10. 다음 흡연 문제에 대한 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
The major global cigarette makers involved in this campaign include philip Morris, whose Marlboro brand is the world's best-selling; British American Tobacco(BAT),seller of the popular Lucky Strike, Kent and Rothmans cigarettes; and Japan Tobacco, Inc.,most of which is owned by the Japanese government. J.T. Purchased R.J. Reynolds' international business in 1999,and now sells its well-established Salem, Winston and Camel brands.
'The aggressive manner in which the tobacco trans nationals have been targeting young
women is insidious,'says Mary Assunta, Malaysia's top anti-tobacco leader.
But it's not only the transnationals. 'Japan Tobacco, as well as other government tobacco companies, are directing their advertising towards young women just like the Americans and British,'said Dr Yumiko Mochizuki-Kobayashi, chief medical officer for the National Institute of Health in Tokyo. In fact, most cigarettes in China, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Japan are sold by state-owned or state-controlled enterprises.
Taiwan's Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Board, the Thailand Tobacco Monopoly, and the Korea Tobacco and Ginseng Corporation all sell brands aimed at women and regularly come out with new ones to boost sales.
National public health authorities report that the impact is already being felt.
Smoking rates among teenage girls have doubled in Hong Kong over the last five years. They've quadrupled in Korea since 1980 and risen fivefold in the past decade in Malaysia, according to the Consumers Association of Penang.
Increased rates of smoking by young women are reported in China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam. Even in Singapore, which has the world's toughest anti-tobacco laws, twice as many teenage girls are smoking now than five years ago.
Health authorities throughout Asia are alarmed. Says Dr Judith Mackay, director of the
Hong Kong-based Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Control,'If women smoke like men, they die like men.'
That's not the message cigarette makers want to convey, however. Instead, their ads associate smoking with independence, allure and new lifestyles. These are associations that are tailor-made for young women who are emerging from secondary roles and are not only entering the paid workforce, but also getting jobs once reserved for men-and earning more money.
Advertisements for Capri brand, for example, show professional women, such as a dress
designer who says,'The dress I design represents my own way of life.' A Virginia Slims campaign featured an attractive woman who said,'I'm going the right way, keeping the rule of society, but at the same time I am honest with my own feelings. So I don't care if I behave against the so-called 'rules';as I really Want to.'
Advertisements such as these resonate. In India, for example, young women think
smoking makes them more sophisticated. 'Girls and boys believe that the only way to become rich is to start smoking,'says Mira Aghi, of the International Development Research Centre. Why? 'Because every woman they saw smoking was well-dressed and wealthy.'
'I don't want to be a good girl like my parents want me to be,'says a 19-year-old Korean university student exhaling a stream of smoke. 'Smoking makes me feel independent, open to new ideas.'
It was a Sunday afternoon, and she was sitting in a coffee shop in Seoul's university
district of Sinchon. Her cigarette was a Japan Tobacco brand called Mild Sevens. She'd
been handed the packet just outside the shop-as a free sample.
문제 1 : 금연 운동이 활발하게 진행되어도 흡연 인구가 늘어나는 이유를 말하라.
답 : 중국 한국 대만 태국 그리고 일본에서는 담배회사를 정부에서 경영하며,주기적으로 여성들을 담배 소비 대상자로 정해 놓고 판매를 활성화하기 때문입니다.
문제 2 : 여성들이 흡연을 하게 되는 동기를 열거하라.
답 : ①담배를 피우는 여성은 독립된 생활과 새로운 삶의 방식을 구가한다고 봄 ②전문직 여성으로 자신의 감정에 솔직하다고 느끼며 ③흡연하는 여성들은 옷을 잘 빼입고,부의 상징이기 때문이며 ④때로는 무료로 샘플을 제공하기 때문입니다.
11. 다음 영문을 읽고 자신의 생각을 말하시오.
During the Victorian era, English novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton claimed that 'beneath
the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.' In other words, he
believed the written word had more power than any physical weapon.
If you took the proverb literally, then there's no way it could possibly be true. If you
were to get into a ring armed with a pen while your opponent had a sword, you'd almost certainly lose.
A sword would also prove more useful than a pen if you were in the bush and a wild
animal attacked you or if an intruder broke into your house and threatened to kill you.
