This is a common symptom.
However, what a flushing thing it is!, if you face such a accident in front of your spouse.
No need to say about it any more.
Such a symptom happens to rarely twenties, often to thirties and forties.
It is rather easy to think it was due to old age, if it happens to over fifties.
The meaning of erection loss during sexual intercourse are
1) there is no structural problems because the erection succeeded.
2) and sudden dying of erection means that the flow of Ki and blood to lower part stopped.
This comes from the weakness of liver.
The case demonstrating that erection loss is due to the weakness of liver
The cases are too frequent to record in detail and also from the long times ago in east
asian medicne, it was concrete theory to mention again. The patients of erection problems
have lots of symptoms saying the weakness of liver, such as oily face, reddish eye, pimples,
odor from hair or body, atopy skin, hot temper, dark skin, fragile nails, pale face, gall bladder
stones, cholesystitis, irritable bowl syndrome, epilepsy, hepatitis, infertility and bloody semen.
It is simple and easy. It takes only a couple of weeks for young man and a couple of
months for old ages at the longest.
Some men will hide this weakness to the others, so the treatment should be delayed.
The problem of the delay does not lie on the sexual pleasure but on the damages of liver
and on particular sexual behavor.
Mechanism of herbal functions
To lower the fever of liver due to the weakness
To release liver
To improve liver
To get rid of heart fever
to get rid of humidity
Recent cases (4936,7104, 6726, 7194)
It is no need to record individual case in detail because of frequent and nearly daily things.
Teh temporal fatigue of liver makes young man so embarrassed. So it is also treated
simply with herbal prescription. It is general that the recovery of erection is the first
recovering symptom among other liver symptoms to young man. Of cause, it would not
be the same to old aged man.
What it would be in case of woman?
It is not noticeable to the eyes in case of woman as you know.
However the woman and her spouse could feel the weakness of sexual energy.
Among them, some women say to themselves that they don't want sexual jokes or
behavor because they are fond of spiritual value instead that they close their eyes
to their pathological weakness.
Even those women would say after herbal prescriptions for other liver symptoms,
"Oh, it is strange, suddenly I feel seuxual desire. What happen to me?
Did you make so?"
"You mean you don't want to be that?"
"Oh, no no no, simply say to you what I feel so. Never mind."
"I helped your liver work normally and as the result your live made you so."
"Yes, sir. I get it and I am very good for such a strange thing."