♠ precedent n. an action that is seen as an example to be followed in a similar situation later 선례
♠ rigidify v. to make it very strict and difficult to change 단단하게 하다
♠ spearhead v. to begin an activity or lead an attack against sb/sth 선두에 서다
♠ awash a. having sth in large quantities ~로 꽉찬
♠ synonymous a. having the same, or nearly the same, meaning 같은 뜻의
♠ standoff n. a situation in a dispute in which no agreement can be reached 교착상태
♠ seduction n. the qualities or features of sth that make it seem attractive 유혹,
♠ stagnant a. not developing, growing or changing 정제된
♠ wage peak system 임금피크제
♠ ride out 이겨내다
It's not my thing 이건 제가 좋아하는 것이 아니에요.
He is something 그는 물건이야. 중요한 사람이야.
inexplicable 설명안되는
exploit 개발하다
loophole 헛점
dodge 피하다
penetrate 통과하다
lubricate 매끄럽게 하다
metaphorical 은유적으로
mug 습격
classified 분류된, 기밀의
jeopardize 곤경에 빠뜨리다
distracted guy 정신나간 인간
prototype 원형
evacuate 피난시키다
cloaking device 은폐장치
bar exam 사법시험
behind the bar 수감중인
it's a two-birds-one-stone solution
killing two birds with one stone 일석이조
offspring 자손
spinoff 시리즈물 자회사