Throughout history, people have used physical violence to impose their will on others.
Many kingdoms, nations, and countries have come into existence due to massive bloodshed. Violence has also been used to make people accept the religions and doctrines of other nations. Once a province has been conquered, the people there must live under the laws of the conqueror. It could also be argued that the sword is mightier than the pen because violence is a language everybody understands. But for the written word to be effective, those receiving it must be literate and must speak the same language as the writer.
<의견1> 무력을 통해 한 나라를 정복한 경우는 많지만 인류의 역사라는 긴 시간을 통해 보면 무력을 통해 세력을 떨치던 나라가 번영한 시간은 그리 길지 않았습니다. 강압적으로 사람을 굴복시키면 저항에 부딪히지만 글을 통해 설득하면 사람의 마음을 얻을 수 있습니다.
그리고 무력은 지엽적인 영향을 끼치지만 정보의 고속망이 허락된 현 시대에 글의 영향은 거의 무한하다고 할 수 있습니다. 그러므로 단기적인 안목에서 보면 물리적인 힘이 강하다고 할 수 있지만 장기적인 결과를 생각한다면,'문은 무보다 강하다' 라는 고전적인 주장은 여전히 타당성을 지니고 있다고 할 수 있습니다.
<의견2> 같은 언어를 사용하더라도 그 말에 대한 해석이 다르다면 글쓴이의 의도는 결코 제대로 전달되지 못합니다. 언론을 통제하는 권력이 말의 의미를 변형시키고 진리를 왜곡하는 경우가 없지 않습니다.
그러한 경우에 언론은 권력의 시녀로 전락하게 되는데,실제 그러한 왜곡의 역사는 동서고금을 막론하고 찾아볼 수 있습니다.
뿐만 아니라 권력의 전횡에 저항하는 언론인들이 좌절을 맛보았던 과거의 많은 경우를 생각해 볼 때,'문은 무보다 강하다'라는 주장은 이상적인 생각에 불과하다고 하겠습니다.
12. 다음의 글과 관련하여 '영어의 공용어화'에 대한 자신의 생각을 말하시오.
Some believe that English has already achieved global status and it's only a matter of
time before it is universally adopted as our 'world language'.
Whenever we turn on the news to find out what's happening in other regions of the
world such as South East Asia, the Balkans or Africa, local people are being interviewed in English.
According to a British report on the future of English, the Asian trade group ASEAN
has adopted it as their official working language. English is also the official language of
the European Central Bank and is the language in which most black parents in South
Africa wish their children to be educated.
But while English is growing in influence, the number of English speakers is actually
declining. Research shows that native English speakers have lower birth rates than those speaking other languages.
United Nations statistics released in 1996 showed that 1,113 million people spoke some
form of Chinese dialect, the most common being Mandarin, whereas only 372 million spoke English as their first language.
Research by the English Company indicates that by 2050,Spanish and Arabic will be
almost as common as English, with 486 million and 482 million speakers respectively.
<의견1> 영어를 공용어로 삼으려면 영어의 미래를 먼저 생각해보아야 합니다.
언어의 영향력은 그 언어를 사용하는 국가의 영향력 뿐 아니라 그 언어를 사용하는 인구에 의해서도 결정이 되는데 영어의 사용인구가 다른 언어보다 많아질 가능성도 없다는 보고를 생각해 볼 때, 앞으로의 영어가 점하게 될 위상은 미지수입니다.
이와 같은 시점에 영어의 필요성이 크다고 하여 자칫 민족의 주체성과 정체성에 유해한 영향을 끼칠 수 있을 뿐 아니라 세대간의 격차를 심화시킬 수 있는 영어의 공용어화를 섣불리 결정하는 것은 먼 장래를 생각할 때 바람직하지 않다고 생각합니다.
