All the things that God does cannot be accomplished by human thoughts. The things that happen within this church, which is the body of Christ, should not be judged by human reasoning, but rather, we should deny our thoughts and follow the teachings of the Bible and the guidance of our pastor. Even if it seems contrary to our thoughts, if it is God's will, it must be done. We must say 'Amen' before all the things that Jesus does and accomplishes.
Excerpt from the sermon by Deacon 이경록, Mar 19, 2024.
Mar 8:27-9:1
P.S. There is a prerequisite to the above – how do we know a particular event is God’s will or the will of Jesus? How do we respond according to the Word when a member of the same church hurts my feeling while working together on church affairs?
The solution lies in a straightforward yet profound process: we must seek insight to discern God's will amidst life's complexities. We also need to cultivate a genuine interest in one another, foster a culture of care and consideration, as mandated by Jesus' commandment to love one another.
Achieving this depth of understanding and compassion requires two vital elements: diligent study of the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through dedicated learning and application of the Word, we gain the wisdom to distinguish God's will from other influences. Additionally, by surrendering to the Holy Spirit's guidance, we access His insight and empowerment to navigate challenges with grace and wisdom.