1783 John Whitehead
1847 Thomas Jackson (3 vols.), The Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley
1886 John Telford (1900 개정)
1933 F. L. Wiseman, Charles Wesley, Evangelist and Poet
1948 Frank Baker, Charles Wesley as Revealed by His Letters
1954 Dora Jones, Charles Wesley
1961 Maldwyn Edward, Sons to Samuel
1964 Frederick C. Gill, Charles Wesley, the First Methodist * 전기 목록(P. 11)
* V. H. H. Green, The Young Mr. Wesley (1961)
1988 Arnold A. Dallimore, A Heart Set Free: The Life of Charles Wesley
번역: 한경수, 차알스 웨슬리의 생애 (1988, 1997)
1994 T. Crichton Mitchell, Charles Wesley: Man with the Dancing Heart
2003 Barrie W. Tabraham, Brother Charles (형 존 웨슬리 탄생 300주년에 동생 찰스를 조명한 책)
2006 Gary M. Best, Charles Wesley: A Biography
2007 Kenneth G. C. Newport, Ted Campbell, Charles Wesley: Life, Literature and Legacy
2007 John R. Tyson, Assist Me to Proclaim: The Life and Hymns of Charles Wesley
2023 S. T. Kimbrough, Charles Wesley in America: Georgia, Charleston, Boston