<의견2> 현재 거의 전 국민이 영어교육에 엄청난 시간과 노력, 그리고 금전을 투자하고 있는데, 이것을 개인적인 문제로 치부하고 외면하기에는 영어교육과 관련하여 국민 개개인이 껴안아야 할 부담이 너무도 큽니다. 비록 중국어를 사용하는 인구가 가장 많기는 하지만 크고 작은 국제회의에서 영어를 공식언어로 채택하고 있는 것을 볼 때 영어에 대한 필요는 앞으로도 계속될 것입니다. 이러한 시대적 요구에 부응하여 국민 개개인의 시간적, 금전적, 심리적 부담감을 절감시키면서 영어를 접할 수 있는 기회를 최대한 마련하는 방안은 일상생활에서 영어를 학습할 수 있도록 영어를 공용어로 지정하는 것뿐이라고 생각합니다
13. 다음 글을 주어진 시간에 읽고 면접자의 질문에 영어로 말하시오.
Language has more than one purpose. We might say that language operates on different levels, but the word 'level' suggests higher and lower values and no value judgment is intended here.
We shall deal with three functions: the informative, the expressive and the directive.
To say that language has these three functions is to say that there are three different reasons for speaking.
One reason or purpose is to communicate facts. This is the informative function.
Another purpose of speech is to express our feelings or to affect the feelings and
attitudes of the person we are talking to. We shall call this the expressive function. And finally a third purpose is to cause people to act. This is the directive function.
Professor: Did you read and understand what the passage means?
Student: Yes, sir. The passage says the three functions of language.
Professor: Good! Would you tell me the three functions?
Student: There are the informative, the expressive, and the directive functions.
Professor: That's right. Will you give me an example of the informative function of a language?
Student: Well yes, Let me try. This function usually put an emphasis on the information. For example, the sun is about 100 times as large as the earth. So most of writings of scientists are purely informative.
Professor: That's a good example. Can you give me an example of the expressive function of a language.
Student: I am not sure what it is. Would you please explain more about it?
Professor: Yes, expressive language is a second type of function. When I give you my opinion of some person in politics, someone of whom I disapprove, I put my feeling into words.
Student: That reminds me of a poem. 'Under the wide and starry sky/ Dig the grave and let me lie. /Glad did I live and gladly die,/And I laid me down with a will.'
Here the poet is expressing his ideas and feelings about death, and about the kind of life he has lived.
Professor: Very good. Now, how about the third function, directive type of language?
Student: When a speaker wants action from his audience, he may tell them to do what he wants them to do. John, eat your dinner. How delicious the dinner looks!
Professor: You did a good job. Thank you very much.
Student: Thank you, too.
14. 다음은 플라톤의 제안이다. 큰 소리로 읽고 내용을 설명하고 이 글에 대해 자신의 생각을 말하라.
With minds so freely growing, and bodies made strong by sport and outdoor life of every kind, our ideal state would have a firm psychological and physiological base broad enough for every possibility and every development.
But a moral basis must be provided as well; the members of the community must make a unity; they must learn that they are members of one another; that they owe to one another certain amenities and obligations.
Now since men are by nature acquisitive, jealous, combative and erotic, how shall we persuade them to behave themselves?
By the policeman's omnipresent club?
it is a brutal method, costly and irritating.
There is a better way and that is by lending to the moral requirements of the community the sanction of supernatural authority. We must have a religion.
<내용 설명>이상국가를 발전시키기 위해 구성원들의 심리적 신체적 기반을 든든히 하는 것도 중요하지만, 구성원들이 연합을 이루고 다른 사람과의 연계성을 염두에 두고 서로에게 예의와 의무를 다하도록 도덕적인 기반을 제공하는 것도 중요하다. 그렇지만 사람들의 행동을 경찰력으로 규제하는 것은 야만적이고 번거로우므로 종교라는 초자연적인 권위를 통해 도덕적 요구에 구속력을 부여하는 것이 더 좋다.
<긍정적 의견> 사람들이 자신의 신앙을 위해 목숨까지도 버리는 일도 있으므로 종교를 중심으로 한 국가의 구성원이 통일된 가치기준을 가지면 사람들로부터 규범적인 행동을 이끌어내기도 쉽고 질서를 유지하기도 쉽습니다.
최고의 통치권력자를 신에 비견되는 존재로 높이고 그를 중심으로 종교 체계를 구축하여 행동을 규제하고 통치의 편이를 도모하는 데에 성공한 예는 역사에서 어렵지 않게 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 그러므로 외적인 억압을 통해서 국가의 구성원들을 굴복시키는 것이 아니라 종교를 통해 국가 구성원들이 자발적으로 도덕적인 행위를 하도록 유도하려는 생각은 참으로 바람직하며 실질적인 제안이라고 생각합니다.
