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Air compressor types
While there are compressors that use
rotating impellers to generate air pressure, positive-displacement compressors
are more common and include the models used by homeowners, woodworkers,
mechanics and contractors. Here, air pressure is increased by reducing the size
of the space that contains the air. Most of the compressors you'll run across do
this job with a reciprocating piston.
Like a small internal combustion
engine, a conventional piston compressor has a crankshaft, a connecting rod and
piston, a cylinder and a valve head. The crankshaft is driven by either an
electric motor or a gas engine. While there are small models that are comprised
of just the pump and motor, most compressors have an air tank to hold a quantity
of air within a preset pressure range. The compressed air in the tank drives the
air tools, and the motor cycles on and off to automatically maintain pressure in
the tank.
At the top of the cylinder, you'll find a valve head that
holds the inlet and discharge valves. Both are simply thin metal flaps–one
mounted underneath and one mounted on top of the valve plate. As the piston
moves down, a vacuum is created above it. This allows outside air at atmospheric
pressure to push open the inlet valve and fill the area above the piston. As the
piston moves up, the air above it compresses, holds the inlet valve shut and
pushes the discharge valve open. The air moves from the discharge port to the
tank. With each stroke, more air enters the tank and the pressure rises.
Typical compressors come in 1- or 2-cylinder versions to suit the
requirements of the tools they power. On the homeowner/contractor level, most of
the 2-cylinder models operate just like single-cylinder versions, except that
there are two strokes per revolution instead of one. Some commercial 2-cylinder
compressors are 2-stage compressors–one piston pumps air into a second cylinder
that further increases pressure.
Compressors use a pressure switch to
stop the motor when tank pressure reaches a preset limit–about 125 psi for many
single-stage models. Most of the time, though, you don't need that much
pressure. Therefore, the air line will include a regulator that you set to match
the pressure requirements of the tool you're using. A gauge before the regulator
monitors tank pressure and a gauge after the regulator monitors air-line
pressure. In addition, the tank has a safety valve that opens if the pressure
switch malfunctions. The pressure switch may also incorporate an unloader valve
that reduces tank pressure when the compressor is turned off.
articulated-piston compressors are oil lubricated. That is, they have an oil
bath that splash-lubricates the bearings and cylinder walls as the crank
rotates. The pistons have rings that help keep the compressed air on top of the
piston and keep the lubricating oil away from the air. Rings, though, are not
completely effective, so some oil will enter the compressed air in aerosol form.
Having oil in the air isn't necessarily a problem. Many air tools
require oiling, and inline oilers are often added to increase a uniform supply
to the tool. On the down side, these models require regular oil checks, periodic
oil changes and they must be operated on a level surface. Most of all, there are
some tools and situations that require oilfree air. Spray painting with oil in
the airstream will cause finish problems. And many new woodworking air tools
such as nailers and sanders are designed to be oilfree so there's no chance of
fouling wood surfaces with oil. While solutions to the airborne oil problem
include using an oil separator or filter in the air line, a better idea is to
use an oilfree compressor that uses permanently lubricated bearings in place of
the oil bath.
A variation on the automotive-type piston compressor is a
model that uses a one-piece piston/connecting rod. Because there is no wrist
pin, the piston leans from side to side as the eccentric journal on the shaft
moves it up and down. A seal around the piston maintains contact with the
cylinder walls and prevents air leakage.
Where air requirements are
modest, a diaphragm compressor can be effective. In this design, a membrane
between the piston and the compression chamber seals off the air and prevents
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