<부정적 의견> 종교는 각 사람이 개인적으로 신과 만나고 체험을 통하여 믿음이 깊어질 때 실천적인 행동을 이끌어낼 수 있으므로 합의를 통해 종교를 선택할 수는 없습니다. 과거에 국교라는 이름으로 국가의 구성원이 하나의 종교로 통일되었던 경우가 있지만 실질적인 효과보다는 폐해가 더 많았던 것을 역사를 통해 살펴볼 수 있습니다.
국가의 구성원들이 합의에 의해 종교를 정하더라도 개개인이 종교적 교리를 통해 세상을 바라보고 전심으로 그 가르침을 따르려고 하지 않으면 또 하나의 법을 추가하는 이외의 다른 효과를 기대하기가 어려울 것이며,구성원들이 종교를 통해 마음이 같아지는 것은 한 세계를 통일하는 것만큼이나 어려운 일임을 감안할 때 플라톤의 제안이 실제적인 효과를 거두기는 어려울 것이라고 생각합니다.
15. 다음은 '제3의 물결'의 일부이다. 고딕 부분을 해석하고 앨빈 토플러의 주장과 관련하여 자신의 전공선택에 대해 설명하라.
Among highly adaptive individuals, men and women who are truly alive in and responsive to their times, there is a virtual nostalgia for the future.
Not an uncritical acceptance of all the potential horrors of tomorrow, not a blind belief in change for its own sake, but an overpowering curiosity, a drive to know what will happen next.
This drive does strange and wonderful things.
One winter night I witnessed a poignant quiver run through a seminar room when a white-haired man explained to a group of strangers what had brought him there to attend my class on the Sociology of the Future.
The group included corporate long-range planners, staff from major foundations, publishers and research centers.
Each participant spieled off his reason for attending. Finally, it was the turn of the little man in the corner.
He spoke in cracked, but eloquent English: 'My name is Charles Stein. I am a needle worker all my life. I am seventy-seven years old, and I want to get what I didn't get in my youth.
I want to know about the future. I want to die an educated man!'
The abrupt silence that greeted this simple affirmation still rings in the ears of those present.
Before this eloquence, all the armor of graduate degrees, corporate titles and prestigious rank fell.
I hope Mr. Stein is still alive, enjoying his future, and teaching others, as he did us that night.
When millions share this passion about the future we shall have a society far better equipped to meet the impact of change.
To create such curiosity and awareness is a cardinal task of education.
To create an education that will create this curiosity is the third, and perhaps central, mission of the super-industrial revolution in the schools.
Education must shift into the future tense.
이 단순하면서도 확고한 말을 듣고는 모두들 돌연 침묵했던 것을 그 자리에 있었던 사람들은 생생하게 기억하고 있다.
이 웅변 앞에 대학원 학위도, 기업체의 이름도, 명망 높은 직함도 무색해져 버렸다.
수백만명이 미래에 대해 이처럼 절절한 마음을 가지고 있다면 우리 사회는 변화의 충격에 대한 준비를 더 할 수 있을 것이다.
미래에 대한 호기심을 유발하고 미래에 대해 알도록 하는 것이 교육의 핵심적 과제이다.
앨빈 토플러는 교육의 미래지향적인 측면을 강조하고 있습니다.
과거를 공부하고 현재를 분석하는 것도 미래를 내다보는 통찰력을 얻고 미래의 상황에 대처할 능력을 가지기 위한 것이므로 교육을 통해 지식을 습득한 지식인이라면 당연히 미래에 대한 지식과 대처능력을 갖추고 있어야 합니다.
미래에 대해 준비할 것이 많겠지만 정신적 기반을 든든히 하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다고 생각하므로, 저는 철학과에 진학하여 시대의 변화상을 통시적인 안목으로 분석·설명할 수 있는 지식을 배양하고 그 지식을 기반으로 이 시대의 사람들에게 미래를 준비할 수 있는 정신적인 기반을 제공하기를 원합니다.
첫댓글 두려워 말고 한번 해봐바